Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
This MOD contains all my old containers.
- RECYCLED AMMO BAG : In this container you can put all the ammunition to take you on a raid and keep them safe in the Secure Container.
This container is purchasable from Prapor at level 1.
- MOD CASE : In this container you can place all the Mod items for weapons.
This container is purchasable from Peacekeeper at level 1.
- SMALL TOOLBOX : In this container you can place all the Barter Items.
This container is purchasable from Mechanic at level 1.
- GEAR BOX : In this container you can put your clothing (VEST, RIG, BACKPACK).
This container is purchasable from Ragman at level 1.
- RECYCLED FAK : In this container you can place all medical items.
This container is purchasable from Therapist at level 1.
- SMALL PORTABLE FRIDGE : In this container you can place all provisions items.
This container is purchasable from Jaeger at level 1.
If you have any questions related to this mod feel free to contact me on discord (Cannuccia#0589)
Version 3.1.0
- Cannuccia
Fixed issue with trader restock.
Prices updated.
Version 3.0.1
- Cannuccia
- Removed the line of code to be able to insert containers into Secure Containers. Use SVM for this.
- Fixed container dimensions.
Version 3.0.0
- Cannuccia
Compatible with 3.6.1.
Version 2.2.0
- Cannuccia
Compatible with 3.4.0.
Fixed textures.
Version 2.1.0
- Cannuccia
*Now all containers can be insured
*Added a new container - "Small Portable Fride"
Version 2.0.0
- Cannuccia
I can't seem to put the ammo bag in secure container, I changed the price of it to be more reasonable for the playthrough me and my friends are doing. Is there somewhere I can allow it to be put into the container?
remove secure container restrictions in SVM should take care of that.
Yeah I ended up doing this, thanks
any plans about updating this gem?
Change akiVersion to sptVersion in package.json and PreAkiModLoader to PreSptModLoader in mod.js , should be
const modLoader = container.resolve("PreSptModLoader");
Thank you so much, it works flawless
How i can increase the container sizes ?
You will edit the items.json file in USER --> MODS --> CNN-CONTAINER --> DATABASE --> TEMPLATES.
Look for this section of code and you want to edit the CELLSH and CELLSV.
**In my experience don't exceed this size below as it will make the window larger than your visible area and there is no scroll bar for item boxes**
Sweet! Ive been wanting something Obvious like a "Locker" or "Wardrobe", thinking they would match the weapon cases and Thicc, but be for any clothing/armor, etc wearable...
The other way to go would be an armor stand in the hideout, like a "tree" or mannequin we hang a full kit on. Or both?
This is the last remaining frontier of something literally Fat we need to stuff more of into our stash and/or hideout, lol.
Will try this out and see how it goes. Thanks!
Underrated mod. I love this thing!
Hey, I'm a lil bit of a fool. Where do I put the file?
into the "your-aki-install"/user/mods folder
Hey man, for some reason I can't seem to put military flash drive into the toolbox.
Not sure if this is intentional or a bug..
Edit: Same for SSD
Looked into it, this is fixed by adding "5448ecbe4bdc2d60728b4568" to the filter of the toolbox
Is it possible to put it in the secure case?
NVM, I figured it out, thx for the great MOD!
How is it done good sir? I've been going over the items.json file and I'm too blind to see it
Hey is it possible to change the prices? the gearbox is selling for only 1800 roubles which is way too cheap, maybe its some mod incompatibility error?
but why is the medical just useless to use?
a little side note, the ammo one completely bugged my secure container so it only can carry that one thing
Really cool mod. Liking the ability to organize my stash from the get go. Although I am having a couple issues.
After first restock, containers disappear.
Also the secure container is not accepting anything but the modded containers inside of it now?
Cannuccia Author
hi, I tested the mod without any other mod installed.
Probably some conflict occurs, send me a screenshot of the mod folder.
I don't promise I can fix it.
All the mods I have installed
Amazing mod. Great mod author !!! THANK U
Only one issue I found, it seems as though I can't put anything in secure container? Unsure if it's a conflict with another mod or the mod itself
Cannuccia Author
hi, I tested the mod without any other mod installed.
Probably some conflict occurs, send me a screenshot of the mod folder.
I don't promise I can fix it.
Was this figured out?
When I try to buy a container, its just loads forever like its not working
will this be getting an update to 3.5.4?
From my experience, this mod sort of works. I managed to find it in traders and then purchase them. But after a while, they disappeared from traders and are no longer purchasable. They are still in my stash though. Odd?
For those who can't find the containers from the traders, deleting your cache and restarting the game seem to make them reappear. Until they disappear again that is...
For me, it's working. All I did was change the "akiVersion" in package.json to "3.5.*"
plz update to 3.5.0 love this mod
It would be awesome if we had the option to make these not able to be put into the secure, and make them always available in SPT Realisim. I love the utility of them, but having to re-buy them on death would just add to the risk, which I am ok with.
Would also be amazing if we could get an mag dump-pouch that would accept empty mags or reloading when there is no pocket/vest space, the mag they go there instead, but not sure this logic would be doable.
Cannuccia Author
Hi, container insurance has been implemented because it is required here on SPT, but I think it can be adapted for SPT Realism.
The mag container is in the works, I had thought of a Mag Pauch that could contain 3 magazines in the space of one, I will start testing it shortly.
Is there a way to allow containers, the injector case, inside the reused afk med case?

EDIT : Nevermind. I figured it out.
the mod doesn't work, items are not sold from traders
The first time I loaded into the game with this installed, they were in the trader's inventory, the next day they are not. But the containers that I bought still existed, nothing really crashed, it was really weird. The bug is probably related to the "case not in cache" something something in the server log
Same. Not cases anywhere.
EDIT : I reloaded and they appeared. Maybe the mod needs that to load them right? IIRC, it didn't need it before. probably a decimal point or parentheses out place somewhere.
It's usually something small and stupid that messes things up. Happens to me ALL the time.
I have restarted the server many times, but neither the traders nor the flea market have containers
Bummer. Could be a conflict with another mod.
could u make it so items like helmets and headphones go in the gear box
You can do it by yourself, in gear_box configs(CNN_CONTAINER -> src -> items -> gear_box.ts + gear_box.js) replace the filter line with this:
Filter: ["5448e5284bdc2dcb718b4567", "5448e53e4bdc2d60728b4567", "5448e54d4bdc2dcc718b4568", "5a341c4086f77401f2541505", "5645bcb74bdc2ded0b8b4578", "5a341c4686f77469e155819e", "5a2c3a9486f774688b05e574", "57bef4c42459772e8d35a53b", "55818b224bdc2dde698b456f"]
You need to do it with both configs!
is it possible for me to increase the container sizes on my end
Seems as though the items are not added to the merchants stock after the first restock, so the server must be restarted for them to be purchaseable.
I'm getting a conflict with Valen's AIO
Looks like what I had with KMC's Server Value Modifier. To have CNN work with whatever else you changed in Valen's you will need to disable whatever is changing the filters of containers. (I know, it's a bummer).
I figured that. The problem is finding WHAT the conflict is specifically.
I'm getting a conflict with Server Value Modifier. If I have the Case Space Manager tab enabled, I get the following error. I can just disable that tab and it works fine, but would like both.
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Filter')
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Filter')
at CNNApi.mergeFilter (D:\Program Files (x86)\SPT-3.4.1\user\mods\CNN_CONTAINER\src\api\CNNApi.js:64:30)
at CNNApi.mergeGrid (D:\Program Files (x86)\SPT-3.4.1\user\mods\CNN_CONTAINER\src\api\CNNApi.js:60:18)
at CNNApi.createItem (D:\Program Files (x86)\SPT-3.4.1\user\mods\CNN_CONTAINER\src\api\CNNApi.js:42:18)
at CNNApi.importItem (D:\Program Files (x86)\SPT-3.4.1\user\mods\CNN_CONTAINER\src\api\CNNApi.js:19:14)
at Mod.postAkiLoad (D:\Program Files (x86)\SPT-3.4.1\user\mods\CNN_CONTAINER\src\mod.js:38:16)
at PostAkiModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.js)
at PostAkiModLoader.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.js)
at ModCallbacks.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\ModCallbacks.js)
at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Filter')
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Filter')
at CNNApi.mergeFilter (D:\Program Files (x86)\SPT-3.4.1\user\mods\CNN_CONTAINER\src\api\CNNApi.js:64:30)
at CNNApi.mergeGrid (D:\Program Files (x86)\SPT-3.4.1\user\mods\CNN_CONTAINER\src\api\CNNApi.js:60:18)
at CNNApi.createItem (D:\Program Files (x86)\SPT-3.4.1\user\mods\CNN_CONTAINER\src\api\CNNApi.js:42:18)
at CNNApi.importItem (D:\Program Files (x86)\SPT-3.4.1\user\mods\CNN_CONTAINER\src\api\CNNApi.js:19:14)
at Mod.postAkiLoad (D:\Program Files (x86)\SPT-3.4.1\user\mods\CNN_CONTAINER\src\mod.js:38:16)
at PostAkiModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.js)
at PostAkiModLoader.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.js)
at ModCallbacks.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\ModCallbacks.js)
at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
hi Cannuccia, I have a suggestion for this mod - is there any possibility to put the used Car medkit and ammo pouch inside your gamma container? There were other mods in the past like this that allowed us to put it inside in our gamma but it hasn't been updated for a while. Thanks in advance.
yap bro, just remove the secure container filters with the server value modifier
ho dam this mod got updated lets goo solid 30/10
Looks like the only thing broken by the 3.4.0 update is the locale handling, so I've whipped up a quick fix for myself and thought I'd share it with anyone still waiting for an official update.
Within CNN_CONTAINER\src\api\CNNApi.ts, replace lines 74-83 (the old locale block) with the following:
I hope this helps somebody.
Thank you!
Cannuccia Author
hey, thanks a lot for the help
Hello. Please update your mod to version 3.4.0
Without it, it is very difficult and not habitual to play.
Thanks in advance
is there a way to disable some cases? i only want the mod case and gear box