Gamenator Crazyguns and pockets 2.1.1

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Did you ever want to make your folding aks fully wooden. did you want to spruce up any part of the ak family to look traditional have bigger pockets and some more stuff. Here's the mod for you.

With this mod you can :

install solid stocks on the folding ak family using the proper pt lock

install handguards of the ak family on the saiga 12

install the pp-19 gas tube on the ak-74u family so all ak handguards can be added

use a sgmt 50 rnd drum on .45 kriss vector

use a durable tac kek replica helmet (it is level 4 now) and now the LShz-2DTM helmet cover is armored

shotgun holster

and use a 60 round magazine on as val and vss

added glock-18c silencer support with fischer mount support too

added Glock 17-18c to use .45acp ammo using the respective glock mags from .45 kriss vector

Added Daniel defense Wave 7.62x51 silencer for mk-18 sniper

Added stocks to mp5k

PS: For the pockets to work don't change pocket size from the profile editors cause it overwrites my values

Feel free to suggest stuff and if it isn't overly cursed I may add it








  • Update for 3.5.5+?

  • Would it be possible to add the ability for AK handguards on the RPK-16?

  • Would it be possible to do something like this for the SCARs? Buffer tubes and M4 stocks for both and magazine options for the Heavy? Like pmags and drum mags?

  • Can you please add the option to add the threaded lug attachment for the mp5k so you can use that suppressed?

    Also, is it possible to make it so 9mm weapons can use pistol suppressors and muzzle devices?

  • is there a way to get default pockets with this mod? love everything else i can do with it

  • Please update, please.

    • Will update just had stuff for university first

      Heart 1
  • update pls :[

    Heart 1
  • I really love the AK stocks on the AKS-U, it's possible to do a similar thing fore the MP5 stocks, that can be mounted on the MP5K? Ah, on the PT 74S, can you add the Strike Industries Advanced Receiver Extension buffer tube please? Your mod is very cool!

  • It will be possible that you can add the possibility of installing suppressors to the glock 18c?

    • will do . Just saw I forgot them. Will add fischer suppressor too

    • great will you add it in an update of this mod?

    • just did

    • great and is there any way to make the gp30 grenade launcher work or at least that can do damage, since if you shoot it you don't kill the npcs

    • no that is hard coded to the items. Plus the gp30 lacks data due to bsg removing most of it so players cannot use it cause they couldn't make it work

  • would be a nice addition to tell what the pocket size changes to, and add a config on that

    • I will try to learn how to config so people can activate options and maybe change values (eg bigger or shorter pockets)