Backend error: Cannot resolve destination host (yes, again, sorry ☻)

  • Server version
    SPT-AKI 3.5.5 - I guess. I used automatic installation
    Game client version
    Client log file…oHnyEEPpP1tkWaNF86JyzQJZ1
    BepInEx log file…E1WvHL4Ybq99UyVxXpCtqm1dw
    Server log file…kSrWYex3e1UpSga6dHnnawFJN
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    From the official site of the game
    List of used mods
    None, only SPT-AKI

    Hello! Sorry to bother, I'm pretty useless with all this. I have noticed that everything works perfectly, until the moment I click on start the game, then several files are automatically deleted from the folder (I attached images). I disabled the antivirus (windows defender), I excluded the folder so that the antivirus ignores it, but the files are still deleted. The truth is that I can't figure out what's going on, maybe something is escaping me or I'm doing something wrong. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide, I really like the idea of this SPT-AKI mod and would like to try it out. And I hope I filled all fields correctly, I'm tired and half asleep, about 4 hours ago I'm trying things to get it to work, now it's 4:45 am.

  • Sorry, i noticed i did not change the expire time of LogOutput.log [1] and server-2023-05-05-04.log [2], so I reuploaded them.

    [1] -…UQXdSXd4A8RKmKrRUqyactoFg

    [2] -…RtuEaV7y5KDSstFhsdJJUkxAz

    It is not necessary to show beauties to the blind, nor to tell the truth to the deaf. Just don't lie to the one who listens to you or disappoint the one who trusted you. Words conquer temporarily, but facts win us over forever.

    Origin: someone somewhere at sometime

  • i got the same prblm, i also disabled my firewall but nothing work. I also tried to install some old version of SPT and reinstall my game but nothing work.

  • Firstly, i think the delete files are normal when you start SPT for the first time. I keep searching and i think i find a good start. Go in [SPT FOLDER]/aki_data/server/configs and modifiy "http.json". Replace the by your IP Adress (you can find that in cmd by using "ipconfig"). Restart your computer and try to restart the server and start the game.

    By doing this, i can start a raid but can't load the menu when i'm extract and after that, the server keep have problem. I also see that when the server start and i launch the game, i need to use the task manager to shutdown the server.

    I tried to do some other changes but that's the best thing i found.

    i hope that can help.

  • Hello, mine is located in D:\Game\SPT.
    I'm pretty sure the problem is only with the server but i can't understand how to solve. I already try to turn off the firewall and the antivirus but that's doesn't work.

  • CWX

    Closed the thread.

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