Despite entering my login details to the launcher correctly, according to my profile.. file, it comes back with "Username or password is incorrect."
The profile I am attempting to log in to is from a previous SPT-AKI version, created in an older version, then successfully moved and played on the 1.1.0-A7.3 build.
I have a hunch this has to do with the profiles on the 1.1.0-A(x) branch being incompatible with 1.1.0 profiles.
Obviously something has gone wrong moving it from 1.1.0-A7.3 to 1.1.0, so I created a new profile to test if my install works in the first place, and it does, so the issue surely lies with the existing profile from an old version.
Searching through somewhat similar threads and noting that NULs within the profile will break it, I searched for such but could not find any. There was however an instance of "-1 experience", for whatever that's worth.
There is sometimes a message on the server console that reads something along the lines of "(something) could not confirm or deny (something)"
I am unsure how it is created as I cannot intentionally cause it to appear again.
NOTE: The client log is likely not useful, as it seems to come from the newly created trial profile that has no progress beyond being created.