Custom F-1 Firearms Skel Red BDR-15 3G Competition Rifle 1.0.0 (Semi-only with 800 RPM)

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Well it is skeletonized AR-15

Designed to be lightweight, accurate, and rigid, this base rifle is a must have for any shooter. The rifle carries sub MOA accuracy, was machined with 7075-T6 aircraft quality aluminum in the receiver set and handguard, was hand finished, offers customizable options and brings a look to the rifle which is unmatched in the industry. This rifle will guaranteed highest quality and accuracy, a must-have in any competition or range shooting.

Weapon Spec (Semi-Version)
Ergo: 55

Recoil Force Up/Vertical Recoil = 120;
Recoil Force Back/Horizontal Recoil = 390
Weapon ROF: 800

Weapon Spec (Full-auto-Version)

Ergo: 55

Recoil Force Up/Vertical Recoil = 125;

Recoil Force Back/Horizontal Recoil = 400

Weapon ROF: 700

Mod By HKM4, A T L A S, Echo

and Special Thanks to (G28DMRReaper/TXReaper)
and KCH Armory team

  • Will you update this mod?