Bobitec added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreFirst of all I would like to thank the work of PAPERSHREDDER432 for his original mod found HERE
If PAPERSHREDDER432 wants me to remove the mod and it wants to integrate to its version my changes, it will be with pleasure that I remove this fork.
The version you will find here is a port of his work with mainly rebalancing stuff to make the whole less cheating and a new version of each stims more powerful but only obtainable in craft at the medical case in the hideout.
Here is a updated version of this mod for 3.8.0 (thanks to Watsy for his work) : i update this page here, it's because i add new features, otherwise it's stay here on 3.7.1 like that and you have to take the Watsy one.
Dont forget to put a like and comment on his mod page found HERE