LiberWeight 1.0.0

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Overweight problems making you lethargic and slow? PMC mates at the Factory calling you, "fat"? Then liberate yourself from your in-raid loot-hoarding woes with the "LiberWeight" mod!


This mod performs a simple alteration to edit the weight value, should it exist, for ALL items contained in the "items.json" database configuration file.

This mod is intended for SPT players who, like me, enjoy the game mechanics of world exploration and loot hoarding as much as they derive satisfaction from intense combat.

If you currently use mods to adjust your backpack capacity and your item stack limits, the "LiberWeight" mod is a sound additional companion to have in your mod collection to help you "liberate" your item weight burdens so that you can hoard a veritable shit-ton of loot during any raid and bring it all back in one shot.

Now, you can jam numerous amounts of weapons and gear from the bot-littered battlefield into your 72-row daypack and continue the fight with little-to-zero movement restrictions depending upon what numeric value at which you set the weight adjustment factor in the "config.json" file.

One of the really nice aspects of this mod is that it adjusts all item weights while maintaining the original item-to-item weight ratio, as intended by BSG -- meaning that no matter what you choose for the weight adjustment factor, ALL items will maintain their weight ratio as compared to all other items in the "items.json" file.

Example (weights here are not accurate, just a proof of concept):

Let's say that originally, the tank battery weighs 15 lbs and the Desert Eagle pistol weighs 5 lbs. This means that the Desert Eagle is 33% of the tank battery's total weight - and conversely - the tank battery's weight is 300% more than the total weight of the Desert Eagle.

You run the "LiberWeight" mod with a weight adjustment factor of "0.3"; meaning that you intend to reduce ALL item weights by 30% of their original weight.

After the "LiberWeight" mod successfully loads, the tank battery now weighs 10.5 lbs and the Desert Eagle now weighs 3.5 lbs (for a total reduction of 6 lbs on both items). Yet, the comparative weight ratios between the tank battery and the Desert Eagle still remain the same:

---=[ OLD WEIGHTS ]=---

5 (DE) ÷ 15 (TB) = 0.33333 (33%)

15 (TB) ÷ 5 (DE) = 3.0 (300%)

---=[ NEW WEIGHTS ]=---

3.5 (DE) ÷ 10.5 (TB) = 0.33333 (33%)

10.5 (TB) ÷ 3.5 (DE) = 3.0 (300%)

Even with the new weight adjustment, the Desert Eagle still weighs 33% of the total weight of the tank battery, just like it did originally. This outcome, at least, maintains comparative weight ratios across all items.

Drop the "LiberWeight" mod into your user/mods folder; then edit the "WeightAdjustmentFactor" value contained in the "config.json" file to your personal preference.

Default value is "0.5", or a 50% reduction.

Since this mod adjusts the weight of ALL items in the "items.json" file, you should have no surprise when your character's total load-out weight changes accordingly.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the item weight totals after "LiberWeight" loads, simply exit out of SPT, edit the "config.json" file by increasing, or decreasing the "WeightAdjustmentFactor" value further, then restart SPT to validate your changes.

Don't really like what "LiberWeight" does? No problem : simply remove it from your user/mods folder and restart your local SPT server. Your "items.json" file should load untouched in its original state.

Have fun everyone.


  • Waiting for the other mod that can allow me to make bullets and medicine weightless.

    Thank you for this mod!

    • I have some PTO coming up over the Christmas break and will likely start coding it out during that time... so... stay tuned.

      Heart 1
  • hello, can i just edit weight of bullets? only bullets, the other things same as vanilla..

    • No - not with this particular version of the mod.

      This version will change ALL items listed in the "items.json" file database, as multiplied by the value that you set in the "config.json" file.

      I have done some reading on how to allow "selective item modification", based on editing weights (or other item parameters) by "item group", or "item type", so I know it can be done. I may consider putting that into a new version of the mod in the future.

    • awesome bro.. thank you

    • Absolutely. Glad you like this mod. I'll try my best to get the new version started during Christmas break.

  • My browser wont let me download the mod. It keeps saying that the download was interrupted for a virus was detected. How do i go about removing that blocker?

    • If you are using virus detection, either as an installed client, or as a plug-in to your browser, you'll need to temporarily disable it - then start the download once again. After the download completes, then reenable your virus protection.

    • Ok i got it thank you!

  • Nice :)

    • Thanks, Watsy !

    • I've also just completed a re-write of the old "Dormitory" mod -- literally starting up a test run right now. But - I need to ask permission from the original author to use it.

    • Whaddya know... the damn thing actually works.

    • Ahh sweet.... Nice work :)