Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Acceptable Config Options:
- examineAll + examineAllExeptKeys + ?debugLogging
- examineAll + examineAllExceptCollector + ?debugLogging
- examineAll + examineAllExceptKeysAndCollector + ?debugLogging
- examineAll + ?debugLogging
Enabled: Disables or Enables the mod - Default = True
[SVM Feature] examineAll: Disables or Enables the Examine All feature - Default = true
- If all other options below are disabled, this will examine ALL items
[SVM Feature] examineAllExceptKeys: Disables or Enables the Examine All Except Keys feature - Default = false
- If Enabled examineAllExceptCollector is disabled
[RuKira Tweaks Unique] examineAllExceptCollector: Disables or Enables the Examine All Except Collector Items feature - Default = false
[RuKira Tweaks Unique] examineAllExceptKeysAndCollector: Disables or Enables the Examine All Except Keys & Collector Items feature - Default = true
- If enabled examineAllExceptColletor is disabled
- if enabled examineAllExceptKeys is disabled
debugLogging: Disables or Enables the Verbose Logging - Default = False
For now this mod just makes it so you examine everything off start.
Planned Features
I don't know? Suggest something.
Shameless Plug
[MOD] SPT-AllInOne - Trader/Quest/Presets Creation Tool
[MOD] Gunsmith Tweaks - Changes to the Gunsmith Task line; making Mechanic actually give guns, and maybe parts.
[MOD] Cultist Tweaks - Changes to the cultist circle; allowing for custom crafts, timer adjustments, and more
[MOD] Event Tweaks - Changes to events that allow you to enable or disable certain events in-game while also remaking lost in time event quest
I legit made this mod for a single person, but as people suggest things, I will add them here.
- Examine All = "JussAren"
- Examine All Except (Keys) And (Collector) = "Kiki"
Other Mods
SVM Does everything this mod does currently, just without the bloat of well everything - If you have SVM don't use this.
Version 1.0.1
- RuKira
VirusTotal Link:…f83f23b987f0023a8f8428146
Version 1.0.0
- RuKira
VirusTotal Link:…83e4ebd3505b0d0238c87a6b1
Nice tweak