DeadLeaves added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreAdds crafts for progressively getting a bigger container.
The recipes are quite expensive by default. It's simply the way I prefer things. Can be changed in the config file.
the crafts are as following by default.
Codepouch: 4xbolts, 4xnuts, pistol case, 2xduct tape, 2xblue tape alpha: 2xpouch, 4xmetal parts, 2xkektape, magazine case, 2xpoexeram beta: 2xalpha, 4xscrews, 4xnails, ammo case, bit coin epsi: 2xbeta, virtex, scav junk box, key tool, 2xgraphics card, shturman key, golden tt, sledge hammer gamma: 2xepsi, Tagilla cap, Sanitar Bag, Killa Helmet, 1xweapon case, 2xAESA, yellow keycard, tank battery kappa: 2xgamma, 4xbig pipe pipe, 2xaspect company key, 2 x far foward, red keycard, violet keycard, blue keycard
I personally run with these container sizes.
You need another mod (like SVM) to edit container sizes.
Inspired by part of Trap's progressive stash, but no code has been copied. Still, huge thanks for the amazing idea!