JoshJ5Hawk's Super Loot 1.2.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Makes PMC bots more looty

This mod simply allows PCM bots better potential for more and more valuable loot. Just like the rest of my mods, it's kinda OP and you can tweak things in the configs.

  • The mod is great, please make it version 3.7.1 or higher!!!!

  • Are you planning on updating this mod?

  • Hi, is it possible to make this mod to they have more loot besides weapons only? TY!

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Please bang an update! Ly.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Please, update de mod Josh ;(;(

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Looking forward to the update of your mods, as they make my gameplay much more fun!!!

  • will this be getting an update to 3.5.4? :)

  • is it compatible with spt aki 3.5.3?

    • kinda, but iv noticed a lot of containers and filing cabinets are empty

  • compatible with poop and/or spt realism?

  • hi Josh, is there a way to make it that the PMCs don't spawn with Blue,red, green, Black....ect key cards??

  • so i just made a account to ask this, but i says the superloot is not compatible with the current version, is this right or wrong?

    • It's a standard check that SPT-AKI does as it loads any mod. It looks for the "akiVersion" parameter in the packageds.json file.

      In this case, that is set to:

      "akiVersion": "3.4.0",

      And you're presumably running 3.4.1, hence the message.

      You can:

      1. ignore it.
      2. change the parameter value to 3.4.1
      3. future proof it (and lie) and change it to 3.4.x
  • Idk if its my end or the mod but after downloading this mod it deleted the SKS build i had in my inventory. I backed out to see what was going on only to load back in and my sks was back in my inventory plus 2 guns i had died with in previous raids.

  • im having some trouble with insatalling it saying im missing the package.json when its in there? any tips? im new at this thanks much!

  • Does this work with your lootboxes mod?

  • これは 3.3.0 でも機能しますか?