JoshJ5Hawk Loot Boxes 1.4.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Want some extra loot? Here ya go!

This mod adds several loot boxes to Tarkov that can be found on dead Scavs and PMCs. Special thanks to The Katto for texture help, K4_a for converting presets functions, and everyone else that helped in Discord.

I'm open to loot pool suggestions, as well as weapon preset suggestions (I kind of just made some presets lol)

Here are some images for ya.




  • Any plans on updating this mod, please?
    Thank you!

  • I installed a clean client and server, copied the only mod - this one doesn’t work...

  • I have played 50 Raids with this mod, haven't had a single bot with a loot box, I even went in a raid with only 2 bots the server said that one should have a box and when I killed both there was no box on any of them. They appear on the flea and handbook. I do not have any mods that effect bot inventories.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • For a dozen raids, I have not found a single loot box, and the Fence has them on sale (AKI 3.7.0). The console is constantly spamming:

    Thumbs Up 3
  • I've seen comments asking to make loot boxes rarer but I haven't seen s single one yet since I installed this. I can see server log saying bot x shouldn't have loot container x for most bot spawns. Any chance it's related to spawning tweak mods like SWAG?

    Edit: According to the server log it looks like those bots that 'should' have loot container always have loot container 1.

    Thumbs Up 2 Crying 1
  • Where should I find loot boxes? And then for a couple of raids I couldn 't find more than one

  • Ok so I installed it into my mods folder, but haven't found one container yet. Am I'm missing something?

  • How do I make the loot boxes more rare to get?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • +1

    • Where did you install the mod?I installed mine into the mods folder, but haven't found anything.

    • That is indeed where you install it. They appear at random on scavs and PMCs however you may have a mod conflicting with the pockets of the scavs and or pmcs.

    • These are the mods that I have. Bluehead AIO trader, Gunsmith, Joahj5Hawk-lootboxes, MoreCheckmarksbackend, Realistic NVG, Realistic Thermals, and Drakia-waypoints. Do you know if these conflict?

    • Tbh I have all those same mods. I actually have yet to find a loot box may be the load order. Try having loot boxes at the end of the load order instead.


  • When should we expect STARTER KIT -99% discount only $4.99?

  • Hi @JoshJ5Hawk, I hope you are doing well and staying safe! I see you haven't been on for a few months and hope all is good. I was wondering if and when you get free time could you please update this amazing mod? 3.5.8 hasn't been the same. This mod is one of my top and must mods since it makes you search every nook and crany when looting a box or ai. It's so rewarding finding a loot box! I love it. gives me an rpg vibe. Please come back, we miss you. I know these things take time. I hope everything is well. much love from one of your fans!

  • Did anyone get this to work on 3.5.5?

  • Anyone know what the loot boxs ids are to add to realism bot loadout

    • I found a way to add loot boxes to realism mod bots

    • How? I was wonder where I would do it since I don't have any experience adding items to the bot kits

    • you need to go to the bot loadouts in realism mod folder and add the case names to there pockets,backpack, or there vest

  • Ошибка: Предпринята попытка разрешить незарегистрированный маркер зависимостей: "ImporterUtil"

    Ошибка: Предпринята попытка разрешить незарегистрированный маркер зависимостей: "ImporterUtil"

    на сайте InternalDependencyContainer.resolve (C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\tsyringe\dist\cjs\dependency-container.js:105:19)

    на Mod.postDBLoad (D:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov\EscapeFromTarkov\user\mods\JoshJ5Hawk-LootBoxes\src\lootboxes.js:210:40)

    в PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

    в App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

    at processTicksAndRejections (узел:внутренний/процесс/task_queues:96:5)

    at process.runNextTicks [как _tickCallback] (node:internal/process/task_queues:65:3)

    на Function.runMain (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1984:13)

    на узле:внутренний/основной/run_main_module:17:47

    Выдает такую ошибку. Как исправить?

  • Hi guys!
    One question
    How can i get even more weapon presets for weapon containers ? Will be appreciated for any info BlessRNG vibecheckvibecheck

  • is it possible to lower the spawn of boxes im finding them everywhere like 2 in jacket 2 in jacket next to it...

    when raid ends i have about 20 of them

  • I love your mod, update it for 3.5.0, please

  • Make it to 3.5.0. PLEEEEASEEE

  • Great mod!

    Had a lot of fun with it.

    I have only one concern. When u dont have enough space in inv and open any box it throws an error "Not Enough Space In Stash" and then removes the box, while not giving u anything.

    It's nothing major. I just need to remember to not open Gear Boxes or Weapon Boxes when i have limited space in inv.

    Either way. Amazing mod. Keep up the good work. Cheers.

  • as far as i can tell this also works with the creators increased pmc loot mod. seems to give slightly better loot on all bodies, not just pmcs. i am perfectly happy with this.

  • Hey Josh, How can we get you presets for weapons? Cause I got everything from the Mundane boring uber tactical to the "blursed".

    • If you want to send me your profile json that has the presets saved, I can see if I can get them added for the next version! (on a version hold until the next aki drops)

    • Roger; I'll also include a text document as well for quick and easy reference. Love the Mod dude.

  • So I just discovered something.

    When using the latest version (for compatibility with SPT Realism) no boxes spawn on enemies but they do spawn in containers (as intended).

    However now I am running these two mods:



    I am now getting loot boxes to spawn on enemies (scav/pmc/bosses/etc).

    I am unsure how it is doing it but DanCam38 got the plates for the plate system to spawn on the bots even with the "Bot Changes" options is checked in SPT Realism.

    Its great! A now I get lootboxes, running on SPT Realism, and using the realistic plate system with the bot changes baked into Realism.

  • Does this work with Realism out of the box or do I need to enable something? I'm not having any boxes spawn on any enemies.

  • any chance you can do an optional one that can spawn the boxes on enemies you kill

    • That's exactly what this mod does.

    • when you said dead Scavs and PMCs I thought you meant the already dead ones that weren't bots

    • I don't think ive seen a dead PMC loot container besides the ones i shoot

    • There are no already dead PMC's, the only bodies are Scavs.

  • about 3.3.0? Will Work some day?

  • can we get some rarity slider or smth

  • Currently using SPT-Realism and had a fixed key spawn overridden by a scav loot box. (Machinery Key)

    Seems unintentional. Works great otherwise.

  • 1.1.3 Report Running SPT Realism

    Some raids I don't find a single one, other I find multiple (scav/pmc boxes)

    Best place I have found that spawns them is Shturmans Stash on woods, but I have found them across all raid locations.

    I also run the Loot Randomizer mod but only for Loose Loot, and not Static (container) Loot.

    I believe this was an awesome compatibility update for SPT Realism.

    Haven't received anything too powerful, mostly ration packs that help with food (runs also with Realistic MREs).

    I believe the randomness and spawn rate are in a good place as they are not too rare to be non-existent but hit just at the right time to give that (OoOoO your going in my secured container!).

    Thanks JoshJ5Hawk!

  • Lootbox 1.1.3 report

    Lootboxes are so rare inside containers that I have not found a single one after I cleared dorms.

    • I was expecting to find at least one, to encourage killing scavs over looting boxes, but nope :D

    • Also, may I suggest creating a new Lootbox catagory for lootboxes found inside containers? I prefer to keep them away from scavs and PMCs to make them unique and chase items

    • The loot boxes only spawn in containers when using the SPT-Realism mod, sorry if that wasn't clear!

    • Oooh, thank you. I might have been stupid and did not read that, will download and check <3

      Again, love the mod

      Heart 1
  • You mad lad! You did it!

    Thank you so much!

    Thumbs Up 1