After-Raid Crash When Trying to Move/Modify/Inspect Found In Raid Items

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file…gfZRJbUp38abgytiKNwQnruXa
    BepInEx log file…F1A8nhyzd3fnqiFhQX4t7Y9uk
    Server log file…AhsF4bmCsxiMmToVdUDwKFnN1
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    Whenever this occurs, I get an error message pop up - the same error that can be found on line 520 of the client log file (image of the pop-up included just in case it helps). It boots me back to the main menu, and when I return to the character stash/inventory menu and try to move or do anything with the found in raid items, a few seconds later, it boots me back to the menu again. It only seemed to have happened with a few items, though given that the error pops up a few seconds after doing any of the actions, I can't be sure of this. I wasn't able to find any threads (solved or still open) about this same error - if there is one, please direct me to it. I also didn't find anything about this in the FAQs, and if I've done any of the files incorrectly, I can re-do the links.

  • Can you attach your profile JSON please…se7W7nTBfBSHVJUAyKseAFA8x I believe this is the correct JSON file for the correct profile, though if it's not, I can get the proper one.

    You mention this only happens with certain items, what are they?

    Like I said, I'm not entirely sure if it was just those items, but in the three or four times that this happened, the last item I had interacted with was:

    - A Xenomorph Sealing Foam, which I was trying to sell on the flea market (and succeeded in doing so, even though I was kicked back to the main menu right after putting the offer up).

    - An M9A3 magazine, which I removed the ammo from and then put a different ammo into, and then put into one of my M9A3s.

    - A Magpul MOE Carbine Stock, which I put onto an M4A1, which wasn't found in raid. (That is, the M4A1 was not found in raid - the stock was).

    - A stack of 17 9x19mm Green Tracer bullets, from the previously mentioned M9A3 magazine.

    • Official Post

    I looked up the classes in your error, its related to your profile Common skills, perhaps its failing due to the server attempting to give you skill points

    I've loaded your profile on my machine and am having trouble reproducing the error, if you have any guaranteed steps i can perform, that would be appreciated

  • I looked up the classes in your error, its related to your profile Common skills, perhaps its failing due to the server attempting to give you skill points

    I've loaded your profile on my machine and am having trouble reproducing the error, if you have any guaranteed steps i can perform, that would be appreciated

    I've just booted up the game for the first time since last night (when I ran into the issue), and tried to do everything that was causing the error last night (selling to traders, flea market, loading/unloading ammo, adding/removing weapon mods, moving things around), and it's not occurring anymore. I should note that I restarted the game when this happened last night, but I didn't shut down and restart the server, which I did do today - perhaps that fixed the issue?

    Regardless, it seems to be working just fine now.

  • chomp

    Closed the thread.

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