FaceShieldTweaks 1.0.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

First we fixed NVGs, now we fix those pesky faceshields into something a little more usable.

Thanks to Limbo#1337's ClearVision Mod for the framework of FaceShieldTweaks.

So the beta version that I gave to Limbo when I first made this didn't worked as I intended, and even after I fixed the smudges, some other issues will bound to pop up.

- Like for example the Maska's visor doesn't show it's down

But, this version should now remove those awful smudges.

A good amount of features that I'm planning to add is in other config mods, but I will add them regardless, like:

- Disabling Ergo Penalties

- Changing armor values and materials

- Disable Gear Restrictions on some of the masks

ayaya Enjoy! ayaya

  • Version 1.0.1

    Well, I uploaded the wrong file to the 4 people who downloaded that version. 8o

    This should be it.

  • omg im looking for this type mod is there smthin similar?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Please make update!

  • Miss this mod kannacrying

  • faceshields dont work for me

    • maska and altyn

    • Yea same here.

    • Very aware of that issue, mentioned that in my initial post.

      Uhh, so far I have no idea how to fix it, but you can re-enable the faceshieldcomponent to get it visually working.

      For me, I tested out the visor and it works fine for me when it's down (even if it looks like it's up)

      I think it's a visual bug, but try that solution if you don't think it works.

    • and how do i enable faceshield component?

    • config files

  • Is there any way to remove the sounds of puffing under the visor?

    • heavy breathing

      Uhh, I never had that issue, but I'll see what I can do.

      Tell me in more detail if you can.

    • if ur using usec 3 or josh is the name, his breathing under visor is non existent

    • I use bear 3