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Looking for someone to help me with the spawn problem on certain maps
(shoreline resort roof, reserve queens tower, customs scav fortress)
It seems to be a deeper issue within the game which may be fixed with a BepInEx mod, but I have no experience with that.
New unique spawn points:
More to come
Each spawn has to be added to a "BotZone".
Depending on the assigned BotZone the bots behave differently.
But they will always try to move to their zone, this is how the game works.
And because bots spawn in waves there will be more possibilities to cross your path while they move.
The images show the default spawnpoints in black, and the new in red.
The connected default spawn points approximately show the BotZones in different colors.
I have to put 2 maps in one image because only 5 attachments are allowed
To have some variability I added each spawn point to 1-3 zones resulting in 168 added spawn possibilities for bots (SCAVs and PMC Bots)
The reserve overlay is pretty bad, could not find a proper map that is scaled correctly
Some spawnpoints were added to multiple zones resulting in 110 added spawn possibilites.
See map for approximate locations.
Most of them are underground (bunker, d2, queen)
Some on the roofs of the buildings
Default reserve spawns: 76
Factory (day and night):
No zones, 21 added spawn possibilities
Spawnpoints at (no map for this one):
Extracts (maybe some extract campers )
On high walkways
Inside the office rooms
Default factory spawns: 19
Many spawnpoints were added to multiple zones resulting in 343 added spawn possibilites.
Default Shoreline spawns: 104
Some spawnpoints were added to multiple zones resulting in 137 addded spawn possibilites.
Default Woods spawns: 99
Only a few spawnpoints were added to multiple zones resulting in 215 added spawn possibilites.
Default Lighthouse spawns: 131
Some spawnpoints were added to multiple zones resulting in 337 added spawn possibilites.
Default Interchange spawns: 57
Each spawnpoint has 1 zone resulting in 153 added spawn possibilites.
Default Interchange spawns: 41
No map because not much to see on the map with 3 floors ontop of each other.
Added spawns at all important points and in rooms on the whole map.
Currently there are some strange things happening but I am not sure why.
Some bots will run like crazy to their BotZone and ignore you until they reach their target.
Some bots will run up to a wall and look at it and only spot you if you come very close.
But most of the bots behave normally.
Customs specifics:
If you add bot spawns to the ZoneScavBase (SCAV Fortress) they will not spawn.
I added also them to nearby zones but because of that they will not stay inside
Reserve specifics:
Not sure yet if all spawns work, but I encountered some on the way to d2
Spawns up on the Queens tower work but the bots get teleported down to the helicopter after 3 seconds.
Shoreline specifics:
Bots that spawn in the resort building higher than floor 2 will be teleported down after 3 seconds.
Looking for someone to help (message at the top)
Woods specifics:
Not tested, maybe some spawns on high rocks will cause teleports
Lighhouse specifics:
Not tested, maybe some spawns on high rocks will cause teleports
Interchange specifics:
Not tested, maybe some spawns will cause teleports
Labs specifics:
Not tested
More testing is required. Please post your feeback in the comments.
Further updates will bring spawnpoints for labs
Maybe: Custom and Factory rework
Hopefully: A fix for the teleporting problem
How to install:
Download and install Lua's Custom Spawn Points
Extract the folder "ExtendedBotSpawnpoints" to "usermodsLua-CustomSpawnPointsconfigspawnpoints"
Have fun!
Version 1.7
- Lavax
Added Labs with 153 new spawnpoints
Now all maps are done.
Maybe a Customs and Factory rework
Hopefully the teleporting problem gets solved
Version 1.6
- Lavax
Added Interchange with 274 unique spawnpoints
Version 1.5
- Lavax
Added Lighthouse with 183 unique spawnpoints
Version 1.4
- Lavax
Added Woods: 102 unique spawnpoints
Changed customs scavbase spawns to also be part of the ZoneScavBase
Version 1.3
- Lavax
added shoreline with 202 unique spawnpoints
Looking for help on the teleport problem (read message at the top on overview)
Version 1.2
- Lavax
Added Reserve
94 new unique spawn points
mostly underground and on roofs
Version 1.1
- Lavax
Added 21 Factory Spawnpoints (no map for this) to the 19 default ones
Some spawns at extractions and at high walkways
Version 1.0.0
- Lavax
on shoreline are sniper scavs spawning properly on top of the powerstation?
do I put the config files into Lua's spawnpoints folder or do I put the ExtendedSpawnPoint folder inside the SpawnPoints folder?
You take the ExtendedBotSpawnpoints folder and drag it into the folder spawnpoints wich can be found in the Lua-CustomSpawnPoints config folder.
The path should be user\mods\Lua-CustomSpawnPoints\config\spawnpoints.
will there a update for 3.5
Does it not work? Have you tried it per chance?
Lavax Author
Lua's custom spawn points seem to work, then this also works
Lavax Author
I am currently playing on 3.5.0 with
Lua's custom spawn points with extended bot spawnpoints
Betterspawnsplus with Nooky's custom spawns
And the raids have a nice variety of bot locations and difficulty
disabling spawn zones have worked in the past but new spawn points have never worked for me, I'm on 3.5.1 and nothing is working
its compatible with aki 3.4.1 ???
Lavax Author
If the file format is still compatible with LUA'S CUSTOM SPAWN POINTS, it should work.
Can not test it currently.
Maybe someone can test and answer and I will update the version number.
Does this mod work with 3.3.0?
Seems to work, but I do not see any bots in any of the extra spawns.
I have POOP and LUA causom spawns
Wish this got updated to 3.3.0
I know all scav spots by heart, need a mod like this to keep the game interesting.
Does it work with Lua Custom Spawn Points for AKI 3.2.3?
So do the new spawn points work with lua spawn rework and adudewithbadaim's configs?
hello lavax .
im getting an error saying the package.json folder is missing is that normal
I have used this for a plentitude of reserve runs and got this to point out:
-the underground storage of hermetic door is constantly overrun by bots, after clearing them out new ones keep spawning in so by the time i finish looting new ones walk/spawn in.
-A PMC spawned on a tower right in front of me, fell off the tower and teleported right behind me (got a video of it)
-A PMC ambushed me right outside the D2 extract and would have killed me, but then despawned/teleported far away...
Found a potential bug;
With Boss (which imo should include their guards) set to false on all maps, I just ran into a sanitar guard way outside the sanitar spawn areas. Specifically, in the village crossroads, before regular scavs started spawning.
(Spoiler; yes, first shot 7.62BP to the head, eyes lol)
After using this mod extensively, I'd suggest combing through your work and assessing if spawns are actually working or not. As it stands, I find a lot of spawns where AI get stuck and won't do anything at all using your mod. Or they spawn, can move, but simply choose not to. At times they'll just run back and forth, surrounded by danger. Idk if these problems can be remedied by simply moving the spawn a bit, but this isn't a rare occurrence and happens at least once every raid. Sometimes multiple times across different spawns.
Lavax Author
I also saw something like that but rarely, maybe every 3rd raid.
However, I played factory and interchange most of the time.
The best approach would be to dig into the game files and modify zones / pathing.
I heard it might be possible with some unity tools.
Played some more on customs now and there it happens more often
Most of the time Customs feels too empty. Few times it feels pretty good.
Could it be that AI gets teleported and stuck or smth like that?
had few raids in Woods felt very good.
When I was digging through files I recall seeing a zone called "ZoneSanatroium" without a number on the end. I wonder if it's worth trying that to see if it fixes the drop spawns
It's possible 1 & 2 are only valid for the older version of the game.
the number at the end means theres more than one zone in that area
for example if there were multiple zones at dorms you would see
Impressive work ! Good job !
Does this need any specific changes to the config on Lua spawn rework?
Lavax Author
I am not sure if "Spawn Rework" alters the locations but I set the config useDefaultspawns to true
Spawn rework uses names of the zones as far as i know,
so i wonder if i need to add BotZone to make the new ones here to work
On shoreline most bots seem to take alot of (fall?) damage upon spawning, so they either die or can barely walk and make constant pain noises. Plz help
Lavax Author
That is a problem with the spawns in the resort.
Looking for help to fix this.
For now the only thing you can do is remove all spawnpoints in the Zones "Sanatorium 1" and "Sanatroium 2". Then no more bots should be teleported.
This happens on Factory too, + i tested only Factory day, but most of bots dont make any moves, they are like turned off.
Hi Lavax!
Thanks for the mod! Makes the single play experience more deep, brings more life to maps! Great job! I have a question, is it alright? -
Lua-CustomSpawnPoints: Custom Spawn Points Bot: 1352, Player: 0, Boss: 0
Lua-CustomSpawnPoints: Default Spawn Points Bot: 646, Player: 879, Boss: 103
Lua-CustomSpawnPoints: Successfully Loaded 0 Presets for "bigmap, factory4_day, factory4_night, interchange, lighthouse, rezervbase, shoreline, woods"
"...Loaded 0 presets for @xxx mapid@". So im confused, is the mod working properly?
Lavax Author
Looks like you have but in the json files directly into the spawnpoints folder.
If you keep the sub folder they will be loaded as preset.
Thanks for reply! Yes, i put json files directly in spawnpoints folder. But i still dont understand, is the mod working in my case?
Lavax Author
It also works like this
Thanks for help!
Thank you heaps for this really adds to the SP Tarky
I do remember playing with bots spawning on the resort, can't remember if it was because of mods or just a different AKI version but he would usually be right at the snipers mattress and weapons crate on the west wing or sometimes on the east wing above the south entrance to that building but not as close to the edge on that side if I remember correctly, don't know if it relates to what GhostSignals said but I have a feeling they couldn't move around much from those spots.
Also thanks for your effort in creating all these, really appreciate it.
Lavax Author
It seems a function was added later to the game that bots get teleported if they are in a certain coordinate space.
The bots on the roof of the resort sometimes move to one corner before disappearing.
It seems like a dirty fix for regions where no pathing data is present.
But I would rather have them sit in this spot and watch like campers.
Hey friend, just figure you should know that some mods 'fix' the openzones issue and allow AI to spawn there. Fin's AI Tweak has an advanced spawn config and Lua's Spawn Rework also features this, as well as Valen's AIO. With this said, you may want to bake spawns in for that zone regardless and put up a disclaimer that you need another mod to see those spawns work, or upload an alternative version. Whatever's more efficient and worth it in the longterm!
EDIT: As for the teleporting bots, I'd have to wager that it's either because those areas have no nav mesh or because they're otherwise inaccessible to AI through normal means. AI can't climb ladders, unlock doors, and their pathing is set in stone as far as I know. So if there's no pathing for them to follow, the game may just teleport them to where there is nav mesh, which could be a preset point during map creation. This is just speculation, but it may help to simply move those spawn points elsewhere.
Lavax Author
Thank you, I did not try to combine it with the other mods.
Will do some tests with them.
Tried it with Luas Spawn Rework and they get teleported as well.
I would have no problem with the bots staying at one position. I placed them watching in the direction where players might walk by so they would act like campers.
I should be a little more descriptive; what Lua's Spawn Rework and mods with similar effects do is add the missing zones, like scav base/fortress on Customs, which allows AI to spawn there. It doesn't fix the issue with teleporting AI.
I looked into the teleportation problem a bit deeper and it seems to come from the engine saying 'this isn't where AI should be', so it telelports the AI to a place where it can move. Like in water on maps that have inaccessible bodies of water, if you spawn an AI there, it'll get moved somewhere else on the map.
Are bots spawn on all floors of the sanatorium?
Youre an animal...Keep up with the full head of steam. The remaining maps are favorites by a lot of people. Thanks again for your work.
instructions unclear lua-spawnrework only has config/patterns and i loaded up the map with the files in there and i didnt encounter any enemies on customs
You need Lua's custom spawn points for this not lua's spawnrework. Though they do work together if you want both.
Does this mod impact performance?
Lavax Author
This should give only more possibilites to where bots spawn.
The limits that are set in the base config of SPT-AKI matter for the performance.
Hey Lavax, here are the spawn zone names for Shoreline.
I've added them to my Shoreline base.Json "OpenZones" section. Now the scavs spawn all over the map (like they did back in AKI version 1.5.1).
Lavax Author
They are already there by default.
Ah some were missing.
But it does not help, still the bots are teleported from the roof to the 1st floor
When i launch the server said is mising package.json?
Lavax Author
Look at the how to install section
Works pretty good. Thanks for all the effort as it really made the game more dynamic and unexpected. I just had 1 little issue where a PMC spawned on the wooded area near dorms and he was just standing there, not moving or reacting to anything.
Lavax Author
Thanks, I noticed that too. Not sure why this happens.
If you come closer the bot should react and shoot you.
Maybe it has to do something with his field of vision
Maybe certain zones doesn't have navmesh built into it?
I want to see Map zone jpg for other map.
because don't know "spawn zone" put it where on the map.
(Sry, I am not good at English)
thank you .
3.1.1 Default Spawn Locations and BotZoneNames
Here you go.
thank you very much!!