RandomThings 1.0.1

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This mods adds back a few of my favorite mods that haven't been updated to SPT-AKI R6. CleanThermals and Apollo Adrenaline from Assassin UnlimitedKeys from X-Kyle and more!

Hello, I made this mod to bring back some of the mods I loved throughout the years until they get updated by their original creators.

Thank you and credits for:

AssAssIn for CleanThermals and the Olympus mod. I brought back the OP T-7 thermals and the Apollos Adrenaline.

X-Kyle for UnlimitedKeys.

Ereshkigal for the AllInOne mod which helped me make this one.

Full list of things included and descriptions of each setting:


SICC - Changes SICC container to 10x10.

Keytool - Changes Keytool to 10x10.

Kappa - Changes Kappa container to 6x6.

THICCItems - Changes THICC Items container to 16x20. (Best fit for 1080p)

UnlimitedKeys - Makes all keys have unlimited uses. (Credits to X-Kyle for the UnlimitedKeys mod, updated all the keys I know had a finite number of uses.)

T7Thermal - Removes noise and makes thermal fullscreen. (Credits to Assassin, variables from CleanThermal mod).

ApolloSyringe - Adds the Apollos Adrenaline from Assassins Olympus mod. Fixes all ailments (including broken bones) with a 0.1 use time.


NoFoundInRaid - Removes the found in raid requirement from quests.