Collector Case (S.H.I.T.) - Revival 1.0.2

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A custom 4x6 case which holds one of Fence's Collector task items.

Revival of Ori, Jehree and DrakiaXYZ


with a lot of code obtained from:


Huge thanks! <3


Do you enjoy collecting unique items from the bosses you defeat? Would you like to keep them safe and organized without taking up valuable space in your Item Case or Stash? If so, then this mod is the perfect solution for you.

Introducing the Boss Hunters Display Case

This sleek display case is perfect for showing off your hard-earned trophies from the most notorious bosses in Tarkov. With its tempered glass panels and reinforced metal frame, it's the perfect way to showcase your collection. Definetally not a cardboard box :rolleyes:


Keep your hard-earned treasures safe and secure with "S.H.I.T.," the ultimate storage solution for any Tarkov collector. This custom-designed stash is specifically created to hold the rare and valuable items required for Fence's "Collector" task, ensuring that your collection is always safe and organized. With custom-fit compartments for each item and a secure locking mechanism, "S.H.I.T." is the perfect way to keep your treasures hidden from prying eyes. It is available for purchase at Therapist L2 and features slots instead of inventory cells. These slots have been filtered to only accept items required for Fence's "Collector" task, making it easier for players to keep their stash organized. Don't let your valuable items go unprotected - invest in "S.H.I.T." today!

My personal feelings:

A while back when I was playing SPT 3.8, I was grateful to have this mod, as it gave me some variety. Now in 3.10 I realized I missed it, so I decided to talk to the creators and they gave me permission to "revive" it for 3.10.

I've done quite a bit of testing and I'd say it works perfectly.

I'm sharing it with you all, enjoy.

Image of the ITEM:

Known Bugs:

  • When you put inside the container the DRD Body Armor, some "spaces" adds to the container... corresponding to armor pieces of that armor. You can see it in the image above. Unfortunately I have been investigating and despite trying several parameters it has been impossible to find the solution. If anyone would like to investigate, please contact me. In any case, it is a minimal bug that does not affect anything.
  • Found a bug using SVM to allow anything to be put in your secure container.

If you encounter any problems or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact me.

If you want to contribute your grain of sand to my work and actively support it, you can help me here!

  • Version 1.0.2

    Hotfix release 1.0.2

    Now you can put inside the container together that two items:

    • Pestily plague mask
    • Kotton beanie

    Merry Christmas to all, and to those people who do not celebrate these specific dates, I wish you a happy day.

  • Version 1.0.1

    Hotfix release 1.0.1

    • Let's to put inside the container the new 3 collector items.
      • Inseq gas pipe wrench
      • Tamatthi kunai knife replica
      • Viibiin sneaker

    Thanks to BraveStarTG and ThisIsName for taking the time to tell me. <3

  • Version 1.0.0

    First release, 1.0.0 for SPT 3.10.X

  • Is it possible to make the box smaller?
    It's not a big deal or anything, I'm just wondering. I remember it used to be back when I played last. Maybe it got bigger for some sort of balance or something? I just think it's weird that it's bigger than a thicc case.
    Not a big deal, just wanted to ask.

    Thanks for bringing it back! ^^ :thumbup:

    Heart 1
    • It's possible!
      Open config.json in config folder, and you will see a ExternalSize.

      Just change the values as you want, but try to respect the ratio, for example, setting:

      "width": 5,

      "height": 3

      It should work.

      Thank you for playing it and enjoying it a lot!

    • Thank you so much! This is great! :)

    • Hmm, well this kinda worked. The box is smaller now, but the image of the box is still the same size. How do I make the image smaller? I looked through the files quickly, but couldn't seem to find anything that looked like resolution.

      For info, I set the size of the box to half, so 3x2.

    • I'm not sure, but you may have to clear the cache from the spt launcher.

    • That was it! Bro, you're a legend!

      Thank you so much for the help man! ^^

      Heart 1
  • I have also run into an issue between this mod and SVM were if you set SVM to allow anything to be put in your secure container it makes is so you can put anything in there at all.

    Thumbs Up 2
    • I'm keeping it in mind to try to fix it, thanks for the warning. :thumbup:

    • If you make sure this loads BEFORE SVM it corrects this issue.

      I use Load Order Editor to easily make changes.

      Thumbs Up 1

    Thinking 1
  • I'm not able to put the Kotton beanie in the case at the same time as the plague mask

    Happy 1
    • Hi cebarks.

      I know, I mentioned it in the known bugs section.

      Don't worry, in the next version I'm working on, it will be fixed.

      Thanks for telling to me anyways.

    • Oops sorry, totally missed that! Thanks for all your effort on this!

      Heart 1
    • Don't worry, I hope you like the new version!

  • this mod breaks my secure container

    I'm using a mod that changes the size of the containers, maybe that's why.

    Thinking 1 Heart 1
    • Hello,

      Maybe if you give me some more information about what mods you use and the configuration, I can fix it.

      Have you tried changing the loading order of the mods?

      EDIT: Tried with SVM to change my Gamma secure container to 5x5 grid and 0 problems.

    • Had the exact same problem. Loading SVM after Collector case solved the problem for me.

      Heart 2
    • Hi caretaker,
      I have tried both ways and it worked in my case.

      Can you tell me what parameters in SVM you have changed? To see if I can replicate it.


    • im using configurable inventories

      Thinking 1
    • Hi UnderdomeRiot, will post sth. tmrw. Whish you all a wonderful X-mas!

      Heart 1
  • Bro thank you for reviving it, i love this mod and always miss it when there is an update

    Heart 1
    • I hope it is never missing from your collection again :saint: .

      I will try to keep it updated with the new versions.

      Don't forget to thank the rest of the creators, they are the best! :love:

      Thanks master-shiff, love that comments! <3

  • Helpful and comically presented. Good job.

    Heart 1
  • I had this issue happen (see image below). Can't add the Plague mask and the Kotton hat at the same time. And the 3 new items on the left cannot be added yet.


    Thumbs Up 1
    • I will upload a new version today so that the three new objects can be inserted inside the case. For the other problem, I hope to be able to focus on it shortly.

  • this mod is S.H.I.T (super helpful, it's terrific!) 😀

    Heart 3
  • Hi! Missing Inseq, new item for collector.

    Heart 1