SPT Launcher starts to load, but boots me to the main screen again.

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file
    BepInEx log file
    Server log file
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    Battlestate website
    List of used mods
    RPG7 version: 1.0.1 by Choccy
    Fox-PineappleBlitz version: 1.0.0 by LumurkFox
    SVM version: 1.7.2 by KMC, EmuRC-GhostFenixx

    Disclaimer: I'm brand new to the modding community and PC gaming in general, so it's entirely possible I screwed up somewhere there.

    Redownloaded SPT to my new computer yesterday (Jan. 26) and it booted up fine. Downloaded a few mods that I remembered enjoying and wanted to try them out. I loaded up the server and launcher, selected my profile, and tried to play. Launcher acted like it was loading, black screened for a few seconds, then just sent me back to the main menu of the launcher.

  • I've had a look through your posted log files and I can't seem to find anything out of the ordinary other than this below from your client logs. I can't say for sure what this means unfortunately as I have never seen it before. It says "Consistency ensurance (insurance?) failed" which I assume means something to do with insurance failed but I could be wrong.

    Question 1: have you checked your BepInEx folder for any other mods that you haven't listed when making the thread?

    Question 2: have you made any changes to any config files prior to installing mods? For example, aki_data>server>configs or aki_data>server>database...

    Question 3: maybe your profile is missing certain mods you had previously installed before redownloading?

    I do have other questions but just for times sake I will ask them later.


  • Checked the BepInEx folder, no unlisted mods there.

    As far as config files go, not at all. I'm too illiterate when it comes to altering files to want to screw around with it if I didn't have to.

    I did have a few mods when I played on my old computer that I didn't redownload onto this one, but I couldn't get them to run on my old PC, so I just cleared out those files.

    I have the "EscapeFromTarkov_BE.exe" file in my live EFT folder, do I need to copy it over and put it in my SPT folder as well, or is that only in the live game folder because it's an anti-cheat system?

    I also saw a support ticket from someone else who had the same "consistency esurance failed" error a few years ago, Their game client version wasn't compatible with their server version and so they had to downgrade. I'm not sure how to tell if my versions are compatible or not.

  • Okay that's good, so we don't need to worry about anything in those folders.

    You don't need to transfer or copy over the "EscapeFromTarkov_BE.exe" file, usually what happens when you initially setup SPT and then use the downgrade patcher it will remove it anyway so you don't need to worry about that.

    There are two things I would recommend you and everyone else need to make sure you are "subscribed" too which are SPT-AKI versions and AKI Patcher. Just keep checking back periodically for any "silent" updates or if something changes and if you are not sure how to check your client version do the following; go to where your SPT is located > right-click "EscapeFromTarkov.exe" > go to Properties > Details and it will show your File version in the description (screenshot below).

    I believe the "consistency ensurance failed" error is mod related, I was helping somebody with this issue yesterday or a couple days ago. To check if the versions match or are incompatible you'd have to check on the mod page.


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