Getting Acquainted Fix 1.0.0

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A fix for an EFT bug that makes "Getting Acquainted" impossible to complete

Made redundant with 3.10.5 pog Go update.

Thanks to BSG "Getting Acquainted" is impossible to complete. This mod fixes that quest (and "Make Amends") by removing the always-triggering fail condition.

  • so with 3.10.5 this quest still bugs out and says failed even tho i didnt even do anything yet and this mod didnt help so what do i do?

  • Hi! Is this fix needed for SPT 3.10.5 ?

    ? 1
  • Can this fix be applied to 3.9.8?

  • This needs to be featured!

  • Thank you!

  • So how exactly to use your fix beside extract it in corresponding mods folder? My getting acquainted still labelled task failed. Complete button still greyed out on mechanic task tab.PYdbO3C

    • I think the original bug still applies if you have already failed Getting Acquainted (prior to downloading this fix). If so, you may have to do the Make Amends questline. You could possibly try manually editing your profile, but that is not recommended and has a high possibility of bricking your profile.

    • If you head over to the support channel on Discord, me or one of the other helpers will be able to fix your profile.

  • What is actually wrong with the task?

    • currently (from my experience) the second you spawn in raid after accepting these quests, you fail them.

    • When you enter a raid, the game checks your standing with the Lightkeeper incorrectly, always returning a value of 0. The quest fails if your standing is equal to or less than 0. So it always fails, regardless of what you do.

    • ...Please tell me I'm misunderstanding and that this bug couldn't be changed by BSG swapping a <= sign with a < sign.

    • As someone with a little bit of coding experience using Unreal Engine 5, I am fairly certain that it is in fact as easy of a fix as it would appear. Don't get me wrong I haven't had the luxury of looking at that god awful code, but it is notoriously god awful for a reason.

    • @MechaPhantasm The issue lies with the logic behind fetching trader standing for this quest. BSG fixed it at some stage, the devs are looking if it's possible to implement it into 3.10.