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The Loot randomizer Mod portet to 3.10.
This mod is only lightly tested. Bugs may occur.
I removed the configoptions "container_size_multiplier" and static_loot:
The container size multiplier is bugged, resulting in an endless loop while starting a raid.
The static_loot option is pointless: Currently the mod only randomizes static loot, so setting this to false disables the mod.
Both options may return, if I can fix the container_size and loose loot generation.
Please confirm bugs without any other mod enabled, before posting.
drop the 'user'-folder inside the zip into your SPT directory (Where the Server and Launcher are)
Version 1.0.2
- Affengeneral
Added new config option: 'exclude_containertype'. Its predefined with two containers:
- Dead Scav with Green Flare at Mira Ave. in Ground Zero
- Dead Scientist in TerraLabsbuilding on Ground Zero (The one with the quest key)
All entries in this option are excluded from randomization.
Version 1.0.1
- Affengeneral
- Added Armor inserts to blacklist (blacklisted parentID)
- Removed "container_size_multiplier" configoption
- Removed "static_loot" configoption
Version 1.0.0
- Affengeneral
Downloaded the mod to try it out. Fresh profile, currently testing other mods. Loose loot does not seem to be randomising, not sure if that is intended.
Edit: Dont know why again but the key issue only seemed to be the first raid, every other raid randomized correctly.
Edit 2: Tested a few mods, If a mod adds items or changes spawn rate of items, the randomizer is barely alive. example, raid overhaul causes items from the mod to spawn 99% of the time.
Edit 3: Complete incompatibility with keys in loot mod. All loot in raid will become keys or nothing.
Edit 4: Mods that modify pre-existing items seem to be fine to use. Example SVM modifying item weight or notsorealistic modifying recoil.
This looks interesting, will try it out whilst I wait for All The Loot (if it ever gets updated)
It's working fine so far there's only 2 things I've noticed that's an issue:
1: it spawns in armor inserts which are unusable and 2: changing the container_size_multiplier crashes the game.
Still thank you for porting this awesome mod to 3.10! I honestly miss it a lot.
Affengeneral Author
I missed the mod too, so I tried modding SPT myself. I hope I can fix the issues and expand this mod further.
1. I added these Armor inserts to the blacklist
2. Does the game actually crash? When testing it, the game hang in an endless "starting game" loop while loading into a raid. (I Alt+F4 after 12min...)
For me when I changed the multiplier it would give an error that says "In response to Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index" and then crash a few seconds later.
You need to rework this mod. On Ground Zero the dead guy at the entrance to Mira Avenue is not giving the flare needed to safetly extract. Also I spotted some container spawing aramid inserts into crates.
I mean he's not supposed to...
Affengeneral Author
I added the armor inserts to the blacklist, they should be gone now.
I look into the dead scav at Mira Ave getting randomized.