Tyrian added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreEssentially, this mod removes all fragmentation by default from all default ammunition types. It does however have a config that can be edited to make the fragmentation of all ammunition be whatever you so please, yes that means you can make all ammunition be 100% fragmentation chance.
Due to the nature of fragmentation though, and the fact that it's BSG buggy by default, your experience may vary.
Ultimately the reason why I made this mod is due to the fact that fragmentation is particularly broken in Tarkov, its implementation makes it so that ammo under a certain penetration threshold will never fragment and rounds that do fragment end up doing full damage for every fragment piece, at least that's what can happen on SPT which seems to cause quite the few bullshit deaths where one shot is enough to black out all your limbs and kill you.
Simply drop the folder in the zip straight into your mods folder, use 7zip or something, it's a .7z file. Don't use windows default extractor, it sucks and likely won't work.
Installation: Goes into user/mods/
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