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Added partial synchronization of the threads, but if you click many times, will run in sequence many times
Support 2.3.1;3.0.0; 3.2.1 version now, then will be universal
Works on windows since xp, but now doesn't work on Linux and Mac (I'll try to improve it in the next version in conjunction with thread synchronization)
I tested on Windows 10, so if it doesn't work on other systems or hangs for more than 2-3 seconds, write to the support thread.
Program author: SeniorFullStackOverFlow…m-Editor/tree/main/Readme
Features editor:
*Editor uses a portable format, so you can save to a flash drive and work through it, the program saves everything
1.Changes in item string characteristics in items.json, globals.json and location settings
1.1 Creating presets to change item characteristics (create a preset and add lines or an array of lines to the selected item, save the preset, open the preset loading panel in the preset window, select the preset and load it into the game)
* You can upload a preset to the site, upload another user, put the preset in * Item editorSavePresets(download preset).obj and upload to the game.
1.2 If you unload a preset, the old parameters are written to the game file, but the program doesn't remember the writing order in v0.
1.2 Test tag system for finding ammo and bullets
2. It's possible to create and load different variations of items through items.json and global server characteristics through globals.json (in settings)
3. changing global parameters in globals.json (experience, health, etc.)
Changes in location parameters (exit time, boss spawn, etc.)
Mini guide:
1. Download the zip file from Dropbox and unzip it into any folder.
2. open SPT-AKI Item Editor.exe.
3. Select Launcher in the game folder.
* (Optional) Select the folder with the game (The program itself will determine the version)
* (Optional) Select the old program folder to copy the data
* (Optional) Open the settings in the program
* (Optional) Change the language and copy the new items or global values. (The settings are saved after you press OK and open the main panel.)
4. Select an item in the Item Selection panel. You can write in fields or select items and groups
5. Hide the menu bar
6. Select the element editor and change the dynamic characteristic in the line with "static property name": "dynamic characteristic of the element".
7. Save as backup
8. Load to the game (backup file in the program overwrite the game file)
9. Open the global editor and perform step 7-9
10. Open the location editor and perform steps 7 and 9 (8 does not work, the location backup is not made)
If you want to make a file replacement or restore the sources of the game
1. open the "Settings" on the menu bar.
2. Select an item category
3. Select the file or create a new one, or restore the source of the selected category (items.json or globals.json).
- Mr.Proper in the shrub
- Removed the debug console that appears when you start an application
Version 0.0.5
- Mr.Proper in the shrub
- Fixed fix the Java error that causes the application not to start
- Fixed bug of opening settings if no version is selected
- Add custom javafx18+jdk18 lib
- Add partible jigsaw (gives optimization when loading and using the program)
- The java library has been reduced to 75mb (220mb was in version 0.0.3)
Version 0.0.4
- Mr.Proper in the shrub
- The program is converted into a portable zip file
- Added partial synchronization of the buttons (they work sequentially, but without the limiter in the form of 3 times pressed triggered 1 time)
- Added work presets (All drums have 1 width, ap-20 and barricade more power, faceshilds rebalance and etc)
- Added function to transfer preset from other versions, and function to copy data from the old program
- Changed values in the list are now highlighted in a different color (works as an analysis of the current list)
- Rework settings design
- Rework and optimize code
Version 0.0.3
- Mr.Proper in the shrub
Changed dropbox file (now download the zip file, open it and put the jre in the exe folder)
Version 0.0.1
- Mr.Proper in the shrub
Fix the make preset module
Fixed preset view mode in load preset module
Fixed images to En guide
Version 0.0.0
- Mr.Proper in the shrub
Basic test version
dropbox shows the file as deleted.
Mr.Proper in the shrub Author
Yep, I need to rework part of the program because, a custom JAVA version of the software is required.
Too bad it doesn't work on win 11
You gave this mod a bad review all because you made the poor decision of installing shitty Windows 11?
No, because people don't know what to add to the PATH environment-variable in order to let applications like this detect java correctly. Nothing to do with Win11, it runs fine on Win11 and probably even on Linux and OSX because all this application does is reading some json text files and providing some business logic to edit them. The culprit here is probably oracle with one of their JRE variants (bundled with stupid adware) that behaves differently from other JRE variants. Either a different installation directory or a missing PATH variable.
Mr.Proper in the shrub Author
Thank you for understanding the complexity of development, but there was my mistake, I wrote that works on all Windows but JAVA version 9 did not support 11, because of this there is a bad review.
Which is fine, not everyone likes my flaws in my program.
The only thing in oracle documentation a lot of errors for a particular system, so instead of doing by oracle example I assembled the custom jre from 30 forums, which I finalized, and only then I made a custom build Java+javafx. And the guys who developed oracle documentation it said "Well, this piece of code works on linux, so it will work on other systems too, the question is closed".
thinkfresh you're an idiot lmao
Not working for me,
It shows this application requires Java .... again after I´ve download and put it in the Editor exe folder
Windows 11 !?
Mr.Proper in the shrub Author
I overlooked that Win 11 is not supported
Thank you
ah bugger dont work with win11??!!
will you be adding win11 comp?
Mr.Proper in the shrub Author
This program works on win 11 now