freeing and crashing

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    spt realism mod
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    my game keeps freezing and crashing i have 32GB of ram i also have 4070 my game runs fine no lag no stutter or anything

  • I've just had a quick scan over your logs and I believe your crashing and freezing is to do with LootingBots, SPT Realism Mod and Late to the Party mods. I would like you to try this method and let me know if it works or not:

    Remove LootingBots, SPT Realism Mod or Late to the Party from your mod list one at a time, restart your game and play a raid. Also double check your BepInEx folder for any unwanted/misplaced .dll files as this can cause issues too.


  • I got at least the SPT Realism and the Looting Bots. I got the same issue/s, freezing with sometimes unfreezing or crashing to desk.

    I assume it has to do with Looting Bots, because i had the crashes before i installed the Realism mod.

    I will try it, when i am back home again.

    One last question: if i delete a mod from the folder, the client seems to miss it, but that doesnt produce issues, does it? I am just curious.

  • It sounds like you guys are having the same issue I had a while back with LootingBots and QuestingBots but yeah remove LootingBots the next time you are able to and go from there. I am 90% certain this could be the mischievous mod lol.

    To answer your question; if you delete a mod that has no other dependencies for it (like for example, a mod requiring another mod for it to work or to add more content for the game) then there should be no issues. On the other hand however, if you have any active armour or weapon mods and you suddenly remove it whilst wearing/using those mods that could potentially cause issues so remove any armour and/or weapons from your inventory and stash prior to uninstalling as to not break your game. Just some friendly advice, always double-check the mods you use just in case things change or get updated and read the mod page information properly. I see it time and time again from other users who don't take the time to read things properly when things go a bit awry, it will save you a heep of time and less headaches. Hope this helps!

  • This does help a lot, thanks.
    But unfortunatelly i have to report, even with a fresh installed instance without Looting Bots, but SPT Realism on it still produce crashes.
    I head to further investigations, but turning off Realism does hurt. I just have it for a few days, but i happily donate this guy a kidney if ever needed. Genius.

  • my problem ended up being an issue with one of my ram cards I have no clue if the game caused it or if it was just an old and bad ram card, but I've only had it for 3 years.

  • my problem ended up being an issue with one of my ram cards I have no clue if the game caused it or if it was just an old and bad ram card, but I've only had it for 3 years.

    sometimes RAM cards can become unstable or come loose from light-heavy usage. It happened to me before Christmas I thought my stuff was breaking lol and I've only had my new computer since 2021. Hopefully your game works better since figuring out it was an external issue.


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