NullReferenceException after returning from a raid

  • Server version
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    Client log file…g3T35SgYByocCCVaqPTZfH3vz
    BepInEx log file…QPd8BYVhzbiXJVpG2nwXqsWFk
    Server log file…wrTy7TXzwLuGYuu7A8Cmqsk4G
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    The official BSG EFT Launcher, as was obtained from
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    I have recently gotten into a loop of Null Reference Exceptions that prevent me from playing. I did look through the FAQ and saw the "Error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"" line, however that specifically mentions one should have at least opened up official EFT before playing SPT. I have been playing for several days at this point, roughly 100 raids - not to mention I do recall opening official EFT once prior, so I don't think that FAQ answer applies here.

    Just reading through the stack trace, there was some issue with cloning an item from a given preset?

    • Best Answer

    Well, that's... both encouraging and upsetting. Just launched it again with basically no changes on my end (other than maybe leaving the server up for about a day?) and now I'm no longer experiencing the crash loop.

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