Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Should now contain all 12.11 content. Let me know if i'm missing any guns
WHAT DOES THIS MOD ADD? Things like this:
You'll find a new items at the bottom of their respective lists in flea market. They can be searched by name, or you will find them in the correct catagory on the left.
Armor, Helmet, Backpack, Rig, Magazine, Medical (injector).
The mags will fit in the appropriate guns for their caliber and use standard ammo. They also appear in a "linked search" for the gun.
I've tryed to make this "balanced" in the sense that the things are kinda spendy
Color coded ammo based on pen/flesh damage values
red = Flesh damage ammo for caliber.
blue = Penetration ammo for caliber.
violet = Hybrid of pen and flesh damage. Will pen atleast tier 3 armor no problem. Considered ok for anything other than killa and raiders.
yellow = Not the best in any category, but hey, some ammo is better than no ammo, right?
Bear in mind, just because something is colored does not mean I think its a good round to use. It just means that if you insist on using that caliber, then the best options for that caliber so colored.
The mags are like this:
1000ns : 1000 round with no extra stats
250e : 250 round with perfect ergo
500er : 500 round with perfect ergo and half perfect recoil
1000p : 1000 round with perfect stats
Version 211.1.0
- AssAssIn#1193
updated for aki 2.1.1. should also now contain all 12.11 guns/ammo. let me know if not!
- AssAssIn#1193
moved heal over time to stim as it interfered with the fracture healing.
- AssAssIn#1193
added rest of containers to config section
added a heal over time back to the apollosPropital
- AssAssIn#1193
so much rewriting! but its up to date for EFT
also added mags for new guns and removed outdated mags
The download like still doesn't work. Any chance this can be remedied?
The download link didn't work anymore,
AssAssIn#1193 the whole world is patiently waiting 4 the 2.2.0 Olympus asskicking Mod ( One of my top 3 ) update... anyway BIG THX and wish a nice weekend !!!!
Unable to download this mod as the link appears to be broken and comes up "Failed to download shared file" when clicking the link after agreeing to terms.
Great job with this mod, waiting for the new update 2.2.0. Thanks!
did somebody know if it works with 2.1.2 ???? Love this mod
is there a way to disable the mags? The game is constantly getting overwhelmed and hogging memory because this adds so many damn items to the flea market. I really just want the armor.
Great mod btw. It still works, but I'm constantly having to restart the server.
I'm not asking you to rewrite the thing or anything like that, my knowledge of js is basically nonexistent, so I was just wondering if there's something I could change myself to keep it from adding thousands more orders to the flea market.
Also, with fins ai tweaks, it loads everyone down with the super mags. So while this is hilarious, I don't really like it.
EDIT - If anyone wants to use this great mod with fins ai tweaks, but doesn't want the ai to have the mod items, disable mod weapons in fins ai config before you load the server. If you already built the fins ai bot inventory files, delete the files in the 'bot inventory' directory in fins ai, then make sure you have modded weapons disabled in the config. The server should then rebuild the ai inventories without adding the god gear to the ai.
It's hilarious to have ai with bottomless laser guns that give you 10mil rubles worth of mags when you kill them, but it kinda kills the game a bit.
EDIT2: Nevermind, this doesn't actually work. I'm kinda at a loss. Just gonna have to turn this off for now.
EDIT3: Here's a pastebin with what you should replace the "botsWillNotSpawnWithTheseThings" with in the fins ai config;
getting aki's configurator mod, and adding the mag id's to the flea market blacklist in said mod, will keep the mags from being added to the flea market.
first of all thanks alot
second, is it just me or are your items REALLY expensive ?
and, if so, could you put an option into your config, to make them cheaper ?
I am using KMC´s Server Values, do they mess with your prices ?
I keep having issues where I purchase the items from your mod and it give me the continuous spinning wheel then an error that takes me back to the main menu. I also noticed that the injectors won't allow me to use them.
Hi! I just discovered your this awesome mod and wanted to thank you for your work!
I have found weapons where the magazines are the wrong model and clips through them, the Vepr Hunter, the SKS variants, the Beretta M9A3 and the P226.
The P226 and SKS variants is especially bad to look at with the magazine in as it is not in the right position, and on the Vepr Hunter the magazine sticks up through the gun and comes up out of the top.
I don't know if this was intentional design choice on your part or not, as it can be clearly seen that the magazines don't match the weapons.
Are you planning to fix them or will you just leave them as is?
If you don't want to fix them, could you please tell me how to set the magazine model myself?
There are weapons where the magazines don't match the position they should be in and i am not shy of fixing things to my own liking, i just don't know how to set the magazine models myself.
AssAssIn#1193 Author
thanks for the list! i thought i had checked most of the guns, but ... well, there are many. i will work on fixing all the ones you mentioned. if there are anymore, let me know!
Hi, could you update this great mod to work on AKI 2.1.0. I love this mod, especially the injectors. Thanks!
AssAssIn#1193 Author
just updated for 2.1.1
Thanks Bro!!!
one ammo type dosnt work for the 5.56x45mm and that is the ssa ap i dont know why because it works with the rest still looking for more bugs/problems
AssAssIn#1193 Author
just updated for 2.1.1. also added the SSA AP ammo to the nato mags.
let me know if you find any other 0.12.11 guns/ammo missing
hello, i am having a problem installing the mod, when i download the zip, it has all of the raw files instead of them being put in a grouped folder.
nevermind, fixed it
Awesome mod, i have a question , is it normal bot also equip with zeus ammo and magazine?
thank you
AssAssIn#1193 Author
there is no zues ammo, only mags. and yes, as of 12.11, bots can windup with olympus mags... not sure why, something in how they spawn... havent seen one with any other olympus gear yet though....
Owhh , thanks for the reply man, yeah you're right, there's no zeus ammo ,but the bot equipped with high end ammo (ap round etc)
and i died a lot due to bot accuracy. it's fun , but i am
. I am using bigbang, mod and zeus mag filled with chunky monkey round or other high end round , wrecked me too much.
Thank you for the mod tho,
Love this mod! But what's the deal with the rig? Does it have some stats that aren't stated in the desc?
Edit: Also is their a way to change the value of some stim stats? Thanks!
AssAssIn#1193 Author
its.... **-5000KG**
update please
AssAssIn#1193 Author
still works fine in 2.0.1.
i will be adding mags for the new weapons... sometime
Any plan updating ?
AssAssIn#1193 Author
still works fine in 2.0.1.
i will be adding mags for the new weapons... sometime
i keep on getting this error
[ERROR] Trace:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'user/mods/AssAssIn-Olympus-'
at Object.openSync (fs.js:476:3)
at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:377:35)
at Object.readFileSync (C:\EFT SP\Server.exe:239:55)
at Function.readFile (C:\EFT SP\obj\bundle.js:53325:15)
at Object.<anonymous> (C:\EFT SP\user\mods\ (Unzipped Files)\src\Olympus.js:11:37)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1063:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1092:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:928:32)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:769:14)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:952:19) {
errno: -4058,
Does anyone know a fix?
I also receive this error
Hey I am getting an error. Any Idea what to do?
[ERROR] Trace:
ReferenceError: common_f is not defined
at new ATL_RAC (D:\SP Tarkov\EFT\user\mods\atlas_gear\src\ATL_RAC.js:6:3)
at Object.<anonymous> (D:\SP Tarkov\EFT\user\mods\atlas_gear\package.js:12:22)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1063:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1092:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:928:32)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:769:14)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:952:19)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:88:18)
at o (D:\SP Tarkov\EFT\obj\bundle.js:1:125)
at D:\SP Tarkov\EFT\obj\bundle.js:1:316
Great job! But i have a question: Is it possible to leave only stims, and remove the rest GODlike gear and mags? Thats because im using AI Tweaks and almost every bot have ultimate mags!
AssAssIn#1193 Author
they cannot spawn with custom equipment....
Thanks for the reply! But, with Fin's AI Tweaks they spawn with these GODlike mags, and only mags, no other GODlike gear spawn on them! I wonder how i could disable mags from the mod. Could you give me idea how to do this?
well, same case with my post on 2 August..
and yes, fin AI indeed causing mag to spawn on the AI, also not sure why
I think I found the solution, find the allAI section in the config.json of FinAI tweaks, there find botsWillNotSpawnWithTheseThings attribute and add the list of IDs of the items from this mod.
List included below, it's my workaround but it has a high chance of working
I've also run into an issue where I only receive 1 health after using Apollo CMS. Once the blacked out limb is regened it only gains a single health tick which makes it black out instantly upon doing just about anything. Not sure what is causing this issue.
Great mod but I wouldn't recommend using it with FIN's AI mod. It gives over 2000 bullets to bots making them unable to move. Would be perfect if there were config to adjust bullet capacity for each magazine.
Could you add a config. add all item to default merchant. Sometimes. item didn't spawn in market or it is out dated
AssAssIn#1193 Author
use a mod to increase the number of offers grabbed from live market. im not using a custom trader as that would not allow you to do a 'linked search' for the magazine
Could you suggest a mod to increase the number of offers grabbed?
among sus
hey man i love this mod. i was looking through addmagstoguns.js and found that you had the mk47 in there and i was wondering if there was a way to add the mp-155? i tried just copying the format you used for the other shotguns by putting "case "606dae0ab0e443224b421bb7": //mp-155" in there as a new line. idk how to really do this stuff and i was just kinda messing around but if theres a way let me know
AssAssIn#1193 Author
the 155 was not added until 12.11. while there is a mod out to add it in, im not going to add all the custom guns from all the mods out there. i suppose i could make a 'universal' mag, but it would cause graphical problems. once 12.11 aki is actually out, i will add the 155 and other guns to the list of available magazines
interesting mod
Do I have to make a folder for this mod? When I unpack the mod, it's just all the individual files inside.
AssAssIn#1193 Author
extract it to a folder named as the mod is.
Thank you very much. Pretty cool as well.
is there a way so that the bot didn't use the same mag in this mod?
AssAssIn#1193 Author
the bots cannot use the mags in this mod. the mags are not in the bot loadouts....
Hey bro! Looks good and all except it is giving an error and does not work. I have 1.5.1 for AKI and for EFT.
[ERROR] Trace:
TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
at Function.generateTraderOffers (E:\SP Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:52467:58)
at Function.update (E:\SP Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:52427:23)
at Function.load (E:\SP Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:52374:19)
at Object.load [as aki-ragfair] (E:\SP Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:43855:19)
at Function.load (E:\SP Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:52921:27)
at Function.main (E:\SP Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:42371:9)
at Object.161../Lib.js (E:\SP Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:42376:9)
at o (E:\SP Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:1:265)
at E:\SP Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:1:316
at Object.245.../Program.js (E:\SP Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:51758:1)
AssAssIn#1193 Author
this is likely caused by having the 'all offers' set to true in eresh's aio mod
I have the same version and such and there is no issue for me
All offers should be in eresh configurator files not AIO if I recall correctly tho!. Funny mod to use. feels good to be an immovable tank ahah
AssAssIn, thanks! It worked now!