Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Allows you to customize every piece of armor from helmets, helmet components like visors and add-on armor. To plate carriers and armored chest rigs. This mod even allows you to edit properties and values of armor materials. All in one package. The values and properties in the config are all default and does no changes to the game until you make some changes. Keep in mind. You are modifying armor props which bots also uses, be careful with how you config your armors and values. More details is at the config.js folder in src file.
Version 1.0.3
- Springy1
Nothing changed, keep your old mod.
Version 1.0.2
- Springy1
Fixed incorrect IDs of Stranhogg Rig and ANA M1 Tac Rig
Version 1.0.1 HOTFIX
- Springy1
Reconfigged chest rigs values and properties to default values and added more spacing between sections
Version 1.0.0
- Springy1
i know this is old but the download just has a license. doesnt have ANYTHING else. src folder is empty
Symbiotic Games
Any chance of an update? Things extremely out of date.
is this still being maintained?
Any chance for an update?
u should update i love u forever if u do
Okay. I'll bite. Reuploaded with comment "Nothing changed, keep your old mod.", package.json still shows older "akiVersion": "2.2.*", yet visually the site Armor Configurator shows it as a "green" [SPT-AKI 2.3.0] for compatibility???
Springy1 Author
it doesnt matter. it just makes the launcher let you know whether its on the right version or not. its basically just numbers telling the launcher this mod is this version and its compatible or not. 2.3.0 didnt make any changes to server mods. so you can safely ignore it.
Thanks. Your a mod author. Everyone else updates the files according, just seems odd not to do it and have "warnings" for the users.
Check Support mod page, i wrote about 2 wrong ID's of armored rigs) That's why your mod have conflicts with FAIT, it cant read proper ids and change. I fixed ID's and now i dont have any errors
Hey so after testing this mod wont load with fins ai if its loaded first is there a way you could force this mod to load last, adding a z to beginning makes the mod not load at all
further testing, i made fins ai load first and then armor config ceases to exist sadly, i dont expect support because this is an error cause by another mod but just a heads up for anyone else interested in the mod fins ai hasnt worked for me.
Springy1 Author
FIN's AI hardcoded durability and max durability in their mod. Which the mod only changes the base gear. Can't fix it.
Understandable thanks for looking though great mod
Springy1 Author
just a quick note the mod does no changes to the game by default cause all the values are by games default. You have to change them in the config.js in the src file. And if you have bought a gear and you just changed that armor's properties. It will not apply to changes to the items you bought already. You have to buy a new set of armor to get the changes. Also this mod doesnt work on bots which if you had AI mods that also hardcoded their durability and changes and push them exclusively to bots. But by 2.2.2. Bot equipment pushing no longer works i think. But it works on items that you edited when you buy them.
Wow. Fantastic work. Thank you for the effort you put into it.
Suggestion if I may. Could it be possible to add a field to add/remove armor areas? That would make this basically perfect!
Springy1 Author
From my tests and trials. The game simply wouldn't let me edit armor areas with a mod.
What about using item._props.armorZone.push("Head", "LeftArm", "RightArm", "Chest", "Stomach", "LeftLeg", "RightLeg") in the item properties in the .js file? That is typically how I edit armor mods to my liking. Same with item._props.Weight = 1.5
I am at work so I have not tested it.
Springy1 Author
Huh weird tested it a while ago and it wont work. now it worked. i will work on it tmr. But making it default and customizable while letting the player adding it easily is... not easy.
Understandable, wanted to share the suggestion is all. Especially with all the armors/vests you have. I am not great at modding but let me know if I can be of any assistance.
Springy1 Author
Thankyou! Spent 1.5 hours to make it user-friendly