[MODDED] Stuck on infinite loading screen/splash art screen, can't get to Main Menu

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file
    BepInEx log file
    Server log file
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    The Official EFT Website
    List of used mods
    Amanda's Graphics
    Clear Thermals
    Server Value Modifier

    I've been struggling to get SPT to work with the newest version. I heard SPT got updated and I wanted to get back into it, but I can't get the thing to load.

    It's just as the title says. I load up the game, the server AKI says everything works and "Happy Playing!", the game boots up and then I get stuck on the loading screen for eternity.

    Yes, I have read the FAQ. The 4 points the FAQ addresses:

    1. Your client version is wrong - I have the newest version of SPT, as well as the latest update of EFT as of 10/15/2023, as well as the newest versions of the few mods I have. I did also have a mod called "LOCK-PICKING ATTORNEY (TRADER)" just to be able to grab the quest keys cheaply but I have deleted it during my hours of troubleshooting this issue. I have been told it should still work, but given that the mod isn't tagged as being compatible with the newest SPT version I will assume that is not true.

    2. You're missing one of the prerequisite .NET runtimes - either .NET Framework 4.7.2 or .NET 6 - Both items are marked as being installed during the fresh install of SPT. Nevertheless, I have tried reinstalling both .NET items and doing ANOTHER fresh install of SPT and still no results.

    3. Your antivirus is blocking one of the client .DLL plugins - Never had this issue before, but still I went into Malwarebytes and insured it allows/does not mark my SPT install as a "threat". Windows Defender does not mark SPT as a problem, but I have done the same there. Still no fix.

    4. Your game files are corrupt (most likely cause of Specified cast is not valid error) - I would assume having fresh installs of both SPT and EFT would mean this isn't the case, although for all I know my luck is so crap that something is breaking right after being installed. So this one could be true, but everything is freshly installed so I don't think this is the issue.

    All 4 points of the FAQ are addressed and I am still having this issue. I have also tried removing all mods, including the Server Value Modifier, to run a purely vanilla SPT. It still gets stuck on an infinite loading screen.

    Any help with this issue is greatly appreciated.

    EDIT: It just occurred to me that the "Where did you download your game from?" question was referring to SPT and not Escape from Tarkov itself. I downloaded the auto-installer from the SPT-AKI website and used that to install SPT. Apologies if I misunderstood what that question was asking.

  • chomp

    Changed the title of the thread from “Stuck on infinite loading screen/splash art screen, can't get to Main Menu” to “[MODDED] Stuck on infinite loading screen/splash art screen, can't get to Main Menu”.
  • It looks like you're still using `TheEyeOfAres-ClearThermals`, try replacing it with a mod made for 3.7.1, e.g. Clear Thermal Sights

    That's actually the exact same mod. EyeofAres-ClearThermals IS Clear Thermal Sights. (At least, that's what prints out in the server AKI: "Mod: ClearThermals version: 4.0.0 by: TheEyeOfAres loaded" is what it says)

    Regardless, I have tried re-downloading that mod (using your link) AND just removing the mod entirely. I still have an infinite loading screen.

    • Official Post
    • Helpful

    Your client log shows errors that suggest a patch failure, can you confirm your EscapeFromTarkov.exe file version is ``

    Can you also confirm this file exists: `Aki_Data\Launcher\Patches\aki-core\EscapeFromTarkov_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll.bpf`

    Can you also try downloading the zip from here: https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-…leases/releases/tag/3.7.1

    Then copy the files (using 7Zip) into your SPT folder, make sure to overwrite everything

  • Apologies for the late response, just got off work.

    Looking at my files I can see I made a mistake in my initial report and actually gave the version for the launcher, not the game itself. The version of EFT I have is I can confirm that.

    I can also confirm I have the CSharp file you mentioned in that exact same file path.

    I will now try downloading the Zip you linked and will update afterwards.

    EDIT: After installing the files in the link provided and overwriting my SPT folder, the game is now working! Thank you so much for your help. I suppose I know now that if the game doesn't work after using the auto-installer that I should try to manually install the files and see if that fixes the issue.

    Thank you again!

    Edited once, last by TheSilentAssassin: Confirmation that the game is now working. ().

  • chomp

    Closed the thread.

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