Simple Raid Config 1.0.8

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Simply edit some raid values.

This mod simply edits raid times for all maps, enable or disable lab scavs and changes default raid settings such as AI amount, difficulty and if bosses are enabled.

See config file to change these values yourself.

More for personal use as I just wanted a mod to edit these values for me instead of having to go in and manually edit each one.


config optionvalueexplanation
enableRaidTimeChangetrue/falseWhen enabled, changes universal raid time to value set in "universalRaidTime".
universalRaidTimeminutesChange raid time for all maps in minutes.
RemoveInRaidLootingRestrictionstrue/falseRemove restrictions on how many specific items you can carry in you PMC inventory.
universalRaidTimeminutesChange all map raid times in minutes.
disableLabScavstrue/falseEnter labs as scav (extract might be broken).
difficultyOfAIvariableChange default AI difficulty when entering a raid. (see values below)
amountOfAIvariableChange default AI amount when entering a raid. (see values below)
enabledBosstrue/falseEnable or disable boss spawning by default.
instantInsurancetrue/falseEnable or disable instant insurance returns.
instantHideoutTimestrue/falseEnable or disable instant hideout building and production.
increasedXPMultipliertrue/falseEnable or disable increased experience and skill multipliers.
miaXPMultintegerXP gained when MIA in raid multiplied by this number.
survivedXPMultintegerXP gained when surviving in raid multiplied by this number.
runnerXPMultintegerXP gained when running through raid multiplied by this number.
killedXPMultintegerXP gained when killed in raid multiplied by this number.
skillMultiplierintegerSkill level up multiplied by this number.
wepSkillMultiplierintegerWeapon skill level up multiplied by this number.
lootMultiplierintegerMap loot multiplied by this number.
scavWarstrue/falseHave scavs fight each other.
taggedAndCursedtrue/falseEnemies on map will know where you are at all times and hunt you down.
enablePvetrue/falseEnable/disable bot spawning.

Possible AI values:

Ai amount:







Ai Diff:







Side note: I am no longer maintaining this mod. This was ultimately just for personal use and it should work fine for 3.5.0. I really appreciate the response and suggestions! :)

  • Version 1.0.8

    Added the following raid options:

    scavWars = true/false

    taggedAndCursed = true/false

    enablePve = true/false



  • Version 1.0.7

    Updated instant insurance code to go through all available traders who have insurance enabled.

    Added instant hideout construction and production times (except for bitcoins and water).


  • Version 1.0.6

    Added the following options:

    "RemoveInRaidLootingRestrictions" - when enabled, armbands and melee of AI PMCs will become lootable.

    "RemoveInRaidCarryRestrictions" - remove restrictions on how many specific items you can carry in you PMC inventory

  • Version 1.0.5

    Added an option to enable or disable raid time extender (please see config file).

  • Version 1.0.4

    Added loot multiplier (base map loot multiplier * config number)

  • Version 1.0.3

    Added option for XP multipliers (match end, skills and weapon skills)

    Reduced deploy time to 2 seconds from 10.

  • Version 1.0.2

    Decreased insurance interval time from 600 seconds to 60 seconds (makes insurance messages appear faster while maintaining stability).

  • Version 1.0.1

    Added option for instant insurance returns. lolipanic

  • Version 1.0.0

  • i need help,i cant download the mod

  • I dont know why but it doesnt work for me. In server console it writest that restrictions are gone but when i start the game they are here. i tried to change launch order but still nothing

  • Tested with 3.8.0 and still works with latest version.

  • Please update!

    • Hello. This will work with 3.5.0. The reason I put this as outdated is because I can no longer maintain my mods in the future.

      Thank you and sorry for the late response!

      Happy 1
  • How do I edit the values? Like loot multiplier

    • Set multiplier to whatever number you want. For example, putting "2" will double the loot and so fourth.

  • Can you enable Labs without the need of the key?

  • Can someone please upload a mod to another resource for download? doesn’t work for me, no matter how I try, I can’t even access the site from my phone and it doesn’t work with vpn either, as if the site is dead.

  • I am unable to get the insurance to work with this. I put the SVM below this and turned off the insurance modifiers and I still do not get anything back.

  • Curious before downloading - did you implement any sort of scav-spawn timing options or even just the ability to extend the default spawn rate to match whatever overall raid time chosen?

    • No, I didn't.

      Heart 1
    • do you want any assistance?

    • Sure if you'd like to help. You can PM me. :)

  • Hey, just asking so i dont mess it up, where should i put this?

    • spt-aki root folder/user/mods folder.

  • In future would an ammo stack edit option be possible?

    • Possibly when 3.5.0 comes out. :)

      Heart 1
  • Any chance you can remove cases & bag restriction? So one can add whatever to any case, bag or gamma.

    • I'll look into it. :thumbup:

  • can you add scav war option please?

    • Please download the latest version. :)

    • thank you

  • Is there any documentation for options? I just need to set default amount of bots and leave other options as default.

    • Open "config.json" with text editor in your SPT-AKI\user\mods\SimpleRaidConfig\config folder and edit the value "amountOfAI".

      Here are all possible values for it:








      I will update the description with explanations for all config options soon.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hello. I cannot download mod from link. Is it available? Tried today and yesterday.

  • Is it possible to include an option to turn off the limit on how many keycards you can carry in the raid?

    in "Andrudis-QoL-Configurator" was an Option.

    "RemoveInRaidLootingRestrictions" : false,

    "RemoveInRaidCarryRestrictions" : false,

    Can i just copy past them?

    • I was able to add those options in a new version. :thumbup:Just enable them in config.

    • thanks man :thumbup::saint:

      Heart 1
  • Does this mod support Immersive Raid mod ?
    What about Swag mod ?

    Thanks !

    • EDIT:

      I just uploaded a new version that adds a setting to enable or disable raid time extender. Hopefully will make immersive raid mod compatible. :)

      For Immersive Raid mod: Although I only change the escape time for each map to 99 minutes, it is probably not compatible since it changes the raid time drastically. You can try and see if it

      still works though.

      As for SWAG, I don't see any compatibility issues since that changes how bots spawn, which I don't touch.

    • I thought that AI count may cause issues with Swag, same for AI difficulty with Poop mod.
      Thanks for this change, your mod seems really good !

      Heart 1
  • does this change the raid loot amount?

    • I added an option to change loot multiplier. :)

      Happy 1
    • could you please tell me where to find it? id hate to mess the wrong value up lol

    • Go to your SPT aki folder and navigate to user\mods\SimpleRaidConfig\config and open config.json in a text editor.

      At the bottom you should see

      "lootMultiplier": 1

      Change the number to whatever you want. So, if you want double loot:

      "lootMultiplier": 2

      Save and restart your server.

      Happy 1
    • thank you so much

    • if i dont see it, do i add it in?