Can't open half of the game's vendors.

  • So I played to level 22 without any real issue from traders or anything, then one day out of the blue, half the traders stopped working. It happens with Therapist, Fence, Peacekeeper, Ragman, and the mod trader I have. Not sure how it happened, but it did. I searched online and found nothing but the FAQ for R-7 which tells me to edit a file that doesn't exist in 1.0.1 to fix an error kickback that's actually different from the one I'm getting. Would really love to have trader functionality back without having to start from scratch again.

  • You have an item in your inventory that do not exists (any more or at all) in the game (maybe because it was added by some mod that is already removed, or existing mod added non-existing item). To fix this you need to get rid of invalid items from you inventory. If you have removed any mods recently - try to get them back and delete all items related to those mods.

  • I haven't uninstalled any mods, and as far as I know, the only mod that adds anything to items is Senko's SR-25 Shorty's compatibility with the MPX-SD barrel from the All-in-one, or the JustNU scav suits included in the all-in-one and the SuperIFAK mod. I made this profile when I upgraded to 1.0.1 using fresh game files downgraded. I ran the server, then game then closed it down and installed the mods in the logs. I've had those the whole time and haven't uninstalled or removed anything. The only thing that I've done was buy a scav top from the scav suits mod. So no mods have been added or removed since this folder was created. In fact the only thing I've changed in any files is increasing the scav boss spawn rate in the CP spawn rework for woods and Interchange.

    Edit: Just remembered Scavcat adds that mounted MG. Gonna test and see if that's it.

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