Faction Advantages 1.1.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Faction Advantages improves the prices of traders from the players faction, gives the player better weapon handling for faction related weapons, and other small improvements.


Faction Advantages

Faction Advantages improves the prices of traders from the players faction, gives the player better weapon handling for faction related weapons, and other small improvements.

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To install Faction Advantages download the latest release and unzip the file. Move the faction-advantages folder into user/mods of your SPT installation.


  • Better weapon handling for weapons of the own faction.
  • Cheaper repairs and prices from traders of the same faction.
  • Higher sell prices for traders of the same faction
  • make rouges perma-friendly to usec or I riot.

    Like 1
    • I will try

      Like 2 Thanks 1

    • I could not find a server-side way to find a method... so unfortunately I cant add it in the near future

    • oof. There should be a file containing faction relations, like with raiders or rogues, right? Something tells the game that rogues are violent, and we just need to find what tells the game this.

    • Quote

      There should be a file containing faction relations, like with raiders or rogues, right?

      Not that I know of. There is a config setting that sets the faction hostility of the same faction but it seems to not include rogues.


      Something tells the game that rogues are violent

      Yes and I thought it was in the bot type files under "mind" but changing that doesn't change their behavior.

      Either there is something i overlooked or i is in the game iself and not the server.