Money bug? How to remove the minus number of roubles

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    I may have hit a bug where a sale on the fleamarket was not sold.

    I did have 2.2 billion (yes billion) roubles, but after the sale failed, my money seems to have a minus in front of it, ie -2.2 billion. Any stuff I sell does seem to reduce the number, ie if I had -100k and sold something for 20k, I am left with -80k, so the counters seem to work, they are just minus numbers.

    Cos the game sees me as having minus money, I cannot list anything on the flea or buy from the flea.

    I have a few questions:

    1. Has anyone had this before?

    2. Anyone know how to fix it?

    3. Anyone know where/if the rouble count is listed in the user config file? Can I edit this and correct the bug?

    If it cannot be fixed then I will just have to nuke the profile and start again. Not a great issue but I was trying to work my way through all the quests at least once :D


    • Official Post

    The maximum money eft can handle is 2147483647 of any currency, you may have gone over this and caused your money to 'overflow'. If you delete a few stacks of rubles (500k) and restart the client, does it fix it?

    If not, you can try finding inventory items with the tpl of "5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f" and changing its "StackObjectsCount" to a positive value

  • AHA!!

    I did delete a few stacks of cash and restarted server and launcher which didn't seem to help, at least initially. So I also had a look through the profile file and couldn't see any of the 2284 hits I had for the tpl with a negative stack count, but this was a manual review and I may have missed something

    I restarted the server and launcher and deleted some more cash (several millions) and it seems to have fixed it!! I now have a positive number for cash and can buy and sell on the flea.

    So it would seem that my experiment to see if I could be a zillionaire failed, I will need to be happy with 2 billion lol

    Thanks bud

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