Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
WARNING: This mod will not help your realism, the AI is relentless and will ruin your beautiful day!
And a big thank you to all those in the #mods-Development for answering my poorly explained questions!
Ever felt like those filthy scavs just sat around doing nothing all day except for their daily sprint away when you shoot them?
Look no further! This shitty mod will make sure Scavs are challenging, very challenging!
This mod is rather simple, it does what it does and it should be relatively straightforward, I wouldn't use this mod if you really value the normal balance. You could see it as a joke-mod.. Or a challenge! (If the mod craps out please report it, I will do my best to fix each and every issue!)
What does this do?
This mod very basically checks any bots that get spawned on the map, and any scavs that are attempted to spawn into your game will have their role set to bossKilla. This will make the Scav AI get replaced from its simpleton status to a true god on the battlefield. It will chase you, it will engage you, and it will kill you.
Get ready for the hardest fight of your SPT Career!
In the background upon completing/ending the raid it will convert the improperly saved scavs to their original values as a way to prevent any issues to arise.
How to Install/Uninstall/Configure
To install, add the FOLDER in SPT-AKI/user/mods
To uninstall.. Revert the above!
To configure, open config.json within the 'config' folder (with a text editor) Currently only supported options are enable/disable and the % of scavs that will get this AI.
What are the known issues?
- Scavs will show up as 'BOSS' faction on kill list, unfortunately this is one drawback. But it seems to be only text-related and does not affect the game, and I added a function to fix this within the player's profile itself.
What are the changes/changelog?
1.0.0 = First release, basic side change for spawned bots.
1.0.1 = Patched profile saving to make sure the bots don't show up as a boss kill internally/in profile.
1.0.2 = Added config file to enable/disable the mod, and to allow you to set a % chance for a scav to ge set to Killa's AI. Balancing complete
Feel free to come up with suggestions, and please let me know how you experienced the mod! Personally I didn't last long on any map
My future plans are to make a new AI Type to help the scavs become less shit, this mod isn't what I envisioned as a 'final product' but more of a fun gimmick.
Version 1.0.4
- laser50
- Fixes stupidity in the % calculation, 4AM coding is not my jam. (Means that the % scav to boss AI config option should now really work
Version 1.0.3
- laser50
I can't see lines any more
- Fixed console spam, no one likes console spam. Sorry for this.
Version 1.0.2
- laser50
- Added config file, you can now choose a percentage chance for a scav to get Killa's AI. Enjoy! You can also turn the mod on/off through this config file.
Version 1.0.1
- laser50
Hi i was wondering if you could make a updated version for 3.5.2?
Hi laser,
Strange thing, yesterday i installed your mod with the last aki version, no trouble and today when i launch the server it say, it's not compatible with the aki version.
laser50 Author
Strange indeed! But it should work regardless of that message!
it says that because in the package.json file the AKI version is like this
"akiVersion": "3.2.4",
change it to 3.2.5 and you wont get the message, most likely wont affect the mod doing its job though.
laser50 Author
I am aware of the (not entirely forgotten) version change, work has caught up to me and the quickest way to show it worked was by just nudging the version.
I do plan to properly update this at some point with potentially some more functionality. But it will have to wait a while.
hey, there is an option to chande scavs ai not to the killas ai but to the tagillas one for example?
laser50 Author
Thought of adding that, I'm doing a little research on boss types/AI to see what'll work best and will likely be adding them in soon
would be great if you add that, cant wait
lmao this sounds awesome
why killa mask is up
laser50 Author
huuuhh? haha
For some reason, all scavs on map still behave Killa-like regardless of having "PERCENT_TO_MAKE_KILLA_AI" set to 10
laser50 Author
Does the final kill list (when you exit) still show any scavs that are marked as SCAV and not as BOSS? If you haven't seen any SCAV kills in that list I'll look into it and hotfix it this weekend
Think I know where that issue hides
It in fact displays killed scavs as "boss" facton
laser50 Author
1.0.4 should be good to go without that issue, thanks for reporting!
Would it be possible to make it so that only some of the scavs get Killa's AI? Maybe the ones that spawn with "hard" or "impossible" AI?
laser50 Author
Let me quickly figure out configurations and I'll be back
laser50 Author
Added config options, should be set now
Another what if..... What if you made it so you could configure PMCs to have a percentage chance to have Killa's AI as well.
It can also be expanded to allow these factions to receive AI from another boss too. Not sure what other bosses would be interesting. Maybe Tagilla with his melee charges.
Getting a server error upon exiting raids. And the screen is stuck on black but I can still hear the raid.
Here's the error:
TypeError: raidController.savePmcProgress is not a function
TypeError: raidController.savePmcProgress is not a function
at Mod.replacementFunction2 (C:\Users\E\Desktop\SPT AKI\user\mods\Laser50-scavbossai-1.0.3\src\mod.js:62:46)
at InraidController.result.saveProgress (C:\Users\E\Desktop\SPT AKI\user\mods\Laser50-scavbossai-1.0.3\src\mod.js:43:29)
at InraidCallbacks.saveProgress (C:\Users\E\Desktop\SPT AKI\obj\bundle.js:1529:31)
at $de60112e0288ef4d$export$1dd35d19c79daa7c.action (C:\Users\E\Desktop\SPT AKI\obj\bundle.js:15603:45)
at InraidStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\Users\E\Desktop\SPT AKI\obj\bundle.js:14229:61)
at Proxy.handleRoute (C:\Users\E\Desktop\SPT AKI\obj\bundle.js:14545:41)
at Proxy.getResponse (C:\Users\E\Desktop\SPT AKI\obj\bundle.js:14535:30)
at HttpServer.sendResponse (C:\Users\E\Desktop\SPT AKI\obj\bundle.js:16220:38)
at Inflate.cb (C:\Users\E\Desktop\SPT AKI\obj\bundle.js:16263:26)
at Inflate.zlibBufferOnEnd (zlib.js:153:10)
Edit: I'm running on version 3.2.1 , so it could be that I'm playing on outdated server.
Edit: The issue appears to be that the savePmcProgress code wasn't added in until 3.2.2. Looks like I may have to finally upgrade!