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Brings back the alpha flashlights and improves them.
Includes a fake GI enabler & improved flashlight cookie. Basically it lights up the whole area you are in instead of a cone in front of you. Parameters for the lights are the default values from the 2016 alpha. Will take away 2-3 fps in performance when using the lights and might glitch through walls sometimes.
Currently GI works for both 25mm lights (Ultrafire and Armytek) and the cookie is replaced for all lights.
Fake GI Comparison (best seen in game when moving):
May conflict with mods that alter the flashlight cookie or flashlight bundles.
Version 1.1.2
- throwaway
* Update AKI version
Version 1.1.1
- throwaway
* Fixes bundle loading order, cookie should now be applied to all lights.
* Slight adjustment to GI settings.
Version 1.1.0
- throwaway
can anyone, tel me why my flaslight circle is so big haha
Brother, we need this mod, I'm tired of getting flashbanged anytime I turn on my flashlight.
please update.
does it work in 3.4.1 ?
Will you update this mod?
G-Man In Tarkov
Really loved it, I have been wanting this mod ever since BSG changed the flashlight. Great work man! Is it possible to change the brightness of the flashlight? Sometimes it is kinda too bright when the environment is not too dark.
Not sure if this is a known issue or not, but I just noticed with the SPT-AKI 2.2.3 update, it appears that the flashlight global illumination is no longer working. The other parts of the mod seem fine though.
I know this mod has not been updated to 2.2.3 yet, I just thought it was unusual considering the rest of the mod appears to be functioning properly.
Great work man, i love seeing this back in the game. Any chance you could add the "cookie" flashlight pattern to all the flashlights? Or give an option to do it?
Because the standard BSG spill is really awful and they just white out everything, making it impossible to see. Your upgraded spill pattern is just superior in every way and should be on all the lights, period
Its even better than better lights mod. Pretty please?
throwaway Author
Just updated the mod to allow every flashlight to use the new cookie.
Can't see any difference at the moment. Also, it breaks gun shadow, that was added in 12.12
throwaway Author
Fixed in the latest version
Does this make the lights more functional? Right now they bleach everything hot white, somehow impairing visibility versus improving it.
Gonna see if this conflicts with the better lights/lasers mod.
I tested it yesterday. Happy to say it doesnt, better lights if installed just overwrites the flashlight pattern
Global illumination from this mod still works with better lights.
carl makes mods
take a shot each time this mod gets posted and then banned
throwaway Author
thank google drive and my stupidity for that