FPS Drop (constantly)

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    Hi there!

    I have a weird issue that only happens with SPT-AKI, it does not happen with the Live version of the game.

    Everytime I load into a raid, after a few minutes I'll have continuous FPS drops.
    Basically, it goes from like 180 to 60, then back to 180.
    After a few minutes, same thing happens, and it keeps on happening until I extract...

    It is something that does not occur when playing the live version.
    Tried re-installing spt-aki, put NO mods at all to see if it was a mod causing this, and still this happens.

    I have an i7 10700k @ 5.2GHz. RTX 3080 and 64GB of DDR4 3600MHz RAM.
    Gen 4 1TB NVMe.

    Playing with exactly the same configurations as the live version of the game, and running on 2K Resolution which is the native res for my monitor.
    Any idea what might be causing this?

  • Vsync? (toggle off and back on) I seem to remember having this issue with GTA 5. I have a similar issue in live and SPT-AKI where the game will randomly change my monitor setting back to native 4k instead of 2k causing big fps drops until I toggle it in settings.

  • Hmm I didn't try that out, I will give it a go!
    Tarkov does like to change my settings from time to time, yesterday I had 3000 Overall Visibility out of nowhere lol

  • its also tarkov, an un-optimised game.... i also get the same from 140 down to 60..... seems to be when the ai spawn in

  • Yah bot wave spawns causing this seems alot more likely. You can look at the AKI server and see the bot wave spawn in while watching your FPS so this should be easy to test. If it is the bots you could probably fix this using one of the AI Limiter mods or wave spawn controllers.

  • i use them still get the drops as prob the game is not designed to spawn pmc and covert some scavs to a pmc... plus i think they use something else along side the game for the ai spawning on live (something is telling me unity), which is why it dont affect it the same way

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