Game randomly freezes and crashes to desktop

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file…FhRF2P3e8NF1MGjis9rgZ31ur
    BepInEx log file…iV57wpBnnkAKwAvq5Q86Sokwg
    Server log file…kFQSTyiPGa6FDkmdTE1vyvyCT
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from? , // I used the automated installer
    List of used mods
    1. CactusPieMinimap
    2. DrakiaXYZ-Waypoints
    3. Realism
    4. SAIN
    5. AmandsGraphics
    6. DrakiaXYZ-BigBrain
    7. skwizzy.LootingBots
    8. SPTQuestingBots

    Crashes were occurring without mods as well

    As mentioned in the title the game randomly freezes, it doesn't really matter if i'm on main menu, loading into the map or mid-raid. I wanted to compare the logs from the crashes to see if i can find similarities. First i noticed "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" i've managed to fix this error with FAQ. Then i tried all the four things mentioned in FAQ "Game crash to desktop (specified cast is not valid/a value)". I thought yesterday that *4. actually fixed my problem since it wasn't crashing for a while, but today the crash happened again. I've read a couple of similar reports of this issue so i posted some additional logs that might help.


    Operating System: Windows 11

    CPU: Intel i7-11800H 2.3GHz

    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop

    Memory: 16GB
    Disk Space: 1TB

    I'm running constant 50 fps with occasional drops at the start of the raid. The issue doesn't seem to be related to hardware. I made sure to clean my fans so the GPU and CPU cool properly (I was running 20 fps max before). I was also keeping track of my memory usage and while it does go high when loading (about 95%) it drops back down to normal levels when in-raid (about 75-85%) . When crash occurs the memory stays at those levels. I also tried using Process Lasso to lower memory usage and set CPU priority & affinity, but that was mostly for performance and it didn't help with the crashes. I also made sure to update my drivers

    Similar issues:

    (Game Crashes 3-5 mins into Raid)

    (Game keep suddenly close very completely absuolute randomly without error message)

    Error logs (All of the crashes in errors logs occurred at the last timestamp):


    24/1/2024 errors log:…FhRF2P3e8NF1MGjis9rgZ31ur

    24/1/2024 Player log:…d6AzzJ5nfeD1oTgkkF5CwRrXP

    23/1/2024 errors log 1:…FhEADnNNZjfgow1GbJ1rqz27D

    23/1/2024 traces log:…b3jCerbJGDEJnkP6tdHsZy2rX

    23/1/2024 errors log 2:…gut2ZSxEnpbKZSnG5Ast8Pco7



    I've come across a reddit post where someone used Windows Event Viewer to find the error that was causing this issue. I looked at the approximate time when SPT crashed last and found 2 events pointing to the ProfilerPlugin_PerfHelper.dll. From what i've seen googling this issue, it seems its quite common and the reddit post also has a solution, delete the ProfilerPlugin_PerfHelper.dll. I deleted this file and game seems to be running normally, i also disabled Avast Anti-Virus which some people suggested could cause issues, but i have a feeling that deleting this plugin sorted this issue out so im turning it back on (further tests required, although it ran 6h in background with intermittent raids with no issues, when it would have crashed within 2h previously).

    Reddit post:…fhelperdll_crash_my_game/

    So if anyone else has encountered this issue here's what you can try doing:
    1. Search for "Event Viewer" on your PC (Make sure you remember the approximate crash timestamp)
    2. Go to "Windows Logs" > "Application" and sort by "Date and Time"

    3. Search for Windows Error Reporting (Event ID: 1001) - Look at the attached picture (eventviewer.png)

    4. Right-click > Event Properties

    5. In General tab you should see info about the crash report. P1 should be EscapeFromTarkov.exe, P4 should be ProfilerPlugin_PerfHelper.dll. - Look at the attached picture (eventproperties.png)

    6. If you see these 2 values, you can try temporarily removing the file ProfilerPlugin_PerfHelper.dll to see whether or not this is the cause of your issue. The file should be located at: "<Your_SPT_directory>\EscapeFromTarkov_Data\Plugins\x86_64\ProfilerPlugin_PerfHelper.dll"

  • I wanted to answer earlier, i tested the whole weekendand was literally too shattered yesterday night to produce a decent answer. 😅

    Thanks a lot for that walkthrough, thats a thing i didnt do so far. Will try that tonight when i am home.

    So far i assume it has something to do with drakias waypoints, so i got rid of it and the mods that change bot behaviors and everything is fine now.

    Maybe the event viewer will bring different results, ill give it a try tonight with the whole bunch of mods i normally want to use (SAIN and Realism are just awesome, tbh).

    So there will be another report from me to let you know if it helped.

    Edit I: Do you happen to know, what the perfhelper.dll does?

  • Since the update i posted i haven't had a crash and i'm still playing with all of the mods listed above. It shouldn't even be related to mods since this issue is well known on EFT forum ( I don't know what perfhelper.dll does, but the game runs fine without it for me. It seems to be related to Unity?

    Edit: Based on the name of the plugin it could be related to analyzing and optimizing performance of the game?

  • I have seen that afterwards too. I will find out, its possible i got more than one problem here. 😅

    But I am actually quite hopeful that this dll is the source of all evil. That optimizing could cause trouble isnt just an EFT problem.

    And the mods are just so good, i actually was sad, when i thought its because of the bot changing mods and had to delete them.

    It also makes sence in another way: i wasnt able to reproduce the crash in any form (thats what i tried the whole weekend), it just happens. And that could very well be an optimizing process in the background.

  • So finally i was able to turn the perfhelper off and did a few raids. 2 Solos went like butter, but the third one with guests and mods at full throttle ended in a pretty desaster.
    This time i got a error message though "VirtualAlloc remapping failed".
    After some research i found, i should press ESC during the raid, to allow EFTs own RAM cleaner to do its job.
    It seems this cant be fixed really, because EFT is RAM-hungry like a beast.
    Its 2:45am here and i am heading to bed.
    I hope i can do more testing tomorrow. But finally i got something to work with. Didnt expect 32gb of RAM not being enough for this.

    Update I: I got it, it seems to be a too small page file, which makes sence in this case. I enlarged it to 48gb and got no crashes so far in two raids with guests. Seems to be solved.

    Edited once, last by Vengys: Solution found ().

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