Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
You have 4 options, from a fixed multiplier to each of the individual parameters that mark the carrying capacity of your character. Just pick one and let yourself be carried to victory.
Starting with version 1.1.0, MODE3, a simple multiplier, is activated by default. This way it is easier for less expert people. Likewise, I recommend modifying the values to personal taste.
1.0.0:This mod needs to be configured, it is not PLUG&PLAY. Please read carefully which option you are interested in, access config/config.json with any text editor and replace false with true in the chosen option. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact me.
- Extremely configurable, with easy options for people who don't want to complicate things, and other complex but powerful options, which allow your game to be how you want it.
- Compatible with FIKA in MODE 3 and MODE 4.
- Select a option to multiply or divide your carrying capacity.
- Based on your Strength, apply a multiplier.
- Based on your PMC Level, apply a multiplier.
- Just a static multiplier.
- Define every single parameter as you want.
- Based on your Strength, apply a multiplier.
The multipliers I propose are oriented to an "easy" mode, if you just want a little more capacity, I recommend putting small numbers, like 0.1 (10%).
Beware of:
Be careful with the values you set, they are multipliers and this means that small changes generate big ones.
I recommend parameters similar to those I propose. Obviously it depends on the difficulty you want to impose on yourself.
However, the changes are not permanent, you can always try and go back without fear.
Just restart the server and you will see a log explaining what final multiplier is applied.
On the other hand, mode 3 and 4 apply to all profiles, and are static, so they are applied as soon as the server is turned on. Mode 1 and 2 depend on each player, and are executed once the SPT client is loaded.
Verbose mode:
Mode 1:
Mode 2:
Configuration definition:
- "VERBOSE_MODE":false, --> If you want to know, in easy way, how its calculated your final multiplier in MODE 1/2, enable this and the log must appear.
- "FIRST_OPTION":false,
- "multiplierPerStrengthLevel":0.50, --> Means, when you reach strength level 40, you will get (40*0,5) 20% more capacity.
- "SECOND_OPTION":false,
- "multiplierPerPMCLevel":0.33, --> Means, when you reach PMC level 40, you will get (40*0,33) 13,2% more capacity.
- "THIRD_OPTION":false,
- "multiplier":1.25, --> Just multiply the default values 25%.
- "FOURTH_OPTION":false,
- "baseOverweightLowerLimits": 21, --> Kilograms to reach Yellow Limit.
- "baseOverweightUpperLimits": 81, --> Kilograms to reach Red Limit.
- "walkOverweightLowerLimits": 42,
- "walkOverweightUpperLimits": 70,
- "walkSpeedOverweightLowerLimits": 34,
- "walkSpeedOverweightUpperLimits": 75,
- "sprintOverweightLowerLimits": 21,
- "sprintOverweightUpperLimits": 58
Known bugs:
In mode 1, when you start a new character, you will see an error saying that the strength variable is not initialized. Don't worry, this is normal because your character has 0 strength points. You will see that the next time you start the server it is applied correctly if you played at least a single raid.
Final words:
If you encounter any problems, please feel free to contact me.
This mod has taken me a lot of work, if you've read this far it's because you appreciate the altruistic work of this community. If it's not too much to ask, a comment, heart or thumbs up is always appreciated.
If you want to contribute your grain of sand to my work and actively support it, you can help me here!
Version 1.1.0
- UnderdomeRiot
Major release 1.1.0
Please, delete the old mod in /user/mods/underdomeriot-ModMyWeight. It's necessary to do a clean install.
- New name, To make it a little clearer that the objective is the carrying capacity of the character and not the character himself.
- New verbose mode. Now you will be able to know each of the calculations for MODE 1 and MODE 2, in a simply way.
- Refactoring of the code, shorter and more powerful.
- Added FIKA support ONLY for MODE 3 and 4.
- Squased a bug when in MODE 1,2 and 3, you close the game without closing the server, your capacity go up and up. Thanks to Snaggy
- By default, mode 3 is active, with a multiplier of 25%. This way there is no need to configure it, and it is optional from now on.
Thanks to all of you who comment, ask questions and take the trouble to tell me about problems or future improvements.
Version 1.0.0
- UnderdomeRiot
First release, 1.0.0 for SPT 3.10.X
If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks!
Hey came by to ask if this mod would be capable of at least get a weight update to happen after every raid? Like the inventory does rather than having to restart server/client every time.
Or like a skill mechanic without messing with the skill itself?
UnderdomeRiot Author
I'm sorry, but it's not possible. It is a server mod and applies to server attributes.
Obviously anything is possible but the development time is too long for something that simply requires restarting the server from time to time.
Maybe if the mod becomes highly downloaded and rated, I could dedicate more time to it in the future.
This MOD is so special. The instructions are super clear and easy to follow! Give the author a thumbs up!
UnderdomeRiot Author
Thank you very much for your comment! It encourages me to continue improving and improving!
Sorry, how do I restart the Server???
Just close it and open it again, make sure your game isn't running while you do this though, haven't f'ed around to test what happens if you do, and frankly I don't want to find out.
UnderdomeRiot Author
As the partner says, simply closing it and opening it.
Thank you friends
Can you set multiple of the config options to "true" or will it cause an issue?
UnderdomeRiot Author
The mod automatically deactivates if it detects two or more activated options. There's no point in actually doing it either.
Cool! thanks for reply!
UnderdomeRiot Author
You're welcome, thank you for asking!
Can i ask why not more than one option?
"There's no point in actually doing it either."
Where's the no point ?
UnderdomeRiot Author
Why do you want to multiply by different values?
Perhaps what you simply need is mode 4, which directly determines the weight you want to be able to carry.
link is empty...
UnderdomeRiot Author
Hi Selyue, are you sure? I can download it and also 20 more users.
Can you check it?
The repo isn't public.
The SPT hub counts downloads by link clicks, not actual file transfers.
*Edit* Now it is
UnderdomeRiot Author
Sorry, you're right, it worked for me because it's obviously my repository hehehehe.
It should work for you now!
sorry! my bad. I can download now. Maybe the github server problem.
UnderdomeRiot Author
It was me, I left the repository private while I uploaded the changes and then I forgot to make it public! You were right, it was my fault. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!