MP-18 Single-Shot Rifle 1.0.3

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Port of the MP-18 single-shot rifle from the new Tarkov wipe.

A big shoutout to SamSWAT; this mod is based on the framework for his other weapon-adding mods. Also thanks to vasyliev_m_s for help with testing and the russian translation.

**NOTE**: This weapon is already in the base game if you are running a version of SPT after 3.0.0! No need to use this mod if so.


Download the .zip file, extract all, and add the folder MC-MP18 to your user/mods/ folder in SPT. Make sure it is just the folder with all of the contents, not a folder with another MC-MP18 folder inside of it.

Like Sam's mods, all the new items are available on the flea market only.

Known Issues:

  • Toggling magnification on attached scopes may be somewhat delayed for some reason, however this also appears to be an issue in live Tarkov (evidence:
  • When using CTRL+R to pull the round out of the chamber, when you press reload again it does the full reload animation and pulls out an invisible casing. Not game-breaking but I think it works properly in live. Unsure why this happens.

Apologies for the first versions of this mod, rushing to put this out made me overlook things I shouldn't have. :S

In any case, let me know if there are any issues you come across. Conflicts with other mods I probably can't do much about, if there are any.

  • Version 1.0.3

    Fixed MP-18 Single-Shot Rifle. There should be no conflicts now assuming no mod conflicts and SPT 3.0.0!

  • Version 1.0.2

    backup_bundles contain the original bundles from SPT-AKI. Simply replace the ones in the paths in filepaths.txt with the provided files.

  • Version 1.0.1

    Added a fix to make sure firing sounds are included - see Overview tab for updated installation instructions.

  • Version 1.0.0

  • i cant put attachment and sight on it

    pls help

    • I'm assuming you bought the rail that goes on top? Does that attach to the gun? If not, some other mod is messing with the compatibility filters.

    • i could not find any attachment at any part of the gun

      only the gun parts themselves

    • My suggestion now is just to update to the newest SPT version. That shouldn't have any issues with it.

  • Might be some mod incompatibility, but I noticed that trying to reload it doesn't work, I have to drag ammo to it in my inventory to get it to work. Anyone else have this issue?

    • That's weird. As far as I can tell reloads work fine, for me and for the people that have tested it so far. I would lean towards mod incompatibility. If you are really wanting to get it to work properly you will have to remove all other mods then add them back in one by one to see with which it is incompatible. Maybe start with any mods that modify ammo?

  • Hello, the accuracy of mp-18 does not seem to be high, I want to modify the accuracy but do not know how to do it

    • You are correct, the accuracy is not the best. I believe this is how BSG intended it, as it is not exactly a sniper rifle, and the MOA matches the live version if I am not mistaken. Nevertheless, if you want to modify accuracy values you have to edit the item in MC-MP18/database/templates/items.json, more specifically the first entry "61f7c9e189e6fb1a5e3ea78d". The accuracy values are generally located towards the bottom of this entry. Unfortunately I cannot help you modify them in any specific way as I am actually not familiar with how the different accuracy values work myself. But feel free to change them and see how it feels. Google how to edit json files, it is pretty simple, notepad or notepad++ can both do the job.

    • Also I feel obligated to mention, be careful to follow all json formatting properly or your server will always crash when you try and start it. Read the tutorial, it should explain it.

    • You should also look at the barrel ("61f4012adfc9f01a816adda1") values as well. Maybe center of impact?

    • 是的,我解决了我的问题,感谢您的澄清

      Like 1
  • Based mod, thanks king

    Like 1
  • Killing enemies with this gun is clean fun, because you have just one round. One shot - one kill, like people saying.

    Like 1
  • Cannot download it. Error 404 from google

  • Niiiiiice... Changed to "shotgun" in item properties, because BSG did that oficially in new patch.

  • why there is no sound when i shoot

    • I do not know. Do any errors show up in your server? Also could you send me a log file, specifically the one ending in "errors.log" in the "Logs" folder in your main SPT install location?

    • Nevermind I figured it out, see the edit to the Overview. Will get this fixed as soon as possible.

    • There is a new version as well as updated installation instructions. Apologies for that!