AKI Launcher unable to launch the game after "patching"

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    Fresh install of SPT 3.5.5 without any mods. The server would launch OK and shows the green text saying it is ready, but when I open the launcher, it says "patching" and then nothing happens. I also tried downgrading to the 22173 version with the patcher, with SPT 3.5.4, and get the same result. I have the .NET 4.7.2 and 6.0 installed.

    EDIT: I realized that the log files attached here are generated when I tried to launch the EFT.exe in the SPT folder directly without using the SPT launcher. On a fresh 3.5.5 install I have the same issue described above but no log files are generated.

    Edited 2 times, last by amethyst ().

  • I just realized that after I sent my previous reply.. And no, I don't have the administrator setting on the EFT.exe itself. The client and BepInEx logs I posted appear to have some error messages in them, but I can't understand what they mean. I'm guessing the AKI launcher is trying to initiate the EFT.exe and ran into some problems, but I have no idea why this is happening on a fresh install...

  • I have the same issue after switching to 3.5.5

    Server seems to be working fine according to the messages on its window.

    But when I click Launch on the Launcher, it says "Patching..." and then stops doing anything, Launch button goes black. Server keeps giving "Profile changes saved" message.

    Tried removing all the mods and the outcome is same.

    Didn't have such issue with 3.5.4 but now I can't play as I updated EFT Client :)

    Any help?

  • It looks like you are having very similar issues to me. Have you tried downgrading or perhaps doing a fresh re-install of 3.5.4? I can’t even get 3.5.4 to work which is strange.

  • It looks like you are having very similar issues to me. Have you tried downgrading or perhaps doing a fresh re-install of 3.5.4? I can’t even get 3.5.4 to work which is strange.

    I managed to fix the issue by using SPT-Installer instead of manually installing 3.5.5

    But now I have a different problem; My inventory doesn't show up (the GEAR tab) as well as traders' inventories.

    Maybe a mod is conflicting, will have to check one by one :)

    Edit: Yeah, found the culprits; it was Faupi's Hideout Architent and Munition Experts mods. I guess they got broken somehow with 3.5.5 update.

    Edited once, last by Rj0lnir ().

  • I managed to fix the issue by using SPT-Installer instead of manually installing 3.5.5

    But now I have a different problem; My inventory doesn't show up (the GEAR tab) as well as traders' inventories.

    Maybe a mod is conflicting, will have to check one by one :)

    Edit: Yeah, found the culprits; it was Faupi's Hideout Architent and Munition Experts mods. I guess they got broken somehow with 3.5.5 update.

    I'm glad you managed to fix the problem! I tried using the SPT installer for a fresh 3.5.5 install but no luck, still the same problem.. I also don't have any mods installed.

  • (temporarily?) RESOLVED!

    I finally got the game to work, although I'm not sure exactly what fixed it. Here are the things I tried:

    1. I've seen some mentions of disabling fullscreen optimizations on Windows 10 may have an effect (guide).

    2. When I was tinkering with the install, I kept the mods I wanted to install in a backup folder within the SPTarkov folder. I deleted this backup folder.

    3. After doing 1 and 2, a fresh install of 3.5.5 launched properly.

    4. I then re-installed my mods and noted that the 1.4.0 version of POOP would cause the game to not launch. Other mods including SAIN v1.4, Server Value Modifier v1.6.3, Waypoints v1.0.2, Visceral Dismemberment v1.0.4, MOAR 1.2.4, AI Limit v1.4.5, etc. all worked fine without causing the game launch issue.

    HOWEVER, I tried reverting 1 and 2 to duplicate the issue but the game would still run fine? I'm still unsure what exactly caused the problem and what I did to fix it, but at least the game is launching properly now. Hopefully this may help anyone with the same issue.

  • chomp

    Closed the thread.

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