Server Value Modifier [SVM] 1.8.1

"This should be in AKI by Default" kind of mod. Standalone extensive All-In-One Server mod that comes with User Interface with more than 666+ fields to tinker.

  • Version 1.8.1

    SVM 1.8.1 FOR AKI 3.8.0
    This one is a hell of a ride as well with 'happy accidents'
    Additional limiters to 'Inventory and items', 'Hideout' and 'Traders' - Should avoid people setting values too high so they won't stuck in server loading.
    Keys section got a new field, 'Keys Usage threshold'.
    Section enablers are more visually clearer and functional.

    Removed unused elements in the class

    'Remove FIR requirements for quests' field

    'All containers' field

    'Killa' was missing in Bots section.

    Regeneration values minimum values were changed from 0.01 to 0.

  • Version 1.8.0H4

    SVM 1.8.0 For SPT-AKI 3.8.0
    [H1 02.04 4:37 GMT-0][H2 02.04. 22:15 GMT-0]
    [H3 03.04 22:05 GMT-0]
    [H4 04.04. 1:51 GMT-0]

    [H4 Reupload 04.04. 3:07 GMT-0] Forgot to include newer .ex

    Since the website is fully functional, it's time to list all the changes.
    F.A.Q Section.
    Inventory and items - Flare pistol into special slots

    Hideout section - Stash size
    Traders - Quest assort, Removal of barter and currency assorts, Trader assort price multiplier.
    Loot > Airdrop - got a field to adjust amount of gear (armors, rigs)
    Raid Settings - Add a level restrictions to Ground Zero(Yes, you read it right, AKI doesn't have a restriction for it by default) Snow, disable current events.
    Case Space Manager - Waist Pouch and Dev case.
    CSM> Custom Pockets -'Hide Special Icon' Plugin - allows to disable the visibility of inventories of cases that is inserted into Special slots, Made by Nexus4880 exclusively for SVM.
    User Presets made by Yansen and Puppy.
    The Executable, aka GFVE was remade from scratch on .Net 6 with a new name called `Greed`.
    Completely reworked the system how presets are being stored, applied and manipulated within
    Reworked the system to enable sections, they are now outside of fields inside tab items.
    Licensing, Visuals, Disclaimer of not owning materials, new font, text all over the place.
    A lot of relocations of certain fields.
    Currency stack field in 'Inventory and items' got expanded for more customizability of currencies.
    Infinite keys got expanded for an own sub group.
    Hideout section - a lot fields have been changed to be multipliers, `Remove Constructions requirements` got separated in 3 options for variety.
    Stock time was reduced to affect only Fence and was located to Fence settings however both minimum and maximum now.
    Insurance and repair sections were merged into one and it is called 'Traders Services' + Clothing settings went there as well.
    Clothing got expanded into multiple options - user request.
    PMC Section - Bear Names and Usec names were merged for convenience.
    Numerous fields got reworked to support 3.8.0
    Raid Settings - AI Amount multipliers settings
    Repeatable quests - Levels, Experience, Roubles, Items, Reputation.
    Bots - Spawn per zones and Limits per locations
    PMC Section - Add all keys, Add all containers
    I will not list the whole list in terms of test release (Which also had 10 reuploads in total, yeah, you haven't seen worst yet)
    Therefore I'll just list uncovered and solved so far:

    [H1] Fixes related to app crash on saving empty fields,

    [H1] 6.8 not being added to ammo stacks,

    [H1] missing goons in boss spawn chance section,

    [H1] tooltips related to trader assort and selling.

    [H1] also removed some old loggers

    [H2] Fixed Insurance storage time sharing same number as fence stock size

    [H2] Fixed removal of FIR requirements in tags (untested tho)

    [H2] Fixed misalignment in traders section.

    [H3] Fixed Waist Pouch and Dev container taking no effect

    [H3] Band-Aided Some inconsistency while reloading/saving presets.

    [H3] Added some limits for fields related to hours to mitigate some user errors, plus some other fixes that could remove hanging in server terminal - RELOAD/SAVE YOUR PRESETS JUST IN CASE.

    [H3] Fixed typo related to skills

    [H3] Fixed Prapor/Therapist insurance values being backwards CHECK YOUR CHANGES HERE AS WELL IF YOU USE TRADER SERVICES.

    [H3] Added Yansen's custom preset

    [H4] Fixed Bots Armor/Weapon Durability, might require your attention to adjust numbers properly

    [H4] Boss Weapon Durability minimum and maximum can be adjustable now.

    [H4] Fixed `None` to `NoBots` in AI Amount selection. (I bet Chomp is disappointed at me on this one)

    [H4] Fixed Default `MIA At the end of the raid` to be true, including default user presets that come with SVM.

    [H4] Fixed `Load last preset`

    [H4] Added a text changer if save/load was successful.
    Known Issues: Might as well call it TODO list.
    Missed tooltips,
    Missing limits for fields,
    Typos in both localizations,
    Trader quest assort can cause a server exception, due to trader mods
    Application errors on startup - If you happen to have it, i'd rather recommend you to contact me in discord and include your Event Viewer logs.
    TO CHECK: Quest FIR requirements.
    Planned for next version:
    Attempting to return some fields in one way or another.
    More advanced way to adjust AI, manipulating minimum/maximum of AI via multipliers per map.
    As usual, more tooltips, proper text, a lot of stuff needs to be added in F.A.Q.

    Thanks for everyone contributed within early access release.
    Lacyway, DeadLeaves, Hallow, AtonicX, Yansen, Puppy, Flowless, Mephyr, TheSparta(As usual), Guidot. (Sorry if I missed someone)
    And thanks to many of you who reported listed issues so far.
    Have fun.

  • Version 1.7.2

    1.7.2 [19.11.23 20:00 GMT] FOR AKI 3.7.0-3.7.3
    1.7.2H1[01.12.23 2:45 GMT] FOR AKI 3.7.0-3.7.3

    Just a little one, nothing to look at >_>

    Added user Submitted preset: Yansen's Personal Overhaul by well... Yansen.
    Also updated Oraceon's and Vampucio's Preset to latest one uploaded on their links.
    Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM


    Individual item property changer field checker

    Default sizes of Keycard holder and Injector (Also updated those values in SVM Default, Yansen preset and in my one as well)

    Size of preset field on English localization

    [H1] Fixed PMC Hostility chance pointing to null - whoops, thanks to Lasko for pointing out.

  • Version 1.7.1

    1.7.1 [03.11.23 14:00 GMT] FOR AKI 3.7.0-3.7.1
    1.7.1H1 [03.11.23 15:12 GMT] FOR AKI 3.7.0-3.7.1
    Minor UI hotfix for custom fields, feel free to ignore if you are accustomed how it works

    That's quite the ride with fixes.

    NEW PRESETS ARE RECOMMENDED, but not mandatory, you can just save-load yours and adjust new fields to your likings.


    New field in Raids section - Wave multiplier - this was in plans for ages, allows you to edit AI amount multiplier in Pre-raid options

    New field in Player section - Character XP per action - currently it's not much, but it allows to edit amount of XP given per PMC and SCAV, and their Headshot bonus, I plan to add at least 4 more fields to this box in the next update.

    Added Streets coop extract into extractions settings - that was missed in 3.7.0

    Added Oraceon's Preset into main once again, for all the info you can check here:
    Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM

    Added User Vampucio's submitted preset.
    UPD: He has own page with that preset now, probably updated as well, check it out


    Resized preset name field - Come on Oraceon, couldn't you make it a little bit smaller? :D
    Turns out I only did that on Russian Localization, smh.

    Checks for Quotes and commas in GFVE - there was a check before, but it did quite the opposite as it does right now, I removed it and forgot to add an alternative, one of biggest causes of issues on the previous update

    Moved Post-Raid XP multipliers from Raids section to Player section - because it's more XP related than raid really.

    Ammo stacks backend were rewritten - it is more comprehensible and generally less junk, so if any Modder wants to include their ammo - I'll be happy to provide.

    Daily/Weekly/Scav Elimination quests now include more fields, that is separated by a range of levels, to accomodate with that - New fields with Minimum/Maximum required kill for each quest type.

    Refreshed and rewrote Event `All bosses in Customs` by user 'At0m1cDust', It will mostly follow `Bosses & Rogues Wander` spawn points.


    AI to PMC Converter: Sniper scavs were defined differently. Fixed

    `Cultists everywhere` were bugged due to case sensitivity. Fixed

    Russian locale got one of options (`OP Armor repair`) dislocated in GFVE, ending up unable to access. Fixed

    Fixed the wrong boolean value in `Disable random placement of containers` in loot section

    Fixed visual field related to USEC/BEAR ratio

    Fixed and added compare checks for Airdrops and Quests values

    Added missing Russian translation of changelog

    Updated Quests fields to be on par with default AKI, that was partially missed in 1.7.0

    Lack of notes in my Preset - I swear they were there.

    [H1] Custom field check was pointing to wrong localization message, fixed.

    1.7.0 was quite lively update, thanks for everyone reporting issues, hopefully this one will be less messy.

  • Version 1.7.0

    1.7.0 [15.10 22:40 GMT+3] FOR AKI 3.7.0-3.7.1
    1.7.0H2 [16.10 1:30 GMT+3]
    1.7.0H3 [16.10 2:41 GMT+3]
    1.7.0H3Reupload [16.10 4:05 GMT+ 3] Windows flagged as virus, false-positive due to assembly error Wrong timestamp, .7z doesn't have timezone data, if you have the issue, there is drive link in comments, problem will autoresolve itself in 6 hours.

    Promised in week, here ya have it you seagulls, don't blame me for bugs now >;c


    Scav Daily quest in Quests section

    New fields in Airdrop and loot section - Remove randomized container placement and adjustable weapon boxes in airdrop crates

    New fields in Fleamarket - Added event related offers

    New options to Case Space Manager - Custom pockets can have up to 5 special slots + You can edit filter to allow single cell cases you'd like.

    New boss was added to Boss spawn chance section.

    New examples for Individual Item property field - related to stash settings

    [H3] Added new checks to avoid one of repair fields due to a difference between 3.7.0 and 3.7.1

    Bots loadouts were reworked into new section - PMC - Generational and chance fields were removed, new options were added to accommodate losses, caused by a different approach of items distribution among AI types.

    QoL to Custom boxes such as Flea/Fence blackmarket, Usec/Bear names and Individual Item Property Changer - you can discard follow JSON syntax - aka no more quotes and commas

    Midcore was moved to Experimental caused by an issue related to insurance

    Repair fields were moved to Insurance, eventually merging Insurance and Repair together + Repair price multiplier was reworked to `Repair price markup`, due to visual bug that doesn't show the price being modified.

    Server Launcher delay was increased to 5 seconds to avoid launcher not running the game.

    Loot dynamic containers limits were increased to 40x, due to AKI default values

    Fleamarket blacklist behaves differently now

    Individual item property example had a wrong ID for EOD stash on English locale - wasn't a thing in Russian one, that's why i haven't noticed for so long.

    Bots section and Fleamarket fields were updated to work with 3.7.0 and above - duh

    [H1]My preset Fence's Blackmarket wasn't updated.

    [H1] Individual property field name was wrong due to GFVE recent internal reworks - fixed.

    [H2] Fixed repair causing null in intellect causing profile corruption

    [H3] Removed debug loggers from repair
    Plane height from Airdrop section

    Settings for Rogues/Raiders/SCAV from bots loadouts section, for the reason mentioned above.

    Still haven't released/Planned:

    Settings suggested by alimoncul related to Kill experience and Armor stats.

    Wave amount multipliers.

    Additional presets made by Oraceon and Fire Hawk (Feel free to contact me if you want to have YOUR preset in 1.7.1

    Maybe something else that I forgot to add

    There will be more stuff coming up in next week or two, I need to compensate the lack of features for the skipped month.

  • Version 1.6.6

    1.6.6 [07.08 23:00 GMT] FOR AKI 3.6.0-3.6.1

    Totally didn't took me a week to do all the little things


    2 new events - All bosses on Customs and Goons on factory

    Included Oraceon's Balanced Preset into main build - It is not properly updated with recent functions 1.6.5 and 1.6.6 brings, but it should be completely functional
    For the preset info you can look here:
    Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM


    With the release of Goons on factory - I added fields to adjust Goons and Killa spawn chance on factory - for a lil' element of surprise


    Fixed the possible amount of fresh points

    Fixed Minimum/Maximum values checks on airdrops

    Fixed max bot cap for factory

    Removed unused lines related to minimum durability of a gear to be sold to traders

    Removed duplicate line related to Midcore

    Changed couple of values to match vanilla AKI (Not like i'm not doing that every version anyway)

    Added a check to avoid Softcore/Safe Exit being triggered by SCAV runs

  • Version 1.6.5

    1.6.5 [30.06 17:00 GMT] FOR AKI 3.5.8+

    Finally, a proper update!

    Added a button to override usual numerical limits

    Added a function to experimental - Remove currency stock - Removes any trader offer in USD/EUR/RUB - Sorry, I forgot how exactly I implemented my own piece of code, therefore said a different thing in comments ;-;

    Added a function to turn off offline regen in hideout section

    Added 2nd Fence's stock, when you reach Crown Rank - he has a separate pool of assorts with different pricing. (BSG Design) Now you can manipulate that assort separately.

    Amount of sell offers - now you can set how many you want yourself, took me long enough.

    Added heat Factor multiplier in `Stash and Items` section, I haven't really play test it though, so be advised.


    Updated `load last preset function`, it will be more consistent for you - you wouldn't need to load presets to make it active, any written preset in the field will do.

    Added new checks for custom fields, like Custom properties one and bot names, mostly for quotes for now, maybe I'll make it advanced later on.


    Events > Glukhar in labs works now

    Trader Stock time was selecting a different value, fixed.

    `Stash and items` section had a typo `Stash and item`, fixed - Was completely unplayable because of that, finally fixed.

    Flea and Fence blackmarket was referring to newer fields - I haven't tested them much, if you have experience - I've marked the blacklist from traders.json>fence blacklist and items.json, which both contain blacklists.

    Known Issues:

    Insurance storage time seems to be not working according to Armanello - they are marked blue now.

    NEW PRESETS ARE RECOMMENDED - Although there were no drastic changes in bots loadouds - AKI's defaults boss spawn chances have changed, most of them increased by 10-25%

    Also Including virus total checks for resources.dll and GFVE.exe, I don't think I can put both links into header of the mod, plus they are changing version by version, obviously.…1290de338815edf?nocache=1…6cad6e0444f9a21?nocache=1

  • Version 1.6.4

    1.6.4 [17.05 16:35 GMT] FOR AKI 3.5.6+
    Not really much of a list eh? ;-;


    Added Lighthouse coop extract - that was missed in previous releases


    Repair system got a temporary fix by utilizing different mechanic

    Changed extended raid option, now you can select how much extra minutes you want - not ideal solution, but that was requested after all.


    Tooltips will not vanish after you switch the language

  • Version 1.6.3

    1.6.3H2 [31.03 9AM CET] FOR AKI 3.5.4


    I feel soooo laaaazzyyyyy, also new PoE league is about to release, bye-bye updates ;-;
    Tell me about smooth releases
    Honestly, this release is a mess


    Fleamarket offer condition is back - With separated section and 7 different types of items.

    Expanded Airdrops section - Yes, I fixed that num error, you impatient >:C

    Added a menu button to open preset folder - What? I like convenience

    Added Ko-Fi donation link in links

    Added `Save quest items after death` function in Raids section


    Increased the limits in CSM section to 30 both vertically and horizontally - people with ultrawide and 4k - rejoice, you can have one hell of a big case.

    Increased the time between Server and Client launch, in hopes that it will fix the loading issue - Unlikely though, I have no idea how to fix it.

    Updated AI fields and boss spawn chances to fit vanilla 3.5.4 values.


    [H2] Removed old lines related to conditions (Sorry chomp ;-;)

    [H2] Fixed wrong value types being written in condition - causing durability either to go 100% or minimum possible, nothing in between.

    [H1] Fixed the field related to max bot cap to Streets

    [H1] Fixed (I hope) The windows flag, I assume the issue was with assembly cache, or something, i wish i knew - i just reassembled the project and it doesn't flag anymore

    Car extraction timer is fixed - Thanks JS syntax

    Cash Stacks doesn't go 500k and 5k but 500k and 50k

    Fixed the typo related to selling on fleamarket

    Still haven't released lazy arse: New Hideout options related to gym, Quest options and white/black lists, a new option to overcome usual numerical limits.

    NEW PROFILE IS RECOMMENDED - new fields and changed values since 3.5.2

  • Version 1.6.2

    1.6.2 FOR AKI 3.5.0-3.5.3

    Mmmm...I'd like to leave some decent comment here, but didn't come up with one.


    New section - Extractions settings, gives little more variety on adjusting the exfiltration points.

    Midcore function - There is new AKI implementation/config on saving gear on death, this is an experimental (although fully stable and functional) addition, that will save your gear except rig and backpack.

    Bots loadout override - ok, that's quite complicated to explain, AKI made a really cool stuff I haven't prepared for - there is additional fields related to both USEC and
    BEAR with own values and gear as long as bots are under lvl 15. This `override` option will allow to override such values so whatever the level - the gear from bots loadouts will load From Bots loadouts fields as intended.

    Added a bigger array of banned keys inside `all the keys` function inside bots loadouts - to avoid testing keys that was left behind by BSG. [Thanks to BeDaLek from EmuRC for collecting those for me]


    Not really a rework but rather set current AKI values as default regarding spawn chances, bot limits, gear chances and so on.

    Kinda refactored how events and debug AI functions handled - to avoid repetitive code usage.

    Fence offers will remove additional offers that is caused by standing - it's quite ineffective to have 2 separated fields on that regard.

    Now Cash stacks will work close as BSG ones - You'll setting a Rubles stack in settings, and it will divide it by 100 to make USD/EUR stacks, don't ask me why it wasn't done sooner. I was lazy ok?

    Spawn chances related to Goons, Raiders and Glukhar - I am as much dissapointed on myself as you are, took me 3 versions, smh.

    Returned Time acceleration back - accidentally got deleted with weather section.

    Fixed a UI Nuisance related to friendly fire field - thanks TinyTeeth

    Added a limit on amount of cash stacks, because there were big brains moments where certain people setting those to 1 and couldn't even trade with message that is stash is too small.


    Scavs have exits in labs now, unknown what was the cause or how it fixed, but praise Aki lads!

    Pre-raid settings seems to save properly now, no extra actions required - HOWEVER, when you open the settings section it will still drop to EFT default.

    Item condition on Fleamarket - yes, that's a big deal which will require reworking, it was split into multiple values that I wasn't ready to implement yet.
    Sorry in advance, expect that in new version.

    Useless logger that I forgot to remove after debugging.

    New presets are recommended, since AKI have changed internal values, so is SVM.
    I hope this release will go bug-free, but I'm sure cannot promise that.

  • Due to connection turmoil - Maintaining Comments and Overview section is halted.
    I will occasionally read it but do not expect response.
    New version is in the works, fixing a lot of typos on Russian locale, changing visuals to accommodate the fact someone insane enough using Windows white theme, fixes to Scav Pockets/Health if you extracted, adding missed feature such as Heat Factor and Glukhar on labs and couple more related to stability and compats related to MO2.

    UPD: 11.5.24 - SVM 1.8.1 works fine on 3.8.1 if anyone wonders, however 1.8.2 is already in the works, with new features and UI changes.

    Until next time.

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 2
  • SVM 1.8.1 THREAD


    Thumbs Up 1
    • It only took a few minutes to adjust to the new UI and I like it! I've used SVM as long as I can remember playing SPT.

      The only thing that feels 'off' is we don't have the "Bot spawns" section in "SCAV and Bosses" anymore where we could adjust spawns per zone/limits, just boss spawns and durability. Is this section going to make a comeback in the new version?

      Thank you for all of your effort!

      Thumbs Up 2
    • It will be with more advanced options. I need more time on that.

      Thumbs Up 3
    • When I load my preset, the server can't seem to launch. The SVM default works, but my custom one prevents the server from loading after I have applied my preset. Any advice? Cheers.

    • Recreate your preset, most likely you've done something above usual limits or your preset posses values that were fixed.

    • Seemingly minor bug: When I load the program the pages are disabled even though the power-button icon is enabled. I have to toggle it off then back on to gain access to it.

      Not a bug, but a request: I noticed now I have to save my profile before the Apply button works. In the older versions I could apply my changes without having to save, which was a nice way to tweak an upcoming raid without making permanent changes I have to remember to revert in the future. Would it be possible to allow this version to do that as well? It took me a while to figure out what was going on when I was changing raids to 100% scav or 100% pmc to test it out and nothing was happening :)

    There was a somewhat accident in my repo when i was trying to create Greed for Linux, that reduced the application in size (in half), and for some reason i cannot revert the change.
    I'm investigating the possible issues caused by that.
    New version is delayed for one day.

    • Yes, i know how stupid it sounds, and i didn't backed up new UI yet, but this can lead to positive outcome, the program will weigh 6MB instead of 11MB.
      I think it's the runtime just switched to a different version causing this, for comparison - building it for Windows 10 will make it weigh 29MB.
      For now - it's being tested by multiple users on both Win 10 and Win 11, no issues found so far.

    • If you need a tester for Linux, let me know. ;)
      Just a heads up: The Windows executable kinda works on Linux but can break very easily when changing values. This is not your fault of course, just an observation.
      The error coming up using Wine is:

    • I got a tester for that but thanks for offer, we tried to create preset for wine to use windows runtime, I compiled to run under linux runtime, both does launch but crashes on attempting to use preset box, it might possibly be the ModernWPF can't function on linux runtime, or something completely else.
      I'll delay this for now, sorry to fellow Linux users but you might need a Win User to create a preset for now.

      Heart 1
    • @GhostFenixx FYI, I've opened a bug report for Wine and it seems like the issue regarding inputpane got fixed presumably for wine 9.7.

      Bug report

      I've not tried it myself yet though.

    • Huh, good to know, I'll see does it fixes my issue i had with another linux user before later on.

  • Cant stack armored rigs and vests despite having the setting enabled?

    Running 3.8.0

  • Добрый день. долбаюсь уже второй день с SVM.

    Пункты - Торговцы, Сервисы Торговцев, Лут и Барахолка не хотят работать.

    При включении, в консоли сервера ошибки красным цветом...

    Как пример включил пункт Торговцы и вот ошибка -

    Ошибка типа: невозможно установить свойства неопределенного значения (установка «мин»)

    Ошибка типа: невозможно установить свойства неопределенного значения (установка «мин»)

    в MainSVM.postDBLoad (D:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov\user\mods\ServerValueModifier\src\SVM.js:2503:40)

    в PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:66:45)

    в PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)

    в App.load (C:\snapshot\project\src\utils\App.ts:39:26)

    Ошибка типа: невозможно установить свойства неопределенного значения (установка «мин»)

    Ошибка типа: невозможно установить свойства неопределенного значения (установка «мин»)

    в MainSVM.postDBLoad (D:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov\user\mods\ServerValueModifier\src\SVM.js:2503:40)

    в PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:66:45)

    в PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)

    в App.load (C:\snapshot\project\src\utils\App.ts:39:26)

    Что это может быть....подскажите как исправить....

    • Ты либо новый СВМ накатываешь на старую версию АКИ либо наоборот.
      Они не всегда совместимы.

    • версия СПТ-АКИ версия 3.8.0

      В случае установки версии SVM1.8.0 ошибки тоже есть, но меньше

      сейчас поставил 1.8.0 там ошибки по Торговцы, Лут и барахолка

    • По описанию я подумал у тебя 3.7.6, проблема очень намекает на это.
      1.8.0 и 1.8.1 работают как с 3.8.0 так и с 3.8.1
      Жалуется на БД связанную с количеством пушек у скупщика, либо у тебя по какой-то причине там null либо не число вовсе, либо какой-то другой мод модифицирует это поле.

      Жалуется на эту линию:
      trader.fence.weaponPresetMinMax.min = Config.Traders.Fence.PresetCount;
      А это то что СВМ меняет в trader.json в конфигах.

      "weaponPresetMinMax": {

      "min": 5,

      "max": 12

      Если у тебя последнее отличается - вот и проблема.
      Если же нет - значит проблема где-то "между", смотри другие моды.

    • aki_data/server/configs/trader.json

      я там не нашел строчки "weaponPresetMinMax": {


      На случай если хочешь посмотреть как он должен выглядить в исходниках.

  • I am currently running some modded traders (Artem, Painter, Lotus, and Scorpion) and they have some custom armor/armored rigs and when enabling armor stacking it works with all the base tarkov stuff but their modded items don't work is there any way to add there items to a list or something I am generally unsure how it works so any advice making so their armor is also stackable would be nice

  • this is my first time using this mod, i made a preset an saved it then applied it but still cant get it to work. ive tried re applying it and making another preset. is there a step that i missed or should i try reinstalling it?

  • I seem to have found a bug, where having too high multipliers in the XP gain section for skills, can cause the game to give notifications of your skills leveling up, but it's really bots spawning in the game.

  • Okay, so im using realism, in there we have the option to change how the airdrop works, do i need to disable that in realism if i wanna use SVM values?
    I wanna use SVM to only higher the loot on maps a bit.
    Now i didnt turned on other Values in the SVM (not hitting the power buttons to make em stay red) yet when i open up spt tarkov, i all of a sudden have 510 hp instead of the normal official 400ish.
    Did it changed the values of everything even tho i only activated the ''loot'' section?
    Or am i just dumb and realisms ''realistic player health'' sets the hp so high?

    • By default SVM keeps the health to default PMC values, so even if you accidentally enabled health section - it wouldn't have that exact health anyway.

  • Is the pmc health modifier global or does it only affect your character?

    • It will not override inactive profiles, but once they will pass game loading window - it will.
      If that was the question related to PMC AI - no, SVM health sections only applies on playable characters.

  • Hey, I want to exclude some custom Item from Secure containers (VTT Combat belt), How can I do that with individual Item change. So for example I want to exclude this list:

    From the gamma "5857a8bc2459772bad15db29".

    Thanks for your time and work.

  • Hey GhostFenixx,

    How can I get back insured items if my character get killed in labs?

    • You couldn't until 3.8.1, the issue was on AKI side and long gone fixed, play on 3.8.1.

      Heart 1
    • Thx mate! ;)

  • The mod wont allow me to change my flea market offer amount, im stuck at 2 offers

  • hi, and thanks for your great work, i have a question, after i did all changes and apply, the launcher need to run in background, or it safe to close to launcher and run the game, thanks again

    • Safe to close, it can be run only once in total to set up a preset and you can completely forget about it if you wish.

  • Is there a deep explanation on where to find the IIC tarkov ID's and codes. Like for fire rate, velocity, value of an item to therapist, etc? I'm not sure how to change these values or if its at all possible! Thanks for this awesome SVM its probably got the best UI i've seen so far.

    • LOL Nvm I found it all on ID item finder. I'm a little slow my fault

  • I do not see how to disable hideout upgrade timers. do you know if its still a feature?

    • It's been converted into multipliers ages ago, in Hideout section, be sure you read tooltips.

  • the svm config where you disable "found in raid items for quests" the daily quests are not effected. is that intentional?

    • Intended, main quests and daily quests are separate beings. I will look is it possible to do that to repeatable quests however, in low prio.

  • if I check the box: remove filters for protected containers, then the kapp container becomes broken, and nothing can be put in it

  • Hey dude, 2 things

    Question; Is it possible(even if it's not on prio) to get older events working in the raid options? The previous halloween event with the cultists ritual etc was awesome and i wondered if its possible to pull that into the modifer? maybe a long with the Lexos all boss event from last wipe too?

    A bug(maybe?); When enabling the all scavs to cultists, the cultists seem to bug out and just don't move after spawning and their head is not actually there all you see is their body.
    (I have no other mods on to conflict it)

    • Christmas and Halloween related events is almost impossible to recreate because they require certain map assets to work, and those being removed by BSG after event is done
      I can however add simple ones like specific AI types in specific zones'n'such, in low prio though.

      Cultists AI is weird indeed, sadly I can't do much about it.

  • Hi, first of all thank you very much for this mod.

    It would be cool if we could attach a grenade launcher to the holster :)

  • Hello, it appears that custom trader Lotus interact weirdly with this mod. Quests such as visiting a building can not be complete, but other quests like handling an item in seem to works normally. I uninstall and reinstall to test it out. My only trader setting in Greed is no limit purchase. I haven't test this with other custom trader yet. Also with HUD mod it didn't appear on quest compass.

    Edit: doesn't work with killing quest too.

    • SVM does not alter quests like this. This is more client-side issue with the quest itself, SVM couldn't possibly do anything related to it.

  • is it possible to make the ai pmcs loot better?

  • I would like to help on translating Chinese (also hate those machine translation). Sorry I can't find your Discord. Is there any to reach you?

    • Name's the same, you could've also find me via greed links.
      However I'd like to make couple of more versions before actually accepting help with translation, since UI is still in polishing state and some functions are missing.
      Doesn't stop you to get a contact with me though.

  • I found an issue, the menu doesn't fit on my monitor so it cuts off the bottom half, and it cannot be resized so I am unable to reach the save button at the bottom, with screensize 1280x720.


  • Hi!

    I keep getting the error "Something went wrong. Most likely Server and Launcher are not located within the same folder as the game."

    when trying to launch the server + launcher via the program. I'm unable to see the settings changes if I apply them and launch the old-fashioned way, too.

    I haven't had this issue in previous releases. I tried moving SPT-AKI to the live folder, this program into the SPT folder, etc. The two SPT .exe's are in the same folder.

    Is there something I'm missing? Big fan, thanks for all you've done.



    • Unorthodox installation or wrong placement of SVM itself.
      Greed checks 2 folders (excluding mod folder) above it for both Aki.Server and Aki.Launcher.
      Usual installation is when all 3 exes located in same folder, EscapeFromTarkov.exe, Aki.Server.exe and Aki.Launcher.exe
      Then Greed needs to be located in user/mods/SVM/
      It could also be there is perms issue, however I haven't seen reports about it before.

  • There is any option to force any item to be " A lot"? like 99999?

  • i cant found max skills option, is it removed or am i just blind ?

  • i have a problem

    No matter how high I make the setting, what I should get for Scav Carma points for a PMC, my Scav Carma at Fence doesn't go up but stays at 0

    • but i get - reputation when i kill scavs or bosses or guards thats really weird

    • okay now i killed a scav with my pmc and then i played as scav and kill some pmcs but still get no + scav carma thats really weird ,i think its a bug

    • I get only - carma for scav kills when i play scav but when i kill a pmc i should get 1,75 points + carma but it not shows me it on end of the raid and fence rep does not change

    • is the scav karma not working anymore on svm ?

  • Can you add Chinese translation? Thank you.

    • Could've at least check the comment section, here's a copy-paste because it was asked earlier.
      Current UI allows me to include more languages fairly easy, but I refuse to do it via machine translation(Because I can't read Chinese to fix typos), if someone of `we` you know who knows English fluently and is willing to invest his time into it to work with on that (so I could align text with translation), let him know that my Discord DM is open. Name's the same.

  • The spawn all container option doesn't seem to work, containers that are supposed to be there are still random as to whether they'd appear.