RuKira Tweaks 1.0.1

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A mod... that just examines everything. (for now)



Acceptable Config Options:

  • examineAll + examineAllExeptKeys + ?debugLogging
  • examineAll + examineAllExceptCollector + ?debugLogging
  • examineAll + examineAllExceptKeysAndCollector + ?debugLogging
  • examineAll + ?debugLogging

Enabled: Disables or Enables the mod - Default = True

[SVM Feature] examineAll: Disables or Enables the Examine All feature - Default = true

  • If all other options below are disabled, this will examine ALL items

[SVM Feature] examineAllExceptKeys: Disables or Enables the Examine All Except Keys feature - Default = false

  • If Enabled examineAllExceptCollector is disabled

[RuKira Tweaks Unique] examineAllExceptCollector: Disables or Enables the Examine All Except Collector Items feature - Default = false

[RuKira Tweaks Unique] examineAllExceptKeysAndCollector: Disables or Enables the Examine All Except Keys & Collector Items feature - Default = true

  • If enabled examineAllExceptColletor is disabled
  • if enabled examineAllExceptKeys is disabled

debugLogging: Disables or Enables the Verbose Logging - Default = False


For now this mod just makes it so you examine everything off start.

Planned Features

I don't know? Suggest something.

Shameless Plug

[MOD] SPT-AllInOne - Trader/Quest/Presets Creation Tool

[MOD] Gunsmith Tweaks - Changes to the Gunsmith Task line; making Mechanic actually give guns, and maybe parts.

[MOD] Cultist Tweaks - Changes to the cultist circle; allowing for custom crafts, timer adjustments, and more

[MOD] Event Tweaks - Changes to events that allow you to enable or disable certain events in-game while also remaking lost in time event quest


I legit made this mod for a single person, but as people suggest things, I will add them here.

  • Examine All = "JussAren"
  • Examine All Except (Keys) And (Collector) = "Kiki"

Other Mods

SVM Does everything this mod does currently, just without the bloat of well everything - If you have SVM don't use this.