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Most likely does not currently work. Numerous bug reports have been submitted. Check the comments for my full reply, but this trader doesn't currently work on the newer versions. I most likely will not be updating this since I am really busy with school and work, also most of the 12.9 items are in the game now anyways. In the future I may work on another, better project. Thanks!
*code was copied and edited from Kugel's AR Shoppe Mod AR Shoppe Mod,
they also helped immensely as I learned java and personally guided me with any issues I had.
Adds a new trader that has the 12.9 guns and a few attachments for them. Along with two barter items I wanted the convenience of buying with roubles.
Everything is bought/sold in roubles with guessed prices, there are no barter items (currently)
- All .45, .300 blk, .338 lapua magnum ammunition as well as ap6.3 and 7n31 9x19 ammo
- Ump 45, Vector 9x19 and .45, Mk-18 Mod 1 dmr, MCX, Ash-12
- Crye Airframe Chops
- All ump/vector/mk-18/mcx specific attachments added
- A few misc attachments
Version 1.1.0
- Cascadence
- PS12B
- MCX compatible supressor
- A few gun presets
- Cheaper labs access card
- Killa body armor and slaap plate
- T-7s and mounts
- Antidote and Cocktail stimulants
- Grenade Launcher
Version 1.0.0
- Cascadence