Josh Mate's Better Backpacks Version 27

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Makes backpacks bigger in a balanced way

Josh Mate's Better Backpacks


Makes Backpacks bigger while still staying in line with Vanilla gameplay balance based on price / rarity / weight


- All single grid backpacks have had their sizes increased by about 40%

- Boss bags (Birds eye radio / Sanitar / Partisan) have been made significantly larger to fit their boss status

- Bags with multiple grids were increased by less to prevent UI grid overlap issues

- The field medic bag had its item restrictions removed

How to Configure this mod

- All backpacks come pre-edited to new bigger but balanced sizes. Just install and play

- You can edit the values in Mod.ts to your liking

- Increasing bag sizes too much can cause UI grid over lap issues

- Increasing bag sizes on backpacks with multiple frame grids can cause UI issues


Move the mod's "user" folder into your SPT AKI folder that contains your user folder.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Nootropix for the original mod framework
Special thanks to JJBeanson for adding the IDs for some missing back packs
Special thanks to tedthepraimortis for adding the IDs for the new 3.10 back packs

  • Version Version 27

    SPT Version: 3.10.x

    - Updated the version labeling field to be compatible with the latest version of SPT

    - Added new backpack: Vertx Ready Pack (Red) with a new bigger size

    - Added new backpack: Partisan's bag with a new significantly bigger size because it's a boss reward

    - Fixed error where the version string in package.json was invalid.

  • Version 24

    SPT Version: 3.9.5

    - Updated the version labeling field to match new rebrand of AKI -> SPT

    - Updated code references and dependencies to match new SPT rebrand

    - Updated the meta data and logging for this release of SPT

  • Version 22

    SPT Aki Version: 3.8.3

    - Updated the meta data and logging for this release of SPT

    - Fully tested and working with 3.8.0 / 3.8.1 / 3.8.2 / 3.8.3 / 3.9.0
    (Should work right up until the SPT rebrand)

  • Version 21

    SPT Aki Version: 3.8.1

    - Changed folder layout for easier installation

    - Updated the meta data for this release of SPT

    - Fully tested and working with 3.8.1

  • Version 20

    SPT Aki Version: 3.8.0

    - Updated the meta data for this release of SPT

    - Fully tested and working with 3.8.0

  • Version 19

    SPT Aki Version: 3.7.1

    - Reduced the black and tan Takedown backpacks total size slightly, but made them wider so you have to scroll less in the UI

  • Version 18

    SPT Aki Version: 3.7.1

    - The top biggest backpacks that weren't already have been made 6 slots wide (6xN) so that you don't have to scroll as much in the inventory UI but are still the same size.

    - nerfed Sanitar's bag because It's exterior grid size is small (it's still much better than vanilla).

    - Brought more backpacks in line with the linear progression of Size vs. Cost / rarity, improving balance.

  • Version 17

    SPT Aki Version: 3.7.1

    - Tactical Sling is now slightly bigger but still one of the worst

    - VKBO Army Bag is now slightly bigger but still one of the worst

    - Transformer Bag is now slightly bigger but still one of the worst

    - Fixed a bug where the Army bag was smaller than anticipated.

  • Version 16

    SPT Aki Version: 3.7.1

    - Update meta data and logging for 3.7.1

  • Version 14

    SPT Aki Version: 3.5.8

    - no new in-game changes, just updated meta data and console logging to 3.5.8

  • Hey, I figured I would post this, but the Camelbak Tri-Zip Assault Pack in Multicam wasn't added, idk if it was intentional or not, figured I'd just let you know just in case!

  • Just downloaded the mod and the Bird Eye backpack is now only 14 slots :(((

    • I just booted up Version 27 to check, and it works fine for me, bird's eye has 66 slots as expected. Make sure you have Version 27+ Installed properly and no other mods that modify backpacks.

    • I just uninstalled the mod completly and reinstalled it. works fine now. Thanks and sorry to bother you

  • Sorry but this is the first time that i getting problems with running this mod i did try to change the Version in user\mods\JoshMate-BetterBackpacks --- "package"--- Version to "2.0.5" and "sptVersion": "~3.10", and still dous not work can it be a load order problem ?

    • You dont need to do it any more, with version 27 it is fixed

  • Solved with Version 27

    Hey @ you Josh Mate and everyone,


    if your Betterbackpacks modd doesnt work. Go to your SPT istellation, then to user, mods and then to Josh Mate Better Backpacks, i needed to change the Version of the mod "Version" "25" to "2.0.5" for my spt to now about it. Before it was redlined in the server and wasnt working.

    Have a nice Raid and Day


    Thumbs Up 2
    • I noticed this too and was wondering what was causing it, thanks!

    • Whoops, my bad, I uploaded the wrong file, fixed now in Version 27

      Heart 2
  • We are so back!

    Updated to latest version of SPT and included the new bags that would work with this mod.


    Heart 1
  • It works for me as well. I just changed the version.

  • It works for me, I just changed the version to "sptVersion": "~3.10",

  • update? i download the latest one it said not compatible with SPT now...

    • It works for me, I just changed the version to "sptVersion": "~3.10",

    • user\mods\JoshMate-BetterBackpacks Open the file "package" and replace 3.9 with 3.10 and everything will work

  • i can't trust that download site man

    • nah it's fine.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Mediafire?? cmonnn it's a classic haha just logged into my old account with files from like 2016 the other day it's an OG site. Only risk is the uploader and I think we're good here ;)

    • What an amateur, grow a pair and download it already.

      ? 1
    • what? it just seemed really sketchy and ive had it downloaded since october

  • You're missing the new Direct Action Dragon Egg Mark II backpack from the latest version.

  • Hi, does this work well with realism mod?

  • is this compatibale with 3.9.8? i am getting an error Mod: Josh Mate-JoshMateBetterBackPacks 1.5.1 is not compatible with the current version of SPT. It was made for SPT: 3.9.5 Please check for an updated version of this mod. You may encounter issues - no support will be provided!

  • hey so im getting an error Mod: Josh Mate-JoshMateBetterBackPacks 1.5.1 is not compatible with the current version of SPT. It was made for SPT: 3.9.5 Please check for an updated version of this mod. You may encounter issues - no support will be provided!
    it is updated to 3.9.5 before anyone asks

    • There must be an issue with your SPT installation, I have tested this on a fresh 3.9.5 version and I cannot replicate your error. Please try a fresh 3.9.5 install and fresh install of the latest version of this mod.

    • i will say i did use the patch files from 3.8

  • Right! Sorry all, had a bit of a whoopsie there with uploading the wrong files, I've just released U24 for 3.9.5 and 3.9.X with all the updated stuff for the new SPT rebrand. Let me know if there is anymore problems.

    Heart 1
    • The U24 version only contains folders for 3.9.5, which are easy to fix: "sptVersion": "3.9.4" on the package.json and that should allow it to run flawlessly.

      IDK if you intended to add a 3.9.x version later on. Sry if it's a bother.

      Cheers! o/

  • uhhh still outdated you sure you uploaded the right file

    • Should be fixed now, but let me know if I somehow messed it up again!

    • its fixed now cheers for being fast

    • ok im curious how do i edit the sizes i have never actually done something like this before

    • Read the "How to configure" section of the mod description on this site.

  • "akiversion": 3.8.3", to--> "sptVersion": "3.9.4" on the package.json

    IDK if this will help anyone. I really loved this mod, if this infringes something, let me know and I will take down the comment.

    • Just updated to AKI 3.9.5!

      Heart 1
    • Josh, SPT changed it to "sptVersion" due to the rebrand from Aki. You'll need to change that or the mod won't work.

      There's also some other Aki code still in the mod.

      Heart 1
    • Oh dam, okay, thank you for letting me know, will change now

    • I will take this oportunity to let you know I love the mod! Thanks for bringing this to us all! o7

  • With proper crediting, can I post a ported version for 3.9.0?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Provide the goods.

      (or instructions on how to get goods. ive already done it once, i can hopefully do it again.

      thanks a ton mate)

    • ?

    • this would be awesome. i really love this mod and being able to use cool looking backpacks rather than the ugly AF raid backpack is great

      i'm not a modder, but imo i dont see the harm in releasing an updated version of a mod while crediting the original creator. and then if/when the original mod gets updated the new one can just be taken down. there are tons of examples of this already for SPT

    • I'm waiting for Josh Mate to respond to see if I can or not

      Heart 1
    • can you private message me mate i really want this mod to work with 3.9 ^^

  • I have a suggestion. I think you should make a version where most backpacks get more segments. To make it feel a bit more interesting. Instead of just bigger backpacks.

    • I too would love to do this, but I don't understand how to mod the UI to make that happen I'm afraid...

    • The Raid Overhaul mod uses custom backpacks with custom layouts. That would be a place to investigate.

  • U22,Mismatch in version 3.8.1, backpacks are not expanded

  • The text printed post load is saying AKI 3.7.1 (line 290) even though it's U21 versionpMhCpj1.jpeg

    • Oversight, just forgot to update the version number text in the log, I have now fixed this in the latest U22 version.

      Heart 1
  • I was getting an error trying to install this but worked out the solution so I figured I'd share. If you've done everything else correctly, don't have a conflicting mod installed, and are using the right version(s) but are still getting an error when launching the server, then check to make sure the folder for the mod isn't restricted/locked. You'll see a lock symbol on the folder icon or something similar depending on your OS if it is. Right click and go into Properties and look for permissions. You want your account and group to have access to read and write to the folder and its contents (basically the ability to access, create, modify, and delete files. Most folders are set this way by default but something changed the permissions for this folder) Again, the exact wording may differ depending on your OS.

    I'm almost certain I didn't do anything to cause the folder to lose the permissions initially, this is the only mod I've had this happen to so far. Though I am on Linux so that might have something to do with it.

  • hello ,

    the tag on the mod says 3.8.1 but when i load it up it says that it is incompatible to my game version, is there something i am missing ?.

    • Oversight, just forgot to update the version number text in the log, I have now fixed this in the latest U22 version.

  • I'm using Configurable Inventories which enables the new backpacks to work with the slots. I am also guessing these two would be incompatible with each other. Maybe a warning on your mod page about what other types of mods can conflict with this one? For instance anything that changes backpack slots, etc.

  • this doesnt include the new backpacks, dragon egg, SATL, RK-PT-25, though they are multi grid bags... next update?

    • Since they are multi grid bags they can't really be edited with the mod in its current state as it causes UI errors that break storing and retrieving things from the backpack. If I had the time and knowledge I would work out how to change it in the client code so it works.

  • Yeah I had to upgrade to latest version and currently does not work as a heads up. Love this mod, thanks for the hard work thus far. :thumbup:

  • This works fine with 3.80, i've tested it all the way up to level 35 on all maps and on all the backpacks. If you're going crazy with sizes only go up to 15x15 or it may cause problems.

    Change the version to 3.80 in the package.json Note that this is not something you should do with most mods as there could be a good reason as to why it's not being loaded. "akiVersion": "3.8.0",

    But in this case the mod works just fine. Keep in mind that i can not guarantee it will work flawlessly with every mod configuration out there, but my game is very mod heavy so i am confident that it will.

  • can infact say this is not compatible with 3.8.0

  • Yo make compatible with Drip

  • Hey could you possibly make this work with DRIP so those bags are also increased

  • Update please. I changed the version in the mod files, where it was written SPT-AKI 3.7.2 changed to SPT-AKI 3.7.5 This allowed the mod to load without errors when starting the server. Tell me, was it a stupid decision, and in the future there will be errors in the game? Or is this exactly how to change the version of this mod under the version of SPT-AKI, maybe the code itself does not need to change?????

    • This mod is very stable and compatible with new versions, so it should continue to work even without updates, it just won't affect any newly added backpacks til I update it manually