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If you want to unlock only the Kindergarten customization you can find it here.
Special thanks to Saryn!
Version 1.1.1
- desze
Version 1.1.0
- desze
Version 1.0.0
- desze
How do you change the hideout floors ect? Sorry new to this feature
desze Author
Inside your hideout there's a button with a brush icon on the left UI, just click it and it'll open the customization menu
Has anyone figured out what happens when you use this and unlock a costumization for the hideout?
desze Author
Just tested it and nothing happens, it doesn't break anything
Will this work with 3.10? I have a tendency to skip small update iterations of SPTI'm dumb, I just read the patch notes and 3.11 is the entire new version
Thank you, I haven't laughed this hard in awhile because
I almost asked the same thingaperolibear
thanks! I was hoping someone would make a mod like this!