AssetStudio 0.16.47

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This is a tool that let you naviguate through unity assetbundles files and their content

AssetStudio is a tool for exploring, extracting and exporting assets and assetbundles.


How to install ?

1. Create a folder anywhere except in user/mods folder

2. Extract the content of the ZIP into the created folder

3. Start AssetStudioGUI.exe

AssetStudio is a tool for exploring, extracting and exporting assets and assetbundles.


  • Support version:
    • 3.4 - 2022.1
  • Support asset types:
    • Texture2D : convert to png, tga, jpeg, bmp
    • Sprite : crop Texture2D to png, tga, jpeg, bmp
    • AudioClip : mp3, ogg, wav, m4a, fsb. support convert FSB file to WAV(PCM)
    • Font : ttf, otf
    • Mesh : obj
    • TextAsset
    • Shader
    • MovieTexture
    • VideoClip
    • MonoBehaviour : json
    • Animator : export to FBX file with bound AnimationClip


Load Assets/AssetBundles

Use File-Load file or File-Load folder.

When AssetStudio loads AssetBundles, it decompresses and reads it directly in memory, which may cause a large amount of memory to be used. You can use File-Extract file or File-Extract folder to extract AssetBundles to another folder, and then read.

Extract/Decompress AssetBundles

Use File-Extract file or File-Extract folder.

Export Assets

use Export menu.

Export Model

Export model from "Scene Hierarchy" using the Model menu.

Export Animator from "Asset List" using the Export menu.

With AnimationClip

Select model from "Scene Hierarchy" then select the AnimationClip from "Asset List", using Model-Export selected objects with AnimationClip to export.

Export Animator will export bound AnimationClip or use Ctrl to select Animator and AnimationClip from "Asset List", using Export-Export Animator with selected AnimationClip to export.

Export MonoBehaviour

When you select an asset of the MonoBehaviour type for the first time, AssetStudio will ask you the directory where the assembly is located, please select the directory where the assembly is located, such as the Managed folder.

For Il2Cpp

First, use my another program Il2CppDumper to generate dummy dll, then when using AssetStudio to select the assembly directory, select the dummy dll folder.

  • Hello, I wanted to know how to see \BepInEx\plugins CWX-WeatherPatcher.dll this dll file or do I need a program?

  • Great,

    Thank you so much


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