Error converting value {null} 'System.Int64'. Path 'ragfair.salesSum', line 1, position 402284

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file
    Server log file…wmj4JhScgDVzafeGHrdU5bstj
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    List of used mods
    SPT-AKI version 2.0.1 only

    Launched the game earlier in the day and did a customs run. Exited and went to play another game with some pals. Came back later this evening and tried to list some .338 Lapua ammo on the flea market, as soon as I posted the item it was returned to me listed as not being sold. When I tried to pull it from the market/reward/insurance return screen into my stash the ammo got the loading circles over both stacks. Shortly after I was presented with this error. Not sure if this is something I did or just a random error. I apologies in advance if I messed up any of the information I was supposed to give I give it my best crack. Thank you in advance for any assistance you are able to provide.



  • I wiped my profile and that resolved the issue. I will continue to update this threat if I encounter the specific error again and will follow up with the appropriate logs. For those who took the time to view it and try to help thank you for what you do I appreciate it. If there is any insight as to the nature of the error feel free to let me know as well as if there is a potential fix. Thank you for reading.



    • Helpful

    If this issue will come back in the future, you need to edit you profile and delete your ragfair offers from:


    is should look something like this:

    "RagfairInfo": {
                    "rating": 0.2,
                    "isRatingGrowing": true,
                    "offers": []

    Closing as resolved

  • Andrudis

    Closed the thread.
  • SPT Team

    Set the Label from In progress to Solved

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