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Purpose :
This is an entirely optional mod for anybody who loves the gas mask in SamSwat's 'JW-Grom' but would prefer to
have the gas mask as a standalone.
Note :
[Only use one mod or the other or you will get errors.]
This version of the mod shouldn't conflict with anything and should run just the same as the original mod.
Details :
The Avon FM-12 as a standalone item, with armour protection cuz why not.
Juicy Creds go to SamSwat!
Version 2.0.1
- zicoman
Changelog :
- It worky for 3.5.0.
- zicoman
Changelog :
- You Cheeki'd your last Breeki 2.3.1.
tarkov needs more gasmasks
Confirmation that both mods can't be used
just another weeb
Sorry being very late but you can only have one. either the standalone version (which is this version) or the SamSwat version (which is already in it) but as far as I can see it you can only buy it at the flea market
How come it says "Mod Avon FM-12 package.json contains an invalid version string"
Am I doing anything wrong? Or possibly missed something?
zicoman Author
Hmm maybe I must of done something. I did change the version of it the other day in hopes of fixing an issue another person was having. Could be on my end my bad.
No worries bro! Mistakes happen
zicoman Author
The version thingy should be sorted out. I should have included another number to the version number which is why it gave the error in the server.
I apologize for the error in my ways please forgive my sins.
Sweet! I'll give it another go soon, and no worries bro!
"Interrupted: Virus Detected"
dude tryna put a trojan on my pc !?
zicoman Author
Literally all the files I acquired are from Samswats mod. You most likely have a false positive.
I even did a virus total check on the file just for you Mr.Neifer....
nahh you tryin to put a trojan on my pc ong
zicoman Author
What would I possibly gain? Instead of making half-cocked comments about something that is most likely your problem, stop, think and figure out why something is the way it is then you might actually find somebody who takes you seriously.
If you truly feel intent on trolling go look in the mirror, it's equally effective and reduces the spread of your insolence.
Could u try upload this mod using some else just an suggestion.
It won't even let me download as of the virus thing.
zicoman Author
Just change the version to either 2.3.0 or 2.3.* in the package.json file.
This thing looks absolutely badass. However, I'm having an issue where I can't wear it with a helmet. What do I need to do to fix that?
Maybe I can use this mod to play Rainbow Six’s Thatcher in Takov.