Buy preset weapons from traders 2.2.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Buy preset weapons from traders

Preset weapons can be purchased from traders.

1. Save weapon presets

2. Buy from designated traders

  • compatible with 2.2.2?

  • is it compatible with 2.2.3?

    • I have no issue with 2.2.3

      Thanks 1
  • does this need to be the last file in the mods folder kinda like randomlootgen because of all the Z's

  • love this. thanx so much. working on 2.2.1

  • this is actually an incredible idea... thanks. saves a bunch of time. people have been wanting a quick loadout type purchase option for years. this covers one segment very well thanks again.

  • wow, thats an amazing mod!! thanks a lot, this is awesome :)

    is it comatible with SPT 2.2.1? The Mod is listed as 2.2.0 but its a new mod so i am wondering.

  • Convenient. For anyone else wondering, the weapons are in Jaeger by default. If you delete the preset, you may need to restart the server for the preset weapon to disappear from the trader.

    • you can buy items to update the assort

      Thanks 1