Infinite Loading Screen on startup

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file…X3epDLjV3ox7DX3xoGMgnwd1u
    BepInEx log file…XE2AQRjJJAqvotU2eZQpY3wVv
    Server log file…KVRJFo3esasqshKx4qw5ceLa6
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    Purchased Directly off BSG website
    List of used mods

    Tonight was my first attempt at downloading SPT. Thought about it for a while now and decided to give it a go. Once everything is installed and I boot the game up (Running server first, then launcher), I get to the first loading screen in the game and it will not go any further. I have read through the FAQ and have tried multiple things. At first I thought I needed to run the patcher to get an older Live game file, but as listed above, the game version is correct. I did also completely uninstall the Battlestate games launcher as well as Escape from tarkov, also deleting all the files I had created while downloading SPT. Since then I reinstalled the Live game and then created a new folder for SPT and used the automatic installer to get that up and going again. Once again I just get the infinite loading screen. I then tried to do the manual install, where when I unzip everything I just overwrite all the files it asks me to. Nothing seems to be working for me. Thanks in advance for any help.

  • I just got past the infinite loading screen! Ill relay what I did in case it helps anyone in the future. Thank you for your help Chomp. I got home about an hour ago, double checked I had both Framework and Runtime installed. I then did a FULL uninstall of the Live game along with all SPT files I had created. By FULL uninstall, what I mean is I used the Uninstall.exe within the files, but even after that I made sure to delete the leftover BSG folder that was still exsisting. Even further, I went ahead and searched my %appdata% folders and deleted all BSG folders that were located in there. I believe those last two steps were the most important. The residue folder and the appdata information. I then used the automatic installer as recommended and the game booted up just fine. Yet to do a raid but glad I got as far as I did! Thanks again.

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