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Scav Karma Expanded
Scav Karma Expanded adds missing scav karma features to SPT-AKI.
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The mod modifies the generation of the player scav to adjust the loadout according to your scav karma level. This means that with a high scav karma level you have a higher chance of spawning with weapons, armor, backpacks etc. and with a low scav karma level a lower chance.
- 📈 Different chances of equipment and modification spawns for the different scav karma levels.
- 📊 Changed minimum and maximum amount of item spawn, like magazines, grenades, or medicine.
- ➕ Addition and ➖ Removal of equipment for specific scav karma levels.
To add a configuration for a Scav Karma level create a file under config/levels and name it -7 through 6 with .json at the end. Example: 0.json for Scav Karma level 0-0.99 and 1.json for Scav Karma level 1-1.99. The configuration options can be found in the template.json file.
You only have to add the options in the file which you want to adjust. A minimal example config can be found inexample.json.
This option defines the base template for the Player Scav, it defines the possible loot, weapons, mods, etc. the bot can spawn with. Possible values are all filenames in Aki_Data/Server/database/bots/types.
If you want to exclude equipment from the Player Scav generation add the id of the equipment in the respective category. Ids of items can be found in the URL of the equipment piece on
It does the opposite of equipmentBlacklist. To include an equipment piece in the generation add the id and the probability of the equipment spawning in the respective category. An example can be found in example.json.
The equipment modifiers influence the spawn rate of the equipment category the value after the category can range from 0 (not spawning) to 100 (spawns every time). The mod modifiers influence the spawn rate of weapon attachments like scopes, etc. The value after the mod name can also range from 0 to 100.
The minis the guaranteed amount of the item type to spawn everytime and max is the maximum amount.
The starting health can be set to any positive number.