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All the food/drink items are changed. Better and Handy.


Not Fully Tested.. Please add issues in the comment section..

UPDATED the External Link LATEST Version v3.10.0..
Updated the mod to v3.10

*All the food/drink items are changed*

*installation* copy the "user" folder into your "SPT Root folder"

Updated items:

Original Default values can be found in original.json

  • All food and drink items found in the wiki "Tarkov Wiki Foods and Drinks".
  • Increased energy and decreased hydration penalty for all the items.
  • Animation time is not changed.
  • Each items properties can be modified individually in the config.json file.
  • Everything is configurable. Please refer the config files inside config folder. If you need clarification reach me in the comment section.
  • Added maxResource for Provision items. Items can be used multiple times. Configuration added.

  • Version 3.10.3

    Bug fix

    - Fixed the issue with Pack of Tarker dried meat, Pack of instant noodles and Salty Dog beef sausage

  • Version 3.10.2

    Added maxResource for Provision items. Items can be used multiple times. Configuration added.

  • Version 3.10.1


    • Fixed the issue where Hydration and Energy buff was not applied in some cases.
  • Version 3.10.0

    Updated to the SPT Version 3.10.0

  • Version 3.2.0

    Updated for SPT-AKI 3.2.*

    Please report back if you get any issues with this release!

    Feel free to provide feedback/suggestions as well, but do note that I ( aleves ) will most likely only focus on maintaining DeadW0lf's mods while they're on hiatus.

    May or may not work with 3.4.0 and up, use at your own risk!

    I ( aleves) apologize for any inconveniences.
    This might be my last release of this mod, unless I manage to fix it somehow in the future.

  • Version 3.1.0

    Updated for SPT-AKI 3.1.*

    Some stuff has been changed, e.g. configs are now structured differently.

    Please report back if you get any issues with this release!

    Feel free to provide feedback/suggestions as well, but do note that I ( aleves ) will most likely only focus on maintaining DeadW0lf's mods while they're on hiatus.

  • Version 3.0.0

    Thanks to aleves for upgrading the mod to v3.0.0

  • Version 1.1.1

    Experimental version Upgrade.

    Not fully tested.

  • Version 1.0.0

  • There seems to be an issue with "Salty Dog beef sausage", "Pack of Tarker dried meat" and "Pack of Instant noodles". After installing this mod, these items seem to glitch out. When inspecting them, they can not be used/eaten and the text in the top left states, "Blablabla" and the header of the window is something like "Examine {0}". After opening the inspect window it will not close again, and I have to use alt+F4 to quit and restart.

    I have attempted to shift this mod around in my load order, without seeing any difference no matter where I put it.
    After uninstalling the mod, the items go back to being inspectable and useable again.

    I do have a lot of mods installed, but this should be the only one that really does anything to these items or other food items. I have Unknown Survivor installed, but I believe that is only a trader that sells food items, so I don't see how it would be conflicting, but I'm no modder so I really can't be sure.

    • Just wanted to follow up and say I managed to fix my issue by adding the items to the config.json.

      Here's the code that I added if anyone else is having the same issue,

      I have no idea what to set for values so I just went off the wiki and touched it up a little.

      glhf :)

    • Hi.. Sorry for the inconvenience. I could not reply sooner.
      I have just checked these config are missing from my mod configuration. May be these items are currupted after installing my mod. I will fix this in my next release.

      Heart 1
    • No worries friend! :)
      That sounds great! I'll be looking forward to it!

      Heart 1
  • Updated to the SPT Version 3.10.0

    • There was a bug in 3.10.0. Fixed it in 3.10.1 version

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Everytime I use this mod I run into an error:

    DeadW0lf-UsefulFoodsAndDrinks - Attention!

    'config.json' and 'original.json' missmatch, please remove './config/config.json' and restart

    Any idea on what to do? Deleting the config just makes it reappear when I start the server up again.

    • are you able to start the game or this error crashes the server ?

    • It doesn't crash the server or stop me from playing. The error appears every time I start a server even after removing the config it requested me to remove, and somehow re-generates the config.

    • Yeah, there's new items if I had to guess. Nothing to worry about, it's there if the user messed something up themselves. As long as the game works as it should then you don't have to do anything.

      I might look into this at some point though, but no ETA atm

  • If anyone wants to use this mod, it's not stated anywhere but I can confirmed it works with 3.5.0

    Just tested on a fresh install, doesn't cause any error :)

  • The label says its for SPT-AKI 3.4.1 but the last update was for 3.2.* so i just want to make sure if this is really working for 3.4.1 :D

  • Getting this error with the mod. Any ideas?

    Crying 1
    • same here

    • same

    • I too get errors when I launch the server.exe. Although on the mod header it states it works with 3.4.1, but I dont think it does. I disabled them for now since I didn't want to load my save and risk something going bad. Please let me know if anyone trys it.

  • If you get this message while starting the server,

    Error: Cannot find module '../../../../node_modules/tsyringe'

    then please try the following,
    remove/rename this folder, "X:\ \SPT-folder\user\cache", and try again.

    Feel free to report back if this doesn't help though!

  • Cannot load in 3.2.4

    • Yeah, it can happen if you've upgraded to 3.2.4 from an older version and overwritten the old files.

      Please remove/rename this folder and try again,

      "X:\ \SPT-folder\user\cache"

      Cheers! <3

    • I see, thank you!

      __and now 3.2.5 is out :sigh

  • Adding new stuff to DeadW0Lf mods won't be a priority of mine as I'm focusing on keeping their mods alive till they might come back someday and take control over the reins again.

    That said, I'm still going to take suggestions in consideration whether I'm willing to fulfill those or not. It will all depend on my mood/motivation/time.

    Cheers! <3

    Like 3
  • Update please?

  • update to 2.0.0 pls

    • seems to work fine for me using 2.0.1 :thumbup::thumbup:

    • Sorry for late response. I was busy for a while. Will test and upgrade the version if required. I think it should be fine for 2.0.0

    • Hey DeadW0Lf could we please get an update to work with 2.1.2 please? I love your mod and I miss it terribly ;(