Bot Callsigns - Reloaded 1.4.4

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Getting tired of same, repeating bot names? With this mod every bot name feels unique, memorable, and perfectly crafted to remind you who sent you back to the stash.

Nothing could hurt you in post death screen if you're already dead.. Right? How about head-eyes from GIGA_CHAD_69 or IHaveKappaLBozo? Maybe find a dead PMC with a dogtag BSG_FIX_UR_GAME?

This mod adds 5857 unique names into the game for BEAR and USEC individually which would show in your game, dogtags and flea. This mod also includes OG names that come with SPT!

More examples:






Recommend pairing this with my mod [SAIN] Twitch Players. They're designed to work together!

Adding names

You can add your own names you want by simply opening and editing bear_extra_names.json or usec_extra_names.json located at BotCallsings/config. After you've added the names, open config.json and set addExtraNames to true. Good to go!

For editing SCAV names, go to BotCallsigns/config/config.json and set
useCustomScavNames to true. Now you can open scav_names.json at BotCallsings/config and add as much names as you please.

PLEASE NOTE that giving too little of first and last names to SCAVs may result in SCAV bots spawning with names "Savage (Number)" including yourself!

Configuration File

"validateNames" - Can be true (default) or false. Will prevent any bad names from getting in your game and ruining the fun. Will log in SPT console if there's any, and skip them on the go!

"useCustomScavNames" - Can be true or false (default). If set to true, will use scav.json file for SCAV names. validateNames also affects this.

"useBEARCyrillicNames" - Can be true or false (default). If set to true, will use a separate file with BEAR cyrillic names.

"useUSECEnglishNames" - Can be true or false (default). If set to true, will use a separate file with USEC english names.

"addExtraNames" - Can be true or false (default). If set to true, will add your names you added into usec/bear extra names files located in a config folder. (Look up "Adding Names" section)

"liveMode" - This option only works with Twitch Players mod installed. Otherwise you don't need to enable it. Can be true or false (default). When enabled, will make a temp file for Twitch Players mod containing all the names of BEAR and USEC. Enable it if you added your own names into the mod and want them to appear on the other mod too.


You can contribute and suggest your names by providing a list in any format at GitHub provided on the mod page or simply DM me on the SPT HUB.




  • Version 1.4.4

    What's New

    - Added junklessLogging option in configuration file. Turned on by default. Will minimize logging to SPT console on server start up.

  • Version 1.4.3

    This update was possible with bushtail and S3NN0M0 help and suggestions! Thanks a lot!
    - Added more names related to EFT streaming - S3NN0M0

    - Added addExtraNames option which would prevent every mod update from overwriting your own names you've added. The usec/bear_extra_names files will be located at /config once you have ran the SPT server once and stay with you throughout updates. Now you're safe! - bushtail

  • Version 1.4.2

    Thanks to paincoast88 for making this update possible!

    What's new

    - Added Cyrillic BEAR and English USEC names. They're separated from usual ones, if you wanna use them, enable useBEARCyrillicNames or useUSECEnglishNames in the config file!
    - Again,
    more, and even more names. This time resulting in whopping 5857 names!

    - Some logging changes for Live Mode

  • Version 1.4.1

    - Possibly fixed prefix names showing up. This might've been caused by names that exceeded SPT char limit for names.

  • Version 1.4.0

    🎄 Happy Upcoming New Year Update! 🎄

    What's new

    - More names. As always!
    - logInvalidNames was renamed into
    validateNames and is turned on by default. Will prevent bad names affecting your game!
    - Updated pattern that validates names, now it should be more accurate
    - More water-proof and sanity checks for Live Mode. If it was mistakenly enabled on this mod, it will get rid of flag file every time it gets file ready to use, will write scary red text in your console as a reminder to turn that off!
    - Improved logging

    That's all for now ladies and gentleman, shoot, pwn and enjoy your snowy Tarkov raids! <3🎄

  • Version 1.3.2

    What's new

    - Cleaned files from duplicate names. Now they won't appear. Ever.
    - Improved logging

    - Added ~350 names and split them so now both USEC and BEAR names count even, resulting in total of 4147 unique names!

    Much love, SPT Community! <3

  • Version 1.3.1

    Technical update

    - Supporting compatibility requirements for Twitch Players mod.

  • Version 1.3.0

    What's new
    - Added support for Twitch Players mod
    - Added a biit more names
    - Now config file has logInvalidNames feature - Will print in the console skipped names if you screwed up some. The mod will not use them!
    - Some small tweaks and code optimization on how it loads the names files

  • Version 1.2


    This is turned off by default since there are no pre-set custom names - if you're feeling like giving SCAVs any names you'd like, go to BotCallsigns/config/config.json and set useCustomScavNames to true. Now you can open scav.json at BotCallsings/names and add as much names as you please.

    PLEASE NOTE that giving too little of first and last names to SCAVs may result in SCAV bots spawning with names "Savage (Number)" including you.

  • Version 1.1.4

    This update includes folder changes - It is not necessary to remove the mod completely in order to update, nothing will break.

    Added ~1246 more names in total for both sides
    Renamed 'cfg' folder to 'names' containing the.. names.
    Cleaned up both files from duplicates containing ~160 names. This will make names less repeating i.e while looking at the flea offers.

  • i got killed by a guy called "mydikhurt" lol

    Happy 1
  • what are the chances of this mod scrambling existing names on a dedicated fika hosted server?

    because i just got shot by my session host named dedicated_host which i guess isnt in the normal name pool and that name shouldnt be an entity on the map at all. :<

    i noticed this before in raidreview that the names dont match the dots but i didnt think much of it.noticing how i was now killed by a name it shouldnt be possible to be killed by i think it might be this mod though ^^

    • Did you ensure the name isn't present in the mod files? If not, then I'd like to clarify something - this mod works with database of bot names simply adding their own from file, I have no idea how this would mess up something, but if this mod gets interfered with another one that also adds names, I'd assume something like this could potentially happen. One last question - Besides that, all names were displayed correctly?

    • its hard to say because it becomes only really appearent when there are bosses on the map (or well when i got killed by my non-playing host name) and raid review shows the wrong dots when hovering over their names. what i can tell you though is that "dedicated_host" is not a name in the callsign files ^^

      i dont really use other mods that add names. besides maybe sain or looting bots? idk if they do.

      will report back if i notice the problem ongoing while im running without this mod for now.

    • sooooooo turns out it wasnt this mod. the raid review wrong highlight on hover still happens and i actually saw in my dedicated host console some line along "person xy blabla, name added to the pool"

      appearently the game adds names used by "players" to the pool too. i havent yet looked if thats some config setting i can turn off but it does happen. meaning your mod is back on the table, which makes me quiet happy. ^^

      Heart 1
    • I have no idea how my mods work with dedicated clients or fika as I can't really test that myself, but I'm glad you figured it out!

  • I haven't been able to make it work with the names I add. How do I go about changing the names to add my own? I tried replacing the names in the files while keeping the quotes and commas and that hasn't worked. Please help. I can upload my files to see if I messed them up in some way.

    Heart 1
  • Oh come on… were you forced to change the homepage/mod info screen name examples? I remember you jokingly provided more funny username examples

    Also, I love this mod, amazing work! And thank you :)

    Heart 1
  • Woohoo!!! Thanks for the new scav name update. Time to work on that list.

    Heart 1
  • World best mod
    I updated SPT from 3.9.X because of this.

    Heart 1
  • This is the mod I've always wanted. I plan on taking the bear and USEC lists and creating my own list of names based on my 80s fascination. I'm making the USEC list the names of all the good guys of the TV shows and movies I watched and the Bears list will be the bad guys of those shows and movies. This will be awesome.

    Is there a way to change scav names too? Would be fun to do a list of robot names for them.

    Heart 1
    • Thanks for the suggestion! I will take that into account. Stay tuned!

      p.s you can now add your SCAV names too

  • FUUUUUCK I wish I could have this for 3.9. Will download when 3.10 is meta. 10/10 as a non-user.

    Heart 1
  • One question: Is this mod added, not replace the org name? If so that will be great!

    • Unfortunately as for now it only replaces all of the original names and addings its own. I will fix that in the next update. Thanks for the question :)

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Feel free to get the new version, now it contains OG names from SPT!

      Heart 1