Nothing spawn on MARKED ROOMS

  • Hey guys, can someone have the same problem as me ; Nothing spawn on the marked rooms ? I tried on Custom multiple times and nothing on the ground, and on the Wood map same, nothing on the Marked place near the lumbermill every time, maybe someone have the solution ? Thanks

  • Loot Rates are turned down a lot by the standard SPT-AKI - I think with:
    "GlobalLootChanceModifier" : 0.23

    "LocationsLootChanceModifier" : 0.8

    For me using a mod like ANDRUDIS-QOL-CONFIGURATOR or ALLINONE MOD and tweaking the spawn rates fixed this (I'm using ANDRUDIS-QOL-CONFIGURATOR with "GlobalLootChanceModifier" : 1.3 and "LocationsLootChanceModifier" : 1.1).

    Maybe this helps.

    - keep in mind that those mods are still for the older version of SPT-AKI and I haven't tested them on the new update.

  • Oh nice thanks for the help, i have set ;

    "GlobalLootChanceModifier" : 1,

    "LocationsLootChanceModifier" : 1,

    in the configurator but i have this in the server logs ; [QoL] Locations Loot Chance Modifier changed to: undefined

    How can i solve that ?

  • Looks like some problem with my QoL Configurator. I'll check and either release update or let you know how to fix this

  • Ok, looks like I've accidently missed 'r' in the end of variable used to write log, so it will write 'undefined' in the log but will set whatever value you have in the config correctly.

    Logger.log(`[QoL] Locations Loot Chance Modifier changed to: ` + Config.LocationsLootChanceModifie);

    You do not need to solve that - I'll fix log in the next release, but it will have no effect on how it works now.

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